Warning, potential eye damage ahead

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Okay, I'm jealous. How'd you bag a ride in a T-2?? I wanna go, I've got gas money!

Funny thing is that it was a free ride.

I have a gig with air shows so sometimes I get a joy ride. If that does not happen blackmail also works.

The T-2 ride was fast, extremely low, with high G's.
The wife and kids and I in the 182 on our way to Talkeetna, AK to get some burgers. Hope to start building a -9a soon.

Flight engineering on the E-3 AWACS. Small planes are WAY more fun.
Before there's too many questions:

Enjoy the pics for what they are :)

No, i didn't cause troubles and yes, this was the most awesome wingman so far ;-)

keep pounding the rivets!!!


keep pounding the rivets!!!


His flaps are still in "Auto," was he holding this position or passing you? Hornet will get nice and slow in his configuration. :D

In the states if we do something like this, people throw a hissy fit and careers are ended.
Here's a shot I took in my 3rd or 4th flight into phase 1.
I was then, (and still am!) a VERY happy RV-pilot. :)

His flaps are still in "Auto," was he holding this position or passing you? Hornet will get nice and slow in his configuration. :D

In the states if we do something like this, people throw a hissy fit and careers are ended.

he was keeping station on the inside of a turn.
no hissy fit as it was planned, briefed and part of a proper exercise.

RV Dreaming

No RV yet but here is a pic of the job that pays the bills. Driving a King Air
B200 around the country.
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Bernardo, welcome to the good ship VAF:D

And you figured out how to insert a photo on your very first post----congratulations!!
me looping around in a 8KCAB close to KORL


Cuban Eight over Mickey Mouse! :)
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It is a self portrait . . .

what you don't see is the camera he has mounted to his inflight re-fueling probe. The probe extends off his right wing-tip. With his speed, how else can he zig-zag across the US in a timely manner if he can't refuel inflight.
With Patient Wife

Thanksgiving Return from Grandma's, Over the Mississippi River but not through the woods :eek:


Becci and Carl, KLVJ

Waited a long time to have a photo of me flying MY RV9A. Phase 1 out over the SoCal desert :)

Note: I started putting SUN SCREEN on after these flights. Getting a bit of a burn with all the light coming in the canopy.
like a boss


Waited a long time to have a photo of me flying MY RV9A. Phase 1 out over the SoCal desert :)

Note: I started putting SUN SCREEN on after these flights. Getting a bit of a burn with all the light coming in the canopy.

Get some tan Peter :)
Congratulations Peter. Sothern California is similar to our climate in central Victoria and I just love my Koger Sunshade. Just think of how much sunscreen you could save. :)
How are you liking those in-ear headphones?

I love them! Bought them at OSH last year and I haven't gone back to the over-ear ones since. I tried on both these (halos) and the clarity aloft ones and found the halos to fit me better. I'd recommend trying them each before purchasing if you can. The clarity aloft sounded fine but they couldn't get it sized small enough for my head.

I did not care for the original plugs that came with the halos so I ordered these: http://www.complyfoampro.com/products/canal-tips-original/. They're more comfortable in my ear and fit the headset without any modifications. I believe the clarity aloft set already comes with these.