Starter switch

You are exactly correct Don. Kind of a redundancy thing and works out nice. I originally was going to go to OFF after start (from stick), but I have left it in stick till the end of the flight in case I need it. I'm realizing I would really have to be crazy to accidentally hit the starter button on the stick since it is top right.
Just finished the airplane and flew it Tuesday. Here is a pic of the panel.

Looks great, Dave! Congrats on a job well done. Naturally, I appreciate the symmetry of your layout. :D

Have fun flying off your time!
Lables for Switch Panel

Well I hope to be posting a full panel picture soon, pretty happy with my switch panel using Stein Air decals.

My new SkyView panel

Here's the original panel as built in 2001 and still in the plane when I bought it in September 2007. A pretty standard 6-pack of flight instruments and Vans engine instruments.


I upgraded it to a GRT EIS 4000 in late 2008 and have been flying it about 100 hours per year since then.

In June 2011 my vacuum pump went out, the T&B was flakey and the DG was precessing badly so I had plenty of excuses to upgrade the panel. (Guess what dear, I'm going to save us $1500 by spending $8000 (or $9000)! Great deal!

Of course, the electrical wiring was not all that well done by the original builder, so I thought I'd tackle that too. If I'm going to straighten up some wires maybe I should rewire to AeroElectric drawing Z11. And that old tubing from the pitot-static system needs to get replaced because it is getting brittle. Perhaps I should install the SafeAir1 system!

And of course I need an access panel in the forward baggage compartment. And I want to get all the switches up where I can see them instead of down on the right hand sub-panel. And I never liked the brake reservoir on teh firewall with the brittle plastic tubes so we'll change to the mini-reservoirs on the brake pedals. Wig wag! Gotta have wig wag!


Can you say "Mission Creep?"

Of course, all those days over 100F in Texas this summer and fall put the whole thing on hold for 3 months. Lots of missed flying but man it was just too hot to tackle something this big.

But now it's almost done. I need to wire up the sensors forward of the firewall, Tie up a few more wires under the panel, and get a new W&B and pitot-static check. Everything electrical is working fine though including the beautiful Skyview!

Oh - did I mention we installed pitch and roll autopilot servos! Talk about being in tall cotton!


Stein and Company supplied the SkyView, ADAHRS, EMS, backup battery and some other goodies, Dynon supplied some bits and pieces and some tech help along the way. It should come as no surprise to anyone on the list that both companies have given exemplary service during this project. I also want to give a tip of the hat to Bob Nuckolls on electrical system architecture and connectors (and a lot more) and to Paul Dye and Jeff Atkinson who helped me learn how to build circular plastic connectors (CPCs). The entire switch panel can be removed in a few minutes using these. Same with the fuse panel. Thanks to Jay Pratt at Hicks (T67) for advice in a couple of areas and the use of his panel punches.
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panel upgrades

A pic of my friend Greg "Greese" Reese's soon to be finished G3X panel, that I've been redoing with the help of Scott Hersha, for the last 5 weeks.
Just waiting on the vertical flat GX pilot from Tru Trak.
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Lookin good! The A/P is on it's way so you should be good to go soon...And yes, John did all the hard work himself and I think it turned out great!

Your switch panel looks AWESOME!!! How did you make your switch panel? Is it just an overlay? I would like to copy your idea and also do the panel to match. Fred Leeper
Panel Overlay Material

I found the carbon fiber look on Ebay, from Metro Restyling, its a 3M material with texture that makes it seem pretty real. The switch labels are from SteinAir and look very professional.
A tale of 2 panels

I, along with Scott Hersha recently completed an upgrade of our friend and fellow River Rat Greg Reese's instrument panel in his RV8. Greg brought his plane to our hangar Nov. 1 and left 6 weeks later with this!

Greg's plane had a vacuum 6 pack, GRT EIS, Aft battery, Navaid wing leveler, Icom radio, King transponder, Garmin 496, etc.

