I also use garmin pilot and Im trying to figure out avare.
I installed the I/O app but Im not sure if its connected to the stratux directly or if I need to connect via the devices wifi.

I've been testing with Avare. I'm not flient with the App (as I use Garmin Pilot App). It connects and provides weather and traffic as expected.
I got Avare to show stratux traffic and WX by using the following steps.

  1. Connect your phone or tablet's Wi-Fi to the stratux Wi-Fi
  2. In the Avare I/O app choose Wi-Fi as the data source
  3. In the Avare map app choose Preferences, Display, Show ADSB Traffic
  4. In the Avare map app choose Preferences, Weather, Use ADSB Weather
Hope this helps.
As I'd posted a few weeks ago, I've been using AvNav EFB. I'd emailed the developer and queued him in on Stratux, and he said he'd be on it right away.

Downloaded the updated app today and Stratux shows up as one of ADSB devices for configuration.

My hardware arrives today, so I'll put it together, test and post results.
No sooner did I post "port 43211" then a new build of Stratux was released that dropped 43211 in favor of 4000.
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AvNav EFB developer here.

We are very excited to hear about Stratux - thanks Jesse for the heads up. Stratux is now a first class citizen in Avnav EFB - we are expecting it to be running on port 4000 with "stratux" as wifi id. We may make this configurable in future.

Thank you and look for some exciting development in this area in near future.

I installed Avnav yesterday and will be heading up to test this morning on my way up to T67.

AvNav EFB developer here.

We are very excited to hear about Stratux - thanks Jesse for the heads up. Stratux is now a first class citizen in Avnav EFB - we are expecting it to be running on port 4000 with "stratux" as wifi id. We may make this configurable in future.

Thank you and look for some exciting development in this area in near future.

need to download all 3 files to SD card?

Just got my pieces from Amazon and seeing the directions to down load "the" file to write to the SD card, does that mean just "one" file or the "three" files that are shown. Also to unzip before writing the file(s) is that a right click type of action? Thanks!
Download the img zip file. It's about 360mb. Then unzip it to get the 3.2gb file. That's the file to write to the micro sd card.
Sorry if this is obvious to some, but also make sure you use the recommended utility to put the file on the card. You don't just copy it over with file explorer or finder. The utility makes the SD card a bootable drive.
use Win32DiskImager
heres how to use it.
download it here

have fun!

Sorry if this is obvious to some, but also make sure you use the recommended utility to put the file on the card. You don't just copy it over with file explorer or finder. The utility makes the SD card a bootable drive.
Has anyone done any research into the best antenna setup for this project? It seems it should be possible to use a single antenna connected to both radio receivers.

The data sheet data sheet of the SkywardTWX antenna (made by Linx Technologies) that many use shows the antenna is tuned for 916 MHz, with the SWR going up pretty quickly as the frequency increases. If this antenna works well, it should be possible to find an antenna tuned for 1GHz or so that should work for both UAT and ES application. That antenna and some variants can be purchased through DigiKey. I need to figure out some direction before just buying several versions of the same thing. The 1/4 wave antenna looks like it could fit with the cables I have, but I'm not sure if it will work well.

I've read of others buying tuned antennas for both 978MHz and 1090MHz. However, that might be overkill. Why not just use one antenna with a splitter?

I am going to try a few different setups, but I was wondering if anybody has tried using some of the GSM stub antennas like this Taoglass TG.22.0111. I just got one, but haven't had time to fly with it yet.

I intend to try a few setups.

1.) UAT reception only with the Taoglass attached to the radio using an MCX to SMA cable plus an SMA Female to SMA Female adapter. The main purpose is to see how reception compares to the stock antennas that came with the radio. The Taoglass antenna is much more compact, if it works.

2.) UAT and 1090ES reception using a simple T-Adapter. I may also try the Linx antenna with this.

3.) Try a real splitter, using F-male to MCX-male cables and an SMA-female to F-male adapter

The latter has already shown poor performance in my office, where all I can receive is planes flying overhead with 1090MHz transmissions. The stock antennas that came with the SDR pucks seem to do better. I do receive some signals, but I get more planes and more solid reception with the original antennas.

