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Alvord Desert, OR

Here is the rest of the story...

We filed IFR for 9000 ft out of Pierce County Airport on Saturday morning. (KPLU is about 30 miles south of Seattle.)

It wasn't very thick and we were soon on top.

Son Lane was smiling (His first time VFR on top)

We fueled up in Burns Oregon before heading South to Alvord.



All set up
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Awesome photos everyone!

Unlike the Seattle area's TCSH, we had a CAVU day. Easy flight out of San Francisco area.


88NV was a slight deviation. I got to see them setting up Burning Man!



Caught a great TW! Saw ground speeds up to 220 knots.


Loved the desert. I have flown over the dry lake beds many times, so it was great to finally land and take a closer look. Lots of fun with a great group of people. It seemed like we all love flying and camping. Alvord Desert Wiki link



It was fun to back-track your tracks to critique your landing. It is hard with 25 to 50 mph winds, no runway, no altimeter setting, and no wind sock to guide you. My first words to someone was that i hope my left wheel pant was still there. haha.


Tip: Always park next to a Bonanza. They have so much room that they can literally bring the kitchen sink and many luxuries. It sure makes camping (glamping) much nicer! In fact, i parked next to 2 Bonanzas! Thanks Sven, Jacek, Paul and Shannon.


What can you do on a dry lake lake bed? Jump around and act goofy.

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Help land a C150 on the local road to taxi up and get gas. There is a near by dirt road "runway" with wind sock as well if you dont need the gas. I could land a low-wing on both roads, too. Maybe later. Everyone loved the show. ;)


20 miles away at Fields Station, order a huge bacon cheeseburger with fries, a monster milk shake, and a full bar with cold draft beers and hang with the friendly locals. The bottled alcohol selection was superb. ;)


The ride back in Tom and Karen's Jeep. Flying back and forth is a lot faster, though.


After a nice fire and some more food, we enjoyed the fireworks display that Chad brought in. The "Grumpy Grandma" was a hit. Apparently, in CA, we cant get the good fireworks like you can in WA state. Wildfires are going crazy, so it makes sense!


Unfortunately, I missed Vlad by a few hours. However, I did catch sight of slower moving objects like the International Space Station and a dozen Perseid Meteors.

Normal runway takeoffs, you want to climb right away. However, out here, no need. You have 20 miles of nothing in front of you. It is fun flying low. Who knew these dry lake beds could be this much fun. :D
My Bengali copilot always dreamed to visit Saudi Arabia. We even got a decent sand storm :)

....what to do???/

Vlad, at this point, do you
a) 'run away',
b) duck 'n cover, or go
c) ......." awww nuts, forgot to close the canopy.....can I make it in time????"
Vlad, at this point, do you
a) 'run away',
b) duck 'n cover, or go
c) ......." awww nuts, forgot to close the canopy.....can I make it in time????"

Nothing. It started as a dirt devil at the middle of the lake and was moving parallel at about 25-30 kts. I dramatized deliberately :D

I'd love to go. Not in August though- too hot for me.

It's a dry heat! :p
Seriously though, it is the high desert. The wind is a bigger issue. It might be 100 degF in the heat of the day, but will dip into the 50's at night.
Last time I was there we arrived late afternoon, had a very comfortable evening, and departed before 10:00am next day.
You don't want to go too much earlier as the Playa may still be wet. Just depends on the conditions that year.
The meteor shower is something to behold in a dark sky devoid of any man made light.
It's a dry heat! :p
Seriously though, it is the high desert. The wind is a bigger issue. It might be 100 degF in the heat of the day, but will dip into the 50's at night.
Last time I was there we arrived late afternoon, had a very comfortable evening, and departed before 10:00am next day.
You don't want to go too much earlier as the Playa may still be wet. Just depends on the conditions that year.
The meteor shower is something to behold in a dark sky devoid of any man made light.

Dry heat. Sure. So is the inside of a pizza oven :eek:
I would love to go, again. First time was October, 2014. Amazing place. Though I learned the hard way about the similarities between landing on water and a dry lake- can you say smooth and featureless? Humbled myself pretty good. I was there for several days, helped that a local friend drove over and met us, with lots of provisions in his well-stocked truck. We did not suffer! Daytime temps were probably low 80's, nights, well, they got our attention.
Is this it?

I think I might have flown over the Alvord Desert on my way from SLC to Medford a couple years ago. Is that it at 1:20 or maybe 1:40 in this video? Badlands Crossing. I had just completed my Phase 1 testing so I was as nervous as a hooker in church flying over that trackless desert.
I think I might have flown over the Alvord Desert on my way from SLC to Medford a couple years ago. Is that it at 1:20 or maybe 1:40 in this video? Badlands Crossing. I had just completed my Phase 1 testing so I was as nervous as a hooker in church flying over that trackless desert.

Well, nice video and cool music. I can't tell. Your airplane was obstructing the horizon. The Playa sits east of a significant, but small, mountain range called the Steens. I couldn't scale your video but it is possible your route would take you there. It isn't far off the Nevada/Oregon border.
I think so. If that is your track, you flew almost right over it. If you look at a sectional you can see it west of Rome Or. , which is a gravel strip of little merit in the middle of nowhere.
I'm oriented now.

OK, I think I'm oriented now. The small dry lake at 1:20 is Coyote Lake. The large dry lake at 1:40 is Alvord Desert. Just beyond that dry lake on the left is Whitehorse Valley [OG53] near the town of Andrews, but you can't see it in that video. Ten miles South of that airport is El Rancho [OR09], not far from Alvord Lake, but you can't see that one in the video either. My actual track was a little North of the blue line in this ForeFlight screen shot. I recall that I passed directly over the Rome VOR and airport.

Think I've heard among the FATPNW crowd that it's supposed to be a full moon that weekend, as well. Hence why the official camp out was moved to Quillayute (KUIL) this weekend, instead.
I might be up for it this fall.

If you zoom in on the Google Maps satellite image, you can see the annual Willamette glider camp out in progress. On the west edge near the hot spring. What are the odds?
Resurrecting an old thread

Flew up to Alvord last Friday for a couple of nights. Light winds, cool days, cold nights. Spectacular lenticular clouds Saturday afternoon. The surface was rock hard, glass smooth and dry. The hot springs have been developed since last time I was there in 2014, and they installed a poignant memorial to Jessi Combs who perished on the lakebed in 2019.


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