Hi Charlie.

No worries on "the learning curve".

We can dismiss building it with iOS since there is no direct way to get to the necessary internal protocols and no access to the SDR via USB. That leaves Android. ForeFlight does not run on Android.

I have 3 apps on my phone that use the USB OTG feature to receive the ADS-B data from a SDR (one of the cheap ones). Avare, FIS-B Free, Avare ADSB Pro (different developer than the Avare above). There are Android solutions out there. Avare would be great but I can't get the USB OTG function on my Nexus 7 without rooting it (other Android tables work very well though).

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Very cool!

The few attempts I've made to hook devices up over OTG cables have been hit or miss.

I've gone back and edit my original comment. Thanks for syncing up our thread!
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Hi Charlie.

No worries on "the learning curve".

We can dismiss building it with iOS since there is no direct way to get to the necessary internal protocols and no access to the SDR via USB. That leaves Android. ForeFlight does not run on Android.

Not too concerned with Foreflight, since I left ios a while back. :)

Does your answer mean that it *is* (or might be) possible for the stuff running on the pi to get ported to an android device (the same one running Avare or other mapping app), instead?

And I don't really consider this a 'learning curve' any more. The last time I programmed, 'Basic' meant Basic Assembler Language (BAL). At this point, the gap is far to wide. I'm just grateful that you and other users of various technologies have discovered 'open source' and its variations. I'll try to take advantage your knowledge on this, and hope to pass on my knowledge of some other field.

Hi Charlie,

I've put my foot in my mouth so many times on this read I may as well skip dinner!

So I'll attempt to just answer you question and not go off the rails.

Is it "possible" to port the project to Android and connect it with one of the Android based aviation navigators? yes. Is it easy? no. Is it likely? no.
I am lost.

With all the back and forth, what do I need to buy to make this work. I am interested since at this time, I can not buy a $800 Stratus and this would be great for foreflight. I have looked at Amazon and it looks at though the grouping everything for $100. After reading, I am confused if there are other items to buy to make it work better.

The reddit list looks complete for the Stratux for "weather only". You will use the battery USB cable to charge and then switch it around to also to power the RPi.

There is a follow on project underway to add GPS support and to support simultaneous weather and traffic. Nothing you buy now becomes obsolete.

You will also need to have or borrow an SD card reader. You computer may have an SD slot or you may have a USB card reader that an supports SD card. If neither, then the "thing" you are looking for is something like this: http://amzn.to/1U3d7Po

If you get all the pieces and get stuck, I'm happy to get on the phone (or Skype) to walk through the process.
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The reddit list looks complete for the Stratux for "weather only".

I was receiving traffic of some flavor with the recommended setup. (See my 2nd post on page 4 of this thread.)

I was connected via bluetooth to a GDL-39 for my GPS position source but Foreflight was showing Free Flight via the Stratux for the ADS-B.

As I understand it the GDL-39 will not send ADS-B data to Foreflight at this point.
With all the back and forth, what do I need to buy to make this work. I am interested since at this time, I can not buy a $800 Stratus and this would be great for foreflight. I have looked at Amazon and it looks at though the grouping everything for $100. After reading, I am confused if there are other items to buy to make it work better.


The current version has full TIS-B traffic and FIS-B weather, the recommended hardware is:


Then follow https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/comments/3g7urb/the_11390_adsb_receiver_for_foreflight_or_pretty/

Most people report it takes about 10-15 minutes.
The current version has full TIS-B traffic and FIS-B weather, ...

Thanks okei. Many people - me included - get confused by the various traffic data being processed via ADS-B.

The reddit thread has a few comments trying to clarify what is available with the Stratux.

Right now I've only tested weather and 1090ES traffic. Unless you buy two tuner dongles, you pick one of those because it can only pick up one at a time.
You can get traffic data with just one. GA planes with ads-b out would transmit their data directly to you on 978 ...

To further confuse the traffic question is that a number of GA aircraft are on 1090 rather than 978, especially EAB aircraft.
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To see all of the traffic, you'll need to be transmitting ADS-B out. You can configure your ADS-B out transmitter to specify which frequency your portable receiver is on. Properly configured, with good ground station coverage, you should see all traffic with either a 1090 or 978 receiver.

If you are relying on other people to wake up the ground stations, a dual band receiver would be beneficial, but there is no guarantee that you are seeing all transponder equipped aircraft unless you are transmitting out, and have good ground station/radar coverage.