If anybody would want to suggest other antennas, I would be willing to try them. I also intend to talk some guys i know with an EMC chamber, to see if they have any suggestions or if they can help me device a test to more objectively measure the results of various setups.

My main objective is to see if I can come up with a single antenna setup for a portable application so I can move my receiver between planes. I may also later install a dedicated transponder antenna on my own plane, but I'd still like to have one antenna to feed both the 978MHz and 109MHz receivers.

Any ideas or discussions welcome.
A single antenna is relatively straight forward. A dumb splitter from either an SMA or BNC to a pair of MCX.

The antenna should be biased to 978 since they are ground stations. You don't care about 1090 traffic at a distance. You want to know when it's close.

I'm having my best luck with a j-pole (smaller version of what a number of us use for APRS trackers).
Are there any commercial J-Poles tuned to 978 MHz somewhere or are they strictly DIY? When I look online, it looks like they are mostly DIY jobs that don't look all that nice. I was hoping to find a "finished" antenna that could be attached to a nice box that goes around the Pi and dongles.

Agreed on the 978 MHz vs. 1090 MHz.

I found a reference for several home-made types of ADS-B antennas here.
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The J-Poles are all DIY.

I trated three antennas today.

  • DIY J-Pole fabricated using twin-lead, tuned for 978
  • the dmurray14 978 antenna (from dmurray14 on Reddit)
  • a chunk of coat hanger (not exactly but darn close) - it's a length of suspended ceiling suspension wire cut to be a 978 half wave and then crammed into the end of a BNC crimp connector to lodge in the center pin; JB Weld hold it in place

my Stratux has a BNC connector that is split and feeds 2 SDRs.

  • performed very well at 1090 and pretty good at 978. Odd given it was built using 978 dimensions but without a $1000 antenna analyzer it's hard to be sure it meets the design specs.
  • did not perform well; however, I suspect some of the problem may have been an inferior SMA-BNC adapter. If my Stratux used an SMA connection natively, I would guess my results would have better. The dmurray14 antennas are all sold with SMA male fittings on the end.
  • was very good at 978 and lousy at 1090.

For a single SDR 978 Stratux weather receiver, the simplest and cheapest antenna worked the best.

For a dual SDR Stratux the J-Pole worked best.

My personal opinion (repeat those two words several times) is that a traffic receiver, regardless of the frequencies, is only a fraction of all traffic and without ADSB-out, they are more distraction than they are worth.

A single SDR Stratux is the most bang for the buck.
Second is the single SDR + GPS/AHRS.

Again, my opinion.
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Turn off

Been looking at all the threads. Can't find out best way to turn it off. Hate just unplugging the battery. Is there a preferred approach? Had the unit running for a few weeks then it stopped working. Was wondering if the hard turn off impacted it.
That can corrupt the SD card if the Pi was writting to it when you pulled the plug.

I use an app called WebSSH to connect to the pi and then issue a clean showdown command
I use a similar app ($2) from the iPad: SimplePi. It can issue restart or shutdown commands to the RPi running Stratux. It works well for me, and when I try out a new build of the Stratux software, it's easy for SimplePi to connect to the new version - just allow it to delete the old security credentials and then tell it to connect again (assuming you're using the same password. The default username in the RPi is pi, and the default password is raspberry.)
I am no PI expert but since the PI has built in OI capability, could someone use that to add a switch and some code to the Stratux to let it know to shutdown clean before turning off the power?

the topic has been circling the drain for several weeks. Once the project settles a bit, the discussion is to make the SD card read-only by default so cutting power is completely safe. At that point, if you want a power switch, it will be just that simple "switch off power".
I'm working on a serial interface that connects to the GRT EFIS using the same serial interface as the ZAON (2 wires). It also connects to the Stratux ADS-B receiver WiFi and streams the ADS-B data to the EFIS. You get everything on your panel that you would on Foreflight -- METARS, TAFS, NOTAMS, Radar and Traffic. I have completed beta testing and the unit works great.
Is there any interest in this?