He left with; 2 screen Garmin G3X system, remote Garmin Transponder, GX autopilot, Dynon D6, Dynon heated Pitot,Garmin 430, PS engineering PAR100EX as Comm 2, Tosten stick grip, Archer wingtip Nav antenna, a Composite Design LSA switch panel and new Glareshield lighting!

We had great service from SteinAir, who designed and cut the panel and supplied the avionics. We also used the Approach Fast stack hub. Greg had recently installed new EGT probes, so we used those but got all new other engine sensors.
Greg's installation was done last week, but he was away for a week of airline flying, which left Mutha a week to work on his panel.


and After

Mutha is now good to go for IFR after adding; a D100 for backup ADI, swapping the Dynon pitot for the heated version, swapping the SL40 for a 430 and PAR100 EX for 2 comms, adding an Archer wingtip nav antenna, Dynon HS 34 (mostly for dedicated course and heading knobs), Trig remote transponder(for Mode S traffic), and just to stay a generation ahead of Greg in something, a Garmin 796!!!!

Paul Story at SteinAir designed the panel and they cut it. The guys at SteinAir also supplied Mutha with a beautiful Avionics schematic so that he could build his complete harness in only a day and a half!

We kicked Greg out on Saturday!

and Mutha got to fly his new panel on Sunday!

Next up for Mutha is new interior side panels and carpet from Abby at Flightline Interiors to complete the resurrection of Mutha's ride, in time for a return to Sun n Fun 2012!!!

Ok! Fast forward 9 months, as Stein predicted, this panel would not be my last!

Who knows how long this one will last!
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I wouldn't have bet that your -8 would even fly again after getting beat up by the tornado at Sun-n-Fun. Now you will return with a show stopper! Nice work. I look forward to seeing you and your -8 in Florida.
Caterpillar to Butterfly

Well, about 5 weeks ago I started with this:


And today I flew home with this:


5 weeks total time with about a week home around Christmas. Just about turned Kahuna's hair gray and I can't thank him enough. I could not have done it without his guidance, tools, knowledge, friendship, parts department and wonderful cooking.. Smokey was also always there to lend and ear or a part and Stripes busted a few knuckles too. CB was a great help in setting up the GRT stuff. He knows those buttons. And my wonderful wife, Slinky, put up with all of it.. Thank YOU ALL

Still have to calibrate the fuel stuff and get a manifold pressure problem worked out but all the electronics work perfectly. Punched on the autopilot and it just worked. Climbed, descended, turned, NAV'ed, headed,, I'm gonna love this thing. ATC said they could hear and see me, don't know if that's good or not, but there it is..
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RV-8 Panel

Everything works on the bench check....just hope it all fits into airplane


Dave Casey
RV-8 (nearing completion)
Stead NV
Now THAT is a nice panel.

That panel has so much functionality, the only thing its really missing for an outstanding IFR panel is a second coms capability and an autopilot

Thats a GTN 650 on the left right?

I think that is a perfect balance, You have situation 3D awareness with the Skyview, the large moving map within it as well, engine monitoring in a seperate screen to the right to reduce central clutter from the skyview, a basic back-up to the left, everything that turns on and off right in front of you and your comms stuff to the right and your heavy sofisticated nav for IFR on the right.

All of that in a very easy to use manner which is the hard bit with technology.

Nice job.
That panel has so much functionality, the only thing its really missing for an outstanding IFR panel is a second coms capability and an autopilot

Looks like an SL40 on the right side and a fancy 650 on the left!

Also, I can't read it well, but looks like there is an Auto Pilot Master switch on the center bottom of the panel.

So it sure does look like a great IFR panel! And of course great looking too!:cool:
Everything works on the bench check....just hope it all fits into airplane

Dave Casey
RV-8 (nearing completion)
Stead NV

Did you do something to that brace between the gear towers? Just curious how you're handling that with the GTN and SL...

Everything works on the bench check....just hope it all fits into airplane


Dave Casey
RV-8 (nearing completion)
Stead NV

Is yours the 8 that Scott has been helping with? I think I've seen this panel. Nice airplane, that thing is going to be unreal when it's finished.
10 lbs of panel in 3 lb bag!

