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Headset decisions


Well Known Member
At Oshkosh I spent lots of time looking at headsets. I HAD pretty much settled on the Lightspeed 3G's. However, at LOE I spoke with a guy who had the Clarity Aloft headset. This is the small, light earpiece style. This guy swears by them as the most comfortable, quiet headset he has ever used.

I was wondering if anyone else on the forum has had experience with these?

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
I am a Clarity Aloft convert, also. I bought a set for my wife because she doesn't like wearing traditional headsets. After trying them myself, I bought another set for myself. I replaced a set of Bose X with them. They are quieter and more comfortable.

Ben Beaird
-6A 100 hrs
in ear headsets

I really don't like sticking things in my ears. Do you find that these clarity headsets bother the insides of your ears?
rv8ch said:
I really don't like sticking things in my ears. Do you find that these clarity headsets bother the insides of your ears?

They don't bother me. It's like wearing a set of E*A*R (or equivilent) earplugs.


I think I've decided to get the Clarity for me and the 3G's for who ever rides with me. The issue with stuff in the ears is not a problem. I was a firearms instructor with my law enforcement agency and am very used to using the EAR plugs.

Thanks for the input.

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
I have a Clarity Aloft headset as well as a Lightspeed 20XL headset. I find the Calrity Aloft headset to be very comfortable and it does a good job of reducing high frequency background noise, however the active noise reduction 20XL does a much better job of reducing low frequency background noise such as engine noise. I spent some time at OSH talking to the Clarity people and they said that high freguency noise reduction is more important for speech clarity, which seems to be right, but you need to accept less reduction in engine noise. In some ways this is good as the steady engine noise is not really annoying and you are more likely to detect an engine problems sooner.
Cooler in the hot weather!

I currently have Lighspeed 20XL with the phone/music jack. I am very happy with them and the noise reduction is great. The extra thick ear cushions are very comfortable. This being said I am ordering one of their new lightweight headsets they have just released. I believe the noise canceling features are the same but it is an over the ear type.

The main reasons for switching are the reduced weight which should be more comfortable on long cross countries but more importantly I think they will be cooler in the hot Texas weather.

My 2 cents.
I just ordered the lightspeed Light Flight ear plug type headsets- 399.00$ :eek: - and already sent them back for a refund. They did not come close to the ANR lightspeeds in reduction of noise and I could not get comfortable with them in my ears. I can wear plain jane foam ear plugs for hours on end with no fuss, so don't know why I couldn't get comfortable with the lightflights.

I will say that when you open the box and look at what you got for your 400 or 500+ bucks, you will slap yourself on the head for it! There is all of 20 bucks worth of stuff there.

I also got a set of lightspeed ANR headsets that work great at blocking noise, and sound decent, but they are so big and bulky that I have to take them off to rest my head for a few minutes, after a hour or so in flight. They also get really hot on your head in a RV type airplane unless you got a high amount of airflow in your cockpit.

I have a friend who has a pair of fairly cheap sigtronics, or some other set that looks like Dave Clark knockoffs. He bought a kit to make them active noise reductions and I have compaired them to my lightspeeds and found them more comfortable and far better at blocking the noise. I think his total investment in each headset is under 300$ converted.

One of the reasons I got the lightspeeds was to listen to music, but unless you got super good hearing and a quiet airplane, you will need a amplifier between your walkman and your headset to really hear the music over all the other noises. You can buy one of these little amps from radio shack, but it is a pain in the butt to have to deal with yet another device just to listen to some tunes. I spent Monday afternoon behind the panel on my 4 installing the wires and a 3.5mm phone jack so I can plug my portable CD player right into my panel and into the planes intercom. The sound comes through plenty loud without the need for a amp, and both stations get equal volume sound - which is hard to do with two different type lightspeeds plugged into the walkman/amp combo directly, The lightflights work well with music and were so good I had to turn the volume down to about halfway while the guy in the backseat wearing my 20Gs could not barely hear the music at all, it was so low he could not tell what he was listening to, just that there was music playing.