Yes, there is.

I intend to use Stratux as the IN part of my RV-3B system, and have assumed it would show on an iPad. If I have the option of hardwiring it to an EFIS, that would be a good option for sure.

Keep the interface as generic as possible to make it easy for other EFIS companies to use it.

I'm working on a serial interface that connects to the GRT EFIS using the same serial interface as the ZAON (2 wires). It also connects to the Stratux ADS-B receiver WiFi and streams the ADS-B data to the EFIS. You get everything on your panel that you would on Foreflight -- METARS, TAFS, NOTAMS, Radar and Traffic. I have completed beta testing and the unit works great.
Is there any interest in this?

I'd be even more interested in just software to stream data directly out from a serial port from the Pi itself. Wifi to serial seems a little overkill (and another potential point of failure). Either way, though, I'd love to see a GDL-39 emulated data stream from a serial port. If you can send data in a format my Garmin 496 or its eventual replacement 696 or Aera 5xx could understand, I'd be very interested.

And check your PMs...
I'm working on a serial interface that connects to the GRT EFIS using the same serial interface as the ZAON (2 wires). It also connects to the Stratux ADS-B receiver WiFi and streams the ADS-B data to the EFIS. You get everything on your panel that you would on Foreflight -- METARS, TAFS, NOTAMS, Radar and Traffic. I have completed beta testing and the unit works great.
Is there any interest in this?

Hi Mark- I'm very interested in an ADSB-IN solution that would feed my AFS EFIS via serial hardline input. I'm not sure if the GRT data stream is different from what the AFS EFIS requires. Navworx offers the only COTS solution available right now in their ADS-600 EXP for $1300. The EFIS is a lot easier to see in the cockpit than the IPAD. Would be cool to have the same data stream over wifi (or bluetooth?) feed the IPAD as a redundant display.
Didn't know that, thanks. Any idea whether your TIS-B data stream can be used to provide audible traffic alerts, either from the AFS box (4500 in my case) or some other means? That is a requirement for me.
Yes, there is.

I intend to use Stratux as the IN part of my RV-3B system, and have assumed it would show on an iPad. If I have the option of hardwiring it to an EFIS, that would be a good option for sure.

Keep the interface as generic as possible to make it easy for other EFIS companies to use it.


Agreed on the "generic as possible". That's why I did it this way. I know I can connect with other transponders because I'm talking to the ADS-B manufacturers. I WILL be working on a Stratux direct serial out. I'm going to be working with Dynon next. Garmin does not play well with others.
Didn't know that, thanks. Any idea whether your TIS-B data stream can be used to provide audible traffic alerts, either from the AFS box (4500 in my case) or some other means? That is a requirement for me.

EFIS software compares your location and vector, compares to other traffic, and alerts. GRT does support this, and yes the ADS-B / GDL90 data is used for this purpose.
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Hi Mark- I'm very interested in an ADSB-IN solution that would feed my AFS EFIS via serial hardline input. I'm not sure if the GRT data stream is different from what the AFS EFIS requires. Navworx offers the only COTS solution available right now in their ADS-600 EXP for $1300. The EFIS is a lot easier to see in the cockpit than the IPAD. Would be cool to have the same data stream over wifi (or bluetooth?) feed the IPAD as a redundant display.

Does your EFIS take GDL90 data over the serial input? Pretty sure the Navworx outputs that format. Most serial-equipped receivers do. If you're buying an out system anyway, I'd go that route. My interface is for those who have no out capability or are out-capable but no serial link - only wireless.
I'm working on a serial interface that connects to the GRT EFIS using the same serial interface as the ZAON (2 wires). It also connects to the Stratux ADS-B receiver WiFi and streams the ADS-B data to the EFIS. You get everything on your panel that you would on Foreflight -- METARS, TAFS, NOTAMS, Radar and Traffic. I have completed beta testing and the unit works great.
Is there any interest in this?