Paige is correct. I would add that 1090 traffic could also be seen via ADS-R if another aircraft near you wakes up the ground station for traffic.
I have placed my order

I have placed my order and hope to have all the pieces in a few days. If I get all the pieces and get it working, I have a trip planned to Atlanta Area during the Labor Day weekend and hope to test it out on a long cross county from the Orlando area. I will keep my fingers crossed.
iFly 740

I have successfully displayed traffic and weather on my iFly 740 using this Stratux setup.

In the ifly menu for connected devices, select "FreeFlight", and it appears to work.

Very happy on the first trial, but lots to learn yet.
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Seems like it'd be really easy to take this and have it output on RS232 via the USB ports (USB to RS232 adapter cable). Once you do that, you can pipe it to any of your avionics.

I haven't looked at the RS232 spec for traffic or weather to something like a Garmin or GRT, but I believe it's an industry standard. Anyone know where to get documentation on that spec?
Seems like it'd be really easy to take this and have it output on RS232 via the USB ports (USB to RS232 adapter cable). Once you do that, you can pipe it to any of your avionics.

Yeah, someone with the right background figure that out please! :D:D
Seems like it'd be really easy to take this and have it output on RS232 via the USB ports (USB to RS232 adapter cable). Once you do that, you can pipe it to any of your avionics.

I haven't looked at the RS232 spec for traffic or weather to something like a Garmin or GRT, but I believe it's an industry standard. Anyone know where to get documentation on that spec?

I **think** that the GRT Systems are compatible with GDL90.
USB or RS-232.

The issue with GRT via USB is what chipset is used. I know they are compatible with more than one but not sure if all. Connecting via RS-232 should not be a problem.

If the output format is the same as DUAL, iLevil, FDS and SkyRadar, then I suspect the GRT systems will be fine as I have tested all of those.

I **think** that the GRT Systems are compatible with GDL90.
USB or RS-232.

The issue with GRT via USB is what chipset is used. I know they are compatible with more than one but not sure if all. Connecting via RS-232 should not be a problem.

If the output format is the same as DUAL, iLevil, FDS and SkyRadar, then I suspect the GRT systems will be fine as I have tested all of those.


This is all well and good, but how do you go from a usb output on the Raspberry PI, that thinks it's communicating with a WiFi dongle and strip out the data string to feed into the RS232? I'm not a computer guy at anywhere near that level, and there's a lot of missing links here to me.
This is all well and good, but how do you go from a usb output on the Raspberry PI, that thinks it's communicating with a WiFi dongle and strip out the data string to feed into the RS232? I'm not a computer guy at anywhere near that level, and there's a lot of missing links here to me.


I missed that part of the dialog.
"My Bad".

Was thinking there was a serial stream out the USB port.

The communication mechanism - USB, wifi, Bluetooth, serial, light signals, semaphores, or smoke signals - isn't the real challenge. Internal to the code, it's just strings of numbers and characters. These strings can be transmitted on any of the methods with relative easy.

The challenge is knowing what format the vendor is expecting. It's a bit like communicating in another language. If you are speaking French and the other person only understands Chinese, not much useful gets conveyed.

The contributors to this project are using a combination of published documents and packet sniffers to figure out what is expected. For some of the target vendors, they don't publish anything, so it's a lot of difficult reverse engineering. For some vendors, there is no available Rosetta Stone.

I know there is a desire to mimic other ADSB receivers but the contributors to the project don't own the necessary original manufacturer hardware to aid with the analysis to black box engineer the packets and messages. If someone wishes to donate hardware, I'm sure it would help.
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I am waiting for my items to come in the mail but looking over the site I see three down loads. Which one do I download due to there are two updates as well as the original. Any help would be great and hope the itmes come in soon.
Hi Charles, v0.1r3 is the best so far. However, like much of our latest avionics, you should keep an eye for updated builds. I am aware of a number of bug fixes and features that have not yet been rolled up into a new build.

UPDATE: a newer "release" is now there. Rather than keep editing this post, I advise taking the newest build. If you have any issues then back off the the newest "release".
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Stratux is getting better

For those who are interested, there is a now a subgroup over on reddit dedicated to the Stratux project.