I am most likely going to take my old OLD headsets - a flightcom or something like that, and a Pilot - and convert them to ANR and go with these. The Lightspeeds are good products but not for me. Nice thing about them though, is you can try them for 30 days and if not happy send them back for a refund.
Changed mind

Thanks for the heads up. I am now reconsidering ordering the light flight headset. I probably should stay with my standard lightspeed headset. I listen to music quite a bit and I can hear fine. I actually have to turn the music down a little. Maybe I just got lucky.

I?ll keep looking for the best solution.

RV-8 Empennage
N284DP (Reserved)
It pays to listen first, then eat.

RV7Guy said:
..........................This guy swears by them as the most comfortable, quiet headset he has ever used.
Picking a suitable headset is about as personal a decision as one can make. Arguing over the best quality headset available is like arguing over who makes the best pizza. Ordering an expensive headset based upon manufacturer's hype without actually ever trying it first is like ordering a pair of shoes out of a catalog. I sampled many a headset before I opted for the Telex Stratus 50-D. To paraphrase your quote: I swear it is the most comfortable, quietest headset I have ever used." That is my own personal opinion, but I know for a fact that many people are bothered by the "white noise" it generates. Now I may not know much about headsets, but I do know about pizza. It must have a thin yeasty crust, cheesy overtones, and cut into squares.....................

Rick Galati RV-6A "Darla"
Headsets and Earplugs

My instructor used to wear a really light pair of headsets with near zero noise reduction along with some ear plugs. He'd jack up the volume so he could hear ATC, and he'd never take those headsets off (whereas I had to have a headset break every hour it seemed). He loved the combination because it was so darn light. Wish I could remember where he got those things...they looked slightly larger than stereo headsets for a walkman.
lightspeed has two lightwieght models now, the lightflight, and the mach 1. anybody tried the mach 1 yet?

is there a comparison between clarity aloft and lightspeed? who makes the better product? with a couple of you either returning, or reconsidering the purchase of the lightspeed product, do these feelings exist from you clarity aloft guys?

i want one of these three, but can't decide which one is best. :confused:
Chad, some people on the gyroplane forums had talked about how the clairity aloft set was very good. I don't know as I didn't try them. 500 bucks is alot of money for a set of foam ear plugs with little speakers in them!!!

At least one good thing about lightspeed is they will let you return their headsets if your not happy with them. So it doesn't cost you anything but shipping if you end up not happy with them. I would expect most other manufactors to offer a simular offer.....

I am now using a pair of old headsets that came with a plane I bought a few years ago, It is a pair of Pilot brand headsets. I looked them up online and they cost about 140$ new. They work better imho than either set of lightspeeds I had. I could order a ANR retro kit to put in these headsets for another 150 bucks or so and might go ahead and do that.

I also read a ad somewhere for a company offering a kit to convert Bose ANR headphones into aviation Headsets. The headphones are sold at Radioshack and best buy and so on, and with the aviation conversion, you end up with bose ANR headsets for less than what the lightspeed cheapies cost. This may be worth a shot....
Bose Conversion

GyroRon said:
I also read a ad somewhere for a company offering a kit to convert Bose ANR headphones into aviation Headsets. The headphones are sold at Radioshack and best buy and so on, and with the aviation conversion, you end up with bose ANR headsets for less than what the lightspeed cheapies cost. This may be worth a shot....

You must be talking about this....


Anyone try i yet?

Anr conversion

I up-graded my old (23 years) David Clark 10-30s to active noise reduction with a kit purchased at Oshkosh---------I think the maker is "headsets inc"--------VERY happy with the results. Simple, good directions, excelent customer suport, and a very cost effective way to go.

Older headsets like D/C, Sigtronics, Flightcom, etc should be easy to pick up at little to no cost, and for about $180, converted to active noise reduction.

Dont forget the ear seals--------make all the difference in comfort, and help the noise issue also.

Bose conversion

sonex293 said:
You must be talking about this....


Anyone try i yet?


I know the guy from my airline job. Tried the headset. Very comfortable and great music plug-in. MUST have batteries to work, so make sure you have extras. Light and relatively inexpensive compared to the Sennheiser I use at work. Not nearly as much attenuation as a GA headset. That said, I've used my Sennheiser (HMEC-25) in a 172 and the noise reduction is acceptable, even making it pretty hard to hear the stall horn. Only other downside is it tends to clip the frequency range of the headset. I believe he's got a money-back guarantee.

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