I've measured that sucker three times. I think the GTN 650(left) and Com 2(right) will fit without interference with the tower cross brace. If not I'll be seeking professional help! Dynon transponder is remote. Dynon two axis autopilot is managed with Skyview. Autopilot master on panel turns power off to the servos only. Autopilot disconnect is on Infinity stick grip. C/Bs and lighting switches are on lower right side.



Dave Casey
RV-8 Stead NV
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Here's my RV-8 panel. I'm a believer in the traditional Basic "T" layout that the OEM's have used for decades. No fancy EFIS or video game screens to watch. Just the basic information you need for VFR cross-country and sport plane flying. With the RVs wonderful field of view who wants to be looking at a screen anyway.


The gyros are electric, so I have no vacuum system. That way you can turn the juice off and do aerobatics without tumbling the gyros. The EI stack at right gives everything you need for engine management. I really like these. They are simple and reliable. The GPS/Com is Garmin 250XL. I wish it were a little higher on the panel for easier viewing but that's a minor complaint. So far I've been to Oshkosh, LOE, and Wichita, KS from Dallas. The only thing on my wish list is for a color moving map with weather overlay. Other than that I'll let others spend huge sums on the latest gadgets while I just fly.

Chris Pratt
Dallas, TX
Based at KADS

Chris I agree with you 100%. This is exactly the kind of plan I am putting together for my RV-8. I am a huge lover of Warbirds and want to construct my panel and cockpit to reflect that.

By the way, Cheers from Norman, Oklahoma!
Thanks, Mike! I'll post as often as I can. Right now I am ordering plans, and preparing my garage/shop for the project. I'm still working on my ticket (PPSEL) so it might be a little while before I see my first kit.
GTN 650/ SL40 in RV-8 Panel

Hey Stein

You are right. The Garmin GTN 650 mounting tray is deeper than a Garmin 430 and, if mounted level, will interfere with the tower cross brace. We plan to solve that problem by canting the mounting trays for both the GTN 650 and SL40 downward about 15 degrees so the trays fits beneath the cross brace.



Dave Casey, Stead, NV
RV-8 (close)
Rear Panels

Any manufacturers make rear panel "repeaters" of the front instruments? Be nice for the guy in back to see what's going on.
Hey Stein

You are right. The Garmin GTN 650 mounting tray is deeper than a Garmin 430 and, if mounted level, will interfere with the tower cross brace. We plan to solve that problem by canting the mounting trays for both the GTN 650 and SL40 downward about 15 degrees so the trays fits beneath the cross brace.


Dave Casey, Stead, NV
RV-8 (close)

I figgured that'd be an issue when I saw your pic...that built in cooling fan on the back of the GTN (while nice) means you have to be picky about where it goes in the TD-8's.

Now for some advice that you're going to HATE to hear (and I mean no disrespect) - but I'd stronly encourage you to just toss the beautiful panel you have a do it again. Why? Because you have what will be a really nice plane with really nice equipment, and the canted avionics will obviously be a kludge that won't match the rest of the plane.

I know you were obviously trying to keep things symmetrical and it looks gorgeous, but this is one of those times that form should not trump function.

There are a number of solutions too detailed to type out, but that's just my 2 cents. Your solution will work indeed, but I'd use it as an opportunity to hang that one on the wall and make the next one even better - plus it'll make you an expert to all your friends when you give them avionics placement advice! :)


Dave is building in the hangar next to me, and I'll suggest he call ya today (or soon). Another bud on the field can make a carbon-fiber panel that has the bottom third or so (just above the top of the 650 and the radio stack on the other side) canted up towards him 15 degrees or so. The thought is it will lower the back of the trays just enought to clear, with the side-benefit of tilting the screens up at him a bit.

We've discussed unintended consequences, such as stick clearance, knee room and other interference at the forward end of the trays, but none appear to be least at this point. You may have thoughts on other unintended consequences, having done "a couple" of these yo-self!

