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HELP part2 Evans Aviation fuel tanks!


Well Known Member
On January 6th 2016 I contacted Evan to build a right hand fuel tank for a friends RV-4! Evan was very helpful and helped me put together a list to send to Vans for a parts order. I ordered the parts on 1-6-16 and had them drop shipped to Evan as we agreed on a price and a deadline of late February for the delivery of the tank to Indiana. That would give us a little wiggle room in the schedule for fitting and painting before Sun n Fun. The parts delivered to Evan on 1-13-16. January 12th was the last text message that I got from Evan. Here are all of the messages that I sent to him.
3-7-16 me any update on the fuel tank? No response!
3-10-16 me, can I get a status update on the -4 tank thanks! No response
3-16-16 me, do u have a picture of the Rv-4 tank that u can send me? Thanks. No response!
4-1-16 me, Evan have u started the tank yet? No response
4-5-16 me Evan if u have not started the rv4 tank you need to send me the parts that I ordered. You have missed our deadline by over a month. You can call me anytime to discuss. Thank you! No response .

At this point I just want Evan to send me my parts that are in his shop. I will also be contacting Vans to let them know the situation. If you know Evan or a different way of getting in touch with him please let me know. I am open for suggestions. Thank you for your help!

I am in a similar situation Jon...maybe even worse since I've also paid Evan for his service and STILL don't have my tanks.

My Story:

August of 2014 contacted Evan, he said he would do the job and complete by December.

September 2014 all of my parts were delivered to Evan.

Just like you Jon, similar or lack thereof responses once past delivery time frame. Had to begin making multiple calls per day until calls returned. Promises to get me in schedule next two weeks. I'd follow up in two weeks....groundhog day...leave messages, no response....finally talked, will get in schedule next two weeks...and so on.

Fast forward to January 2016 - Evan said he's wrapping it up and asked for payment. I promptly sent my check, it was promptly deposited by Evan.

I'd follow up again about delivery, no response...when finally accepted my call he said he found a leak and wanted to fix it. Then I'd follow up again, same routine trying to touch base, another reason, etc.

Two weeks ago he said they shipped. I asked for tracking number, he said he just dropped off and told them to ship. Didn't get a tracking number. Yesterday he said they came back to shipping place and he needed to go look....stories continue. My last communication was that he either needs to send me my tanks providing a tracking number or send back my parts and refund my payment.

Bottom line, he's had my parts since September 2014 (yes 2014), I paid him 3 months ago for his build services and as of today I don't have my tanks.

Very disappointed.
That sucks, guys. Several years ago I foolishly sent a check to a guy in another city for an item he had advertised on Craigslist. Not aviation, just a household item. Same story: check got deposited, never heard another peep via text or email, wouldn't answer phone calls.

I decided to take a little road trip and pay the guy a visit in person. Dangerous and stupid? Probably. I showed up at his house, knocked on the door, introduced myself as the purchaser, and saw the item in question lying right there on the kitchen table. He grabbed it and handed it to me, and I was on my way.

edit: or maybe he broke his hand again :rolleyes:
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Not my experience

I had Evan build my tanks several years ago (probably around 2009) on my inspectors suggestion. He shipped the completed tanks back to Vans and they included them with the wing kit. He bumped me up the waiting list to meet the shipping date for my wing kit.

They have not flown yet and have not been tested but I can tell you they were beautifully made and really nicely packed. Attention to detail was evident everywhere. I do remember him being slow on email, though not as bad as some of the reports here.

Things can change radically in a persons life in 7 years but, back then at least, Evan was great to deal with. It's unlikely that he was not a crook back then but has become one since.

Just another data point that might offer a little encouragement
Did any of the people that were looking for Evan ever hear from him? My tank is supposed to be done now and nothing. No answer. Not returning messages. At this point I just wish I could get my parts back and do it myself.
I tried contacting him about tanks for a 6 a few months ago. Someone answered and gave me a cell number I left a few messages and never heard back. I'm wondering if the others in this thread got their tanks in the end as well.

He certainly was a highly regarded resource for tanks on this site at one point.

If anyone has good alternatives for (quality) proven tanks please post or PM me.
Well my tank was supposedly shipped about 2 weeks ago. No tracking number, just like the post above. He won't answer or return my calls or texts. I built the first tank myself and it held air for weeks. I should have built this one too. What a nightmare for everybody. How can anybody do business like this? If you're thinking about using Evan Johnson, you might want to read all of these posts.
just seeing this thread constantly being bumped is evidence that the person you are dealing with shouldn't be in this business

sorry for your loss (of time, money, and frustration) but lesson learned for the rest of VAF- hope you get your stuff back
Any contact with Evan yet? ANYONE??

