high altitude flight

Early morning flight. I was hoping to watch the launch of STS-127 from the air, but it was scrubbed. That's no excuse to not fly.....
Pretty neat Bill!

Save that one for him to show his co-pilots someday. He'll not only be able to say "I've been flying since you were in diapers", but he'll also be able to say, "I was in headsets before I was outta diapers!"

Cool pic!

Thanks Bob.

Trust me, his mother has already started a scrapbook of his adventures.

He really seems to enjoy it as he is smiling in every picture she has taken of him in the back of the RV.

This weekend we are flying down to SC00 to do a night of plane camping with him. That should be fun.
Great Picture

That's a great picture. Hopefully I'll get to carry my grandson like that. I'm not so sure his mother will let me though!
Inflight photo

There I was in N912PS at 7,500 ft over PineBluff! --- It was a good start for a war story, but, well nothing else happened.

Me and My Sister in N523RV

Here's a shot of my sister and I. She's deathly afraid of flying... this is the 2nd time she's gone up with me... very proud.

Hudson River Corridor

First flight to the US from Canada. No, I'm not landing in the river!

Great to see some faces to names that I've heard so many times, both here and in other fora.

Here's us.


Sorry, not an RV (yet). In stead I'm flying my all-wood Subie Jodel.


(not easy to fly formation with a camera in front of your eye :D)
Higher Than the Proverbial Kites

Here are Candy and me, grinning like we enjoy flight or something. I can't think of a better way to introduce myself to this forum.

-- Art Z. (Now flying a '68 Piper Arrow. Soon to be building an RV.)

RV-6 over Vero Beach.

I bought a new wide-angle zoom recently and took it up today for a trial. For the photo buffs, it is a Sigma 10-20mm on a Nikon D40, used flash fill. The lens was opened up all the way to 10mm for a wide-angle effect. Camera mounted on a tripod in the baggage comp, photo taken using a remote.


Wow. Front page, too. What an honor. Thanks guys, and I hope to get some sunset shots next flight that I'll post if there are any good ones.
Hi Pat!

I am not really a photographer but I KNOW that there is NO WAY I could take a photo like that!!! Of course, my cameras are all under $100!!!


Nice pic!!!

Keep in touch!!!

:) CJ
Nice shot!

Well I was a pro photographer...and that IS a great shot. Nice use of fill
flash. My only critique would be to use a tip up conopy next time;) OK just kidding.
Pat you can practice on us anytime.
best regards
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Mark Burns was kind enough to fly down to Pineville Municipal, 2L0, from Ruston to give me a ride in his beautiful RV7A. I was visiting nearby for a high school
reunion. EAA 614 was having their monthly pancake breakfast that we thoroughly enjoyed.

Here are a couple of shots of Mark.


Thanks again, Mark! :D
Flying a C172SP (starting RV-7A next month), up from Indianapolis to West Lafayette (Purdue) for Homecoming. Not the most flattering photo. I knew my uncle was taking pictures, I just didn't know he was taking pictures of me. :p

Look how intense I am. :rolleyes: I filed IFR, and needed it. Clouds were low, about 2500 MSL, and solid through 7500'. I really enjoy IFR flying, it just suits my brain.

My wife...

on her first ride in the front seat of the RV10 over PEI. Our first trip together without the kids!!
In flight portrait

It's not an RV, but it sure is slow!



Paul Catterson
RV-9/9A Preview Plans in hand
Van's Factory Tour complete
Demo and WAF Flight complete!!
Denver, CO
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Twin RV pilots

Here is a couple of pictures of our 6 year old twin daughters Hannah(1st pic.) & Hayley enjoying flying over our home town in Western Australia in my -6.


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First passenger!

After 13 years of building, it's about time I get to post an in-flight portrait!

When the time was right after completing Phase I, I invited my spousal unit to join me in a quick, sunset flight and she accepted. Her unwavering (and somewhat unjustified) faith in my abilities was gratefully appreciated as we circled the house a few times and enjoyed the sunset. A nice landing made the moment memorable for us both ...

my youngest and me

Bonding with teenage son, the RV way! And no I don't always look that serious, only when my simple mind is occupied on a simple task!
This is taken from a video. I was testing the mount to see if the video camera would fly off the airplane. It was just stuck on with 3M outdoor mounting tape and a safety tether to a screw holding the top deck on. Tested to 185 MPH indicated.

I think everyone should have a video of their face while flying. I bet you make more funny faces than you think are possible.

You can see the test video here...
Fabulous Video

Most impressive video.
But I'm more impressed with your flying.
Very neat rolls and I could not even pick the touchdown.

Well done.

Thumbs Up!

Very cool video!
You know you have to grease the landing when your buddies are watching, and man was that a smooth landing. :D