The complexity of the project is pretty high, as there are EMS leads and bundles for both the Skyview and the legacy Dynon systems (yep, Dave has complete dual EMS redundancy, among all the other inherent redundancy...the entire build is really quite nice too). I'm not sure of the service loop capacity for a complete re-do (might be there, just dunno), but I'll suggest he talk with you when I see him.

It's gonna be a purty 8 when its done, that's for sure!

Another thought

Look at post #333 here in the RV-8 panel section. It is a picture of my panel with a 650 installed in the heart of the gear tower cross support.

It was originally setup for a 430W till two weeks prior to first flight. The 650 had just come out and I thought if I could sell the 430W without much of a loss, I would convert. The sale went through and off to swapping wires around (as you know, mini d-subs are no fun to deal with -- especially a bunch). Took about a day-and-a-half, but was worth it.

Back to the cross support. What I ended up doing was ordering another cross support bracket, and mounting it inches below the other one (though inverted from the current one). The added one was not touched as far as the integrity of the support. The original support was filed back where it would not interfer with the GPS. So I did take some material back close the the flange of the brace. It took some time to do this and it needs to be done early in the process.

I chatted with several people (with aircraft modification experience) concerning this mod (including Vans) and felt very comfortable doing it. Let me state that Van's builder support did not officially endorse this mod. Heck, the original 8s never had a cross support brace. This was added later down the road (obviously because it is better to have one).

As a comment, I also highly recommend tilting the screen(s) back on your PFD(S). I stole that idea from Smokey and Paul. As you can see, I kinda stole Paul's panel thoughts too (thank you again Paul). Anyway, the 650 looks just great without tilting (no problem viewing or operating). Dave
Any manufacturers make rear panel "repeaters" of the front instruments? Be nice for the guy in back to see what's going on.

Check Matt Dralle's site - he put a panel in the back of the front seat headrest for the pax to view. Can't remember capabilities of what it could display. Think I've seen a pic of it displaying watching a DVD type movie, but based on the rest of what Matt did, I suspect that could be switched to any one of a number of other displays.

Here are the pictures of N6371S ?Little Pill? panel (airframe pics in the finished project section). I read every avionics/electronics post, read Bob Nuckols book, memorized Stein?s posts and came to the conclusion that this is really a fairly straight forward process. Go straight forward from your hanger, across the runway to Sebastian Communications and sign a contract. One thing I insisted upon was that all connectors were of the quick disconnect type. I haven?t flown it yet (wx is cold) but have done several short engine runs. The TCW Smart Start is very nice in that it keeps one GRT engine display active while starting (everything else is on the avionics master).

Like many others I cut a trap door in the fwd baggage compartment on which the TCW boxes are mounted. You have easy access to front and rear by simply removing a bunch of #8 screws and twisting some quick disconnects. The avionics guys will thank me if they ever have to work on the panel in Florida?s July heat.




Long time

Been waiting a long time to be able to post on this thread:D Stole this from Nick "the ultimate sophistication is simplicity"

I tried to stick with the most efficient and clean panel concept for my planned mission profile. Going to try the Ipad for nav. If it doesn't work out... the 7" Skyview will fit in it's location. MGL V6 in the 2.25 center hole. Offset Skyview centers the PFD in my planned main screen display setting. I like the big engine display.

Power ON for the first time last night. Wife rolled her eyes while I ran around the house proclaiming "IT"S ALIVE, IT"S ALIVE" in my best Dr. Frankenstein voice.:rolleyes:




Switch panels still need edges rounded and "decorative" pop rivets in the corners.



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My Panel

Here is my RV8 panel, I tried to keep it simple even with the EFIS.
On the panel I have 2 SVD1000, the breakers and red toggle switch are for emergency radio/intercom and LSE (still have some labeling to do).
I have a VP-X sport, and the dynon transponder which helped me saving place on the panel.
On the left custom side console, I have the toggle switches and throttle quadrant.
On the right custom side console I have a PM1000II on which I plug my iPhone for terrible (imagination) aerobatic session :p... I also have a remote head for the comm on the front place ( the comm is on the rear place). I had to do it like that because the radio is too long and it would in sight if I put it in the front place. Moreover doing it this way, I have the back seater able to participate to the flight.