A few highlights to pique your interest ...
  • Improved more stable code
  • Web configuration and status
  • GPS support
  • AHRS testing
  • 3D printed case

It's been tested with the following functionality:
  • ForeFlight 7.2 - weather, traffic, AHRS
  • Naviator - weather, traffic, AHRS
  • WingX - weather & traffic
  • Avare
  • iFly 740 - weather & tragic
There is a standard parts list. It really is plug-n-play if you use the list. There is also a lower cost SDR (saves $10) the same specs as the original recommendation.

Follow the progress on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/stratux
Watch for new builds on GitHub: https://github.com/cyoung/stratux/releases
I tried it out!

So I couldn't resist and had to order it up. I have an RV-6 with a Dynon Skyview system in it. I have ADS-B out and a Dynon ADS-B receiver that I spent $900 on, I think. I also have an Ipad in the plane running ForeFlight. So I got the parts, assembled it, and had it up and running in about 15 minutes. I opened up foreflght on my Ipad and found the stratux device right away. I couldn't wait to try it out in the air. I went flying today and was amazed. The thing got weather and traffic exactly like the Dynon Skyview. The ipad actually displays traffic a little nicer I think than the Dynon does. There wasn't much weather around but what little there was matched on both screens. The only thing I noticed was on the return flight The traffic was not showing altitudes? On the first flight from Long Island to Connecticut I saw all traffic the same as the Dynon did, showing altitude in relation to me. On the return flight all the traffic had zeros instead of the altitude in relation to me? Weird, I flew again and still zeros. Have to figure that one out, but so far the stratux amazed me.
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I have gotten my parts and tried to do the intructions on how to load the software onto the disk. But for some reason I am having dificuties. I am not sure if it is me or my laptop software (older laptop) but can someone help. Is there anyone that can help me tomorrow monrning sometime with the installed the software portion. Please PM me you info please.

If you can tell us what you are doing and where you get stuck we can probably provide some pointers. You might re-read/re-follow the tutorial to make sure you didn't miss a step.
Thanks for the help.

Thanks Ben for your input on what I was doing wrong. I have completed the software and can see it on my Forflight. Now it is time to try it out tonight if the weather is clear and to see how it will work in a helicopter (just because that is what I will be in tonight for work).

Thanks once again.
Finally got all the requisite parts delivered, $92 all in since I had the battery pack. Assembly and programming took about 25 minutes mostly because my DSL is not too speedy for downloading. Plugged in the Kamashi, lights on the Pi2 eventually went to the expected green flash. Had my iPad wifi connect to 'STRATUX' and then started WingX. Got a good connection, showing 24 hour old internet weather. Left it that way, and headed out to do errands with the rig in tow.

Found myself an ADS-B tower, hope I am within range:


Unlocked the iPad and had to wait about three minutes, but eventually got local traffic:


Then tapped into the weather and saw that it had, in fact, updated itself:


I like it, suits the current need I had in the RV, and very promising to serve future needs (already ordered the GPS/AHRS chip in anticipation of future upgrades).

Mad science is fun!
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great news Mike !

I do believe you were withing reasonable range of a tower.

I've joined the Stratux dev contributors and am working on the webUI. It's a small piece but its something.

for anyone who has built a Stratux, and for those considering it, keep an eye on the release page


there will be many good things showing up over the next few weeks!
I have successfully displayed traffic and weather on my iFly 740 using this Stratux setup.

In the ifly menu for connected devices, select "FreeFlight", and it appears to work.

Very happy on the first trial, but lots to learn yet.

Happy to see it's working on iFly.
For $105, I thought I'd try it out while I'm waiting for Navworx to finally ship their product.:rolleyes:

I finally received my more compact battery which fits inside a low cost HDD storage case. Compact. Self contained.
I'm in!

Kinda crazy not to build one! $29 Pi2 from local microcenter, $21 SDR from Prime, Wifi button I had, but are $10 on Prime. I have usb power on the panel and with ADSB out, 978 only gets me the traffic via TIS-B (might miss some 1090 air to air, tho)

Kate and I took her up tonight and GDL39 was a-scared, very a-scared.

Metars--- Pi Gizmo - check || GDL - check

Traffic--- Pi Gizmo- check || GDL - check

5 Towers at 1000ft AGL --- Pi Gizmo- check || GDL - check

Heck, Pi Gizmo is pulling in the KSGS tower from my back porch! The GDL cant do that!(Update - the GDL can do this with the antenna in a slightly diff location) I'll work on a case next - the kids want to make one out of Legos..... What cool gift for a new aviator for a very reasonable price!