I won't go into details at the moment but I too am waiting for a tank to be delivered by Evan. Parts shipped to him and tank build paid for.

I owe this tank to Mike Sears who was kind enough to help me with his (at the time not needed) fuel tank.

Now Mike needs the replacement tank that I have paid for so is there anyone out there who can "help a brother out!"???



p.s. Does anyone know if Evan is OK?
Is he still in business??
If not, is there someone I can go to for a tank.
No matter what I **OWE MIKE A TANK!**.
I needed a new tank this summer after a bird strike and called Vans, but no luck. They don't stock completed fuel tanks.

No idea why - it looks like there is a market need for completed fuel tanks and seems like it would be relatively easy for them to have the QB factory make a few of them up through out the year.
EVAN ... Good News!!

I won't go into details at the moment but I too am waiting for a tank to be delivered by Evan. Parts shipped to him and tank build paid for.

I owe this tank to Mike Sears who was kind enough to help me with his (at the time not needed) fuel tank.

Now Mike needs the replacement tank that I have paid for so is there anyone out there who can "help a brother out!"???



p.s. Does anyone know if Evan is OK?
Is he still in business??
If not, is there someone I can go to for a tank.
No matter what I **OWE MIKE A TANK!**.

I heard back from Evan.
Short answer ...

Some things happened that took him out of commission for a bit.

He is working on getting tanks done now.

PLEASE, let's give him a little (more) breathing room as we all have things in life that set us back for a while.

<End of discussion>

Thom with Bend Builder's Assist (Bend Oregon Airport - KBDN). He is currently building a -8 and two -14's. Excellent work! 541-306-1500
I had a nightmare time with him. So many lies. I finally got all of my parts and my money back last month. I'm going to start building tanks. If anyone is interested send me a message.
PLEASE, let's give him a little (more) breathing room as we all have things in life that set us back for a while.

You are a better person then me. Things in life is one thing. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX over is another and completely unacceptable. [ed. edited a bit. a little over the line imho. dr]
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...and I bet he had no access to a phone, USPS, VAF,or a computer.

Go ahead, call me a skeptic...


Cell block #1, Oncology ward?? It can happen. Just sayin'

Edit - Just to be clear, I totally agree that deception, lack of business communication (if able), are not acceptable.
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I feel for you guys that are in this predicament.

But remember,
Evan has done some beautiful work.
He built a new set of tanks for my sloshed and leaking RV-6 tanks.
I am on the east coast and had the parts sent to Evan.
He built them and built crates for them, as good as I could have.
And shipped them to me.
He was not the fastest nor the most communicative at that time either, but he did complete the task and deliver the parts.
Just saying....he has done it in the past.
IIRC this is not his full time job and he has a wife and family too.
Just saying
Merry Christmas.
Having been in a precarious position recently, I can say that communication is foremost for good will. I dont know Evan's situation, but I can assure you that life, or something out of the blue that tries to take that life, can happen.
All I can say is that when a client sends you parts AND money, you do what is necessary to communicate update to them. It generally solves most ill feelings.

Fortunately, the RV community is a great family, and in most parts, very forgiving. And, VAF is a great place to get the word out.

In some cases, if you cant do something, then return the parts or money so the client and do something else. Keeping someones money and dragging things out for months at a time probably doesnt sit very well with people. If stuff in life gets in the way, just let people know. Silence in this case is not golden, and it can destroy what good wil lyou have spent a long time developing.

The problem is the lies. There is NEVER a reason to lie to someone. If I build a tank for someone I will always talk to them and send pictures showing where I'm at in the build.
You can call Thom Phy (Bend Builders Assist - Bend Oregon) @ 541-306-1500. Thom has helped me on many of my RV-10 issues and condition inpection. He currently has two RV-14 and three RV-8's in his shop. Highly recommended!

Layne Bogulas
RV-10 2016
Repeat Evan customer

Evan built three sets of tanks for me between the years of 2005 to 2009. No issues at all. When I talked to him about another set for a RV-6 project, he was having many issues and would not commit to the timeline I specified. I have not contacted him since that last communication.

I had Ray Lawrence, at Kaolin Aviation(KOKZ), Sandersville, GA, assist me in building that set. The replacements for the sloshed tanks were as good as Evan's work. Ray is still in business and doing builder assists, in the Southeast.

TS: My latest set of RV-6 tank skins are prepunched. Many folks just have an aversion to tank sealant and the mess. The construction and sheet metal work is not much different than wing construction.