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Here is my RV8 panel, I tried to keep it simple even with the EFIS.
On the panel I have 2 SVD1000, the breakers and red toggle switch are for emergency radio/intercom and LSE (still have some labeling to do).
I have a VP-X sport, and the dynon transponder which helped me saving place on the panel.
On the left custom side console, I have the toggle switches and throttle quadrant.
On the right custom side console I have a PM1000II on which I plug my iPhone for terrible (imagination) aerobatic session :p... I also have a remote head for the comm on the front place ( the comm is on the rear place). I had to do it like that because the radio is too long and it would in sight if I put it in the front place. Moreover doing it this way, I have the back seater able to participate to the flight.




I have panel envy! Wow factor!
GTN 650 in RV-8 Panel

Remanufactured panel with about a 20 degree cant in lower quarter to eliminate interference of Garmin GTN 650 tray and structure. New panel is graphite carbon fiber.


Certificate of Airworthiness issued on 22 Jun 12 by Reno FSDO.

Dave Casey
RV-3 Race 89
Panel In Production

SteinAir has been great to work with. Extremely knowledgable, professional and friendly staff. I highly recommend them.


Charlie Hammes - RV8
Empennage, Wings, Fuselage, Finish Kit - Complete
Firewall FWD - In process
Flicked the switch.

Finished the smoke test and everything checks out. :)

It's not a very complex set-up, but should be all I'll need.

My panel


I trained with steam gauges but appreciate the benefit of the glass panel. My design incorporates what I believe is the benefit of both. I like the instant analog view of the airspeed, VSI, and altimeter. I also have the back-up gyiro in case the glass goes dark. The SL40 makes for a good #2 com, a must in the IFR environment.

The plane is certified IFR. The Dynon system provides total EMS and situational awareness. I normally display the EMS on the D10A during the flight, switching to an HSI display during the approach. The Tru Trak A/P is coupled to the GNS430W, including glide slope or GPS vertical guidance to minimums. The 496 has weather capability.

I'm happy with the results.



RV-8 Flying
RV-12 ready for DAR inspection
My panel


I trained with steam gauges but appreciate the benefit of the glass panel. My design incorporates what I believe is the benefit of both. I like the instant analog view of the airspeed, VSI, and altimeter. I also have the back-up gyiro in case the glass goes dark. The SL40 makes for a good #2 com, a must in the IFR environment.

The plane is certified IFR. The Dynon system provides total EMS and situational awareness. I normally display the EMS on the D10A during the flight, switching to an HSI display during the approach. The Tru Trak A/P is coupled to the GNS430W, including glide slope or GPS vertical guidance to minimums. The 496 has weather capability.

I'm happy with the results.



RV-8 Flying
RV-12 ready for DAR inspection
Mutha's done it again!

Just trying to stay ahead of the wave!

GDL 39 in afterbaggage compartment.

The blue masking tape will be replaced with better labels for :
GDL 39 remote ON
Back up Battery ON

Hoping to use Stein's sailboat in the BVI that I'm personally financing!!!!!:D
Well, that cost ya some bucks! Can you talk about your decision process for each piece and the mission intended?
Well, that cost ya some bucks! Can you talk about your decision process for each piece and the mission intended?

The Dynon stuff I had previously, worked splendidly. An opportunity came along for me to upgrade a gentlemans steam gauge RV6 with some "Legacy" Dynon glass! It just so happened that I had such glass potentially for sale.
In my IFR mission, I wanted a backup attitude source for the previous Dynon D 180, so I got a D100, to go with it.
With the G3X, I feel I have a more "Robust" ADHRS, so my backup attitude source will be the tru track autopilot. The Trig transponder provides full ADSB capability along with the Garmin GTN650.
The PAR 100 EX gives me a backup comm also.
The GDL 39/G3X is a no brainer.