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Ed Hicks Photos


Well Known Member
I just received an e-mail from famed RV photographer Ed Hicks. As
you probably know, Vans has had to cancel this years Homecoming over
thet Labor Day Weekend. This leaves Ed with time off and nowhere to
go. We had discussed in the past the possibility of his coming to
the Northeast to shoot some RV's that don't get the chance to go to

He didn't say how long he would plan to stay but I would think we
could get three days of shooting out of him. I would like to spend
one day doing Lady Liberty shots (I have several people that would
like them), maybe a day along the coast, maybe a day in the NE
mountains. It all depends on who is interested. A day down in the
Mid Atlantic region is certainly doable if there is a demand for it.

Ed is only looking to cover his costs. His airline ticket as around
$700 (unless one of you airline types can do better!) and I have
several options for rooms for him in NY and New England.

What I need to know is who is interested and who will put up $50 or
$100 to get Ed here. The more people we have, the less it will cost
but I don't want more people than Ed can handle over three days. He
will do it much the same as he does the Homecoming shots. Go up
with several subjects waiting in line. Shoot a roll of each and
hand the roll of film to the pilot afterward. How many pro photogs
would do that?!?!

Formation experience is a must. The subject airplane is generaly
about a wingspan from the photo ship but manuvering is kept to a
minimum, usually no more than a 20 degree bank. If you do not have
formation experience we hope to have enough pilots to fly safety
with the aircraft owner.

We will also need at least one more photo ship. I have worked with
Ed a number of times and enjoy doing it but I would like a chance in
front of the camera as well. He prefers the 8 so he can turn around
and shoot out either side but a fat airplane will do if that is all
we get.

Please let me know if you are seriously interested so we can firm up
his trip.

Scott A. Jordan
[email protected]
I was "Coming Home"

I was planning to make the trip to Oregon and secretly wanted an Ed Hicks air-to-air shot of my Blue Bird but flying to the east coast for the sole purpose of maybe getting a chance to have my picture taken if I satisfy someone elses flying evaluation is not very inspiring. I'm sure you will have a large number of local RV owners chomping at the bit for this great opportunity (I mean that sincerely - everyone respects his skill). Good luck with the arrangements.

Bob Axsom
Hey Bob,

I can't shoot as good as Ed, but if you want to come to TX sometime I'd be happy to sit in the back seat of Danny's 'Beautiful Doll' and take a few hundred shots of your 6A in digital. We have plenty of formation pilots down here that can fly pax if you're not comfortable in parade position.
Burn you a CD and everything...

We might even be able to schedule it around a breakfast/lunch flight your way. My humble attempt at immitating Ed.

BTW, Ed is a fabulous guy and his professionalism is top notch. I got to ride as a pax in a 182 he was shooting out of on a visit to TX. All business...

Now you're talking

Let me get through Oshkosh and the U.S. Air Race planning/racing and let's see what can be worked out.

Bob Axsom
Don't seel yourself short Doug! Though I think your real talent is air to ground which is just as different and just as difficult.

Thanks, Scott. Colder wx is just around the corner and with it the morning 'fog days' I like photographing so much! Those are rewarding flights (like they all aren't ;)).


Fog photos

DR said:
Colder wx is just around the corner and with it the morning 'fog days' I like photographing so much!
fog1, 3, and 4 were quite nice too!

Does anyone know if Ed Hicks has a website with all his photos? I tried contacting him via E-mail, but never got a response. I guess if he takes a roll of film and hands it to the airplane owner, it might be hard for him to build up a gallery.