Do you believe this will work for Garmin x96 series portables? It was my understanding that the Zaon would drive traffic input for the 396/496. Not sure if they had multiple protocols, but I would doubt it. I would LOVE to have this capability and happy to help beta test for you.

EFIS software compares your location and vector, compares to other traffic, and alerts. GRT does support this, and yes the ADS-B / GDL90 data is used for this purpose.
I only ask this question because I don't believe that the AFS 4500 provides audible traffic alerts. I have a GTX-330 mode S transponder, and I believe that outputs audible traffic alerts directly - as well as sending traffic to the EFIS (for display only). Just trying to understand if it is going to be possible to keep audible traffic alerts with the addition of a serial ADSB-IN serial data stream to my current EFIS and I don't think it is.
Does your EFIS take GDL90 data over the serial input? Pretty sure the Navworx outputs that format. Most serial-equipped receivers do. If you're buying an out system anyway, I'd go that route. My interface is for those who have no out capability or are out-capable but no serial link - only wireless.

I'm pretty sure upgrading my GTX-330 to add ES will be my cheapest option for achieving ADS-B "OUT" capability. That leaves the question as to what to do for "IN" capability.

I don't think the AFS4500 will take GDL90 data via serial input (at least the manual doesn't say it does). I think traffic must be ICARUS protocol per their manual. Compatible receivers include the Navworx ADS-600 EXP for $1299 (RS-232, 57.6 k baud) & Dynon SV-ADSB-470 for $995. I believe that both are UAT only (978 MHz) receivers.

A Stratux which adds a serial hardline to my EFIS might be a nice alternative.
I'm pretty sure upgrading my GTX-330 to add ES will be my cheapest option for achieving ADS-B "OUT" capability. That leaves the question as to what to do for "IN" capability.

I don't think the AFS4500 will take GDL90 data via serial input (at least the manual doesn't say it does). I think traffic must be ICARUS protocol per their manual. Compatible receivers include the Navworx ADS-600 EXP for $1299 (RS-232, 57.6 k baud) & Dynon SV-ADSB-470 for $995. I believe that both are UAT only (978 MHz) receivers.

A Stratux which adds a serial hardline to my EFIS might be a nice alternative.

The Navwporx ADS-600 EXP has an option to add 1030 ES hardware/software.

From the Navworx site:

Navworx ADS-600 EXP


1. 1090ES Receiver - This is both a hardware and software option. If ordering the option, 1090ES receiver hardware will be installed. A future software update (free) will enable the feature at a later date.


Cost to add 1030 ES


1090ES RECEIVER ADD-IN (Add $89.00)

I have the same AFS 4500 EFIS with a Garmin 327. Was thinking about adding the Navworx after Jesse chimed in.
Raspberry Pi Stratux

Any new update on the Raspberry Pi Stratux? Looking at putting all my parts together. Is there a newer ISO file out there than the Aug 2015 one to download?

Thanks for your input.

Yeah, 0.6r1 has a lot of improvements and bug fixes.

I also just saw a code submission to Stratux that will make all future updates easier. It looks like the project will soon release an "update capability" which won't require a whole new image. I'll be watching for it.
Big Thanks

Kudos to Glen and Scrabo for some great work on Stratux. If there are others here at VAF I have missed - thanks to you as well.

Stratux is a cheap and effective way to get traffic and WX in the cockpit - and if you are not careful, you might learn something and have some fun building it.

Pair it with the free app Avare, and you can't get more bang for your buck.

Thanks Guys!

Thanks. Will download the new IMG file when I get home Friday.

Anyone know of a source for a cheap USB GPS that can plug into the Pi for position.

Thanks in advance.

GPS Receiver


Available at Walmart ~ $50.00
Stratux GPS


Thanks, that is what I was looking for. I have the GPS with ADHARS but looking for a simple GPS.

I've put together a couple "Stratux" with that USB GPS. I'd suggest watching the price. It seems to fluctuate regularly. I picked up my first one for $15 and then a couple more when the price bounced down to $12.