Got a couple of longer XC flights this weekend to check performance.

This is a cakewalk on the geek scale - just do it!




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Been using RPI's to build ADS-B receivers (using basically the same hardware) to decode and send tracking info to FlightAware and FlightRadar24. They work great for this purpose.

Looks like I am going to have to burn me another SD card and give this one a try!
Brian, it's a fun project and there is enough interest (and GitHub contribution) that it's is maturing well. I expect the quality of the data is mostly stable now and the work is on software stability, usability, and features.

There is also growing activity around designing cases for the components. A few 3D printable cases are popping up and going through iterations. People are also finding ways to use generic cases efficiently.
Help please: if the software is loaded, 4 towers are showing on Foreflight and I can see our aircraft moving, suggestions as to why we cannot see any other aircraft in the vicinity?

We had traffic fly by us about 2000 feet away and it did not register, and we were close to SFO International airport . . .

Assume this is something very straightforward that we overlooked.
ADS-B is only designed to receive traffic reliably if you are in an aircraft equipped with ADS-B OUT. Stratux is only ADS-B in, so your experience is expected. You'll have the same experience when flying unless your airplane has a ADS-B OUT transponder or UAT.
Help please: if the software is loaded, 4 towers are showing on Foreflight and I can see our aircraft moving, suggestions as to why we cannot see any other aircraft in the vicinity?

We had traffic fly by us about 2000 feet away and it did not register, and we were close to SFO International airport . . .

Assume this is something very straightforward that we overlooked.

Do you see any traffic at all? Maybe you don't have the traffic layer enabled in ForeFlight? It isn't enabled by default and it appears AFTER you connect to the device.
ADS-B is only designed to receive traffic reliably if you are in an aircraft equipped with ADS-B OUT. Stratux is only ADS-B in, so your experience is expected. You'll have the same experience when flying unless your airplane has a ADS-B OUT transponder or UAT.

This is something I don't have my head totally around. I mean I get it, but I don't. What happens if you fly right next to your buddy that has ADS-B OUT? Would you receive all the traffic then? What if your buddy was 10 miles away?
What if some other guy in the your general vicinity has ADS-B OUT? I guess I just don't get the waking up the ground stations part.
This is something I don't have my head totally around. I mean I get it, but I don't. What happens if you fly right next to your buddy that has ADS-B OUT? Would you receive all the traffic then? What if your buddy was 10 miles away?
What if some other guy in the your general vicinity has ADS-B OUT? I guess I just don't get the waking up the ground stations part.

There are specs about how big the bubble is around an aircraft broadcasting but I doubt it is actually that well defined in reality.

My experience is that yes, my wingmen can get traffic if they fly with me even though they are not broadcasting.

Have not tested how far away from me that works but since the ground stations are omni directional, I bet is works for some distance.

At Osh, I kept receiving traffic all the way to the field even though I turned off my xponder 30 miles out. That means someone else was waking up the ground stations besides me.....
ADS-B ground stations send out traffic for 15 miles around aircraft they know about and +/- 5,000' of the aircraft. They only do this on the frequency the aircraft can receive on ADS-B IN.

You can "piggyback" on another ADS-B out plane. But if you are 12 miles ahead of and 4,000' above that plane, you can only see planes 3 miles ahead and 1,000' above. And this assumes the other plane has the same ADS-B IN that you do. If they don't have ADS-B IN or have it on 1090 and you're 978, it doesn't do anything for you.

Almost no Airliners are ADS-B out (about 3%) and none of them are ADS-B IN, so they aren't useful to wake up ground stations.

Even worse, if the plane has dual band ADS-B in, ADS-B OUT targets won't be re-broadcast so you can miss some targets even when the ground station is woken up and it looks like you have coverage.

In reality, this means you can't rely on traffic at all unless you have ADS-B out yourself.
There is a new image just posted a few hours ago.


1090ES on/off toggle - working now.

Interface improvements.

Data replay - stops sending data when app is not in foreground or iPad screen is off. Buffers data and sends it when app is in the foreground and screen is on again.

Callsign / tail number for TIS-B traffic. (ie removes "u" & "e" from tail numbers)

Here's mine with only cable tidy up and a container to do.
