Thanks for the PIREP. I bought a set (Halo) but have not been able to actually try them out yet. The "head in a vise" of my normal headsets makes me very uncomfortable.
Enjoying my RV-6

Farther's day, my daughter can't make it home from TX State so I take the family to her.
Here's Mary and me in our new (to us) RV-8A last week:


And here's one with Mary flying as PIC, that shows off our new retractable sunshield, courtesy of this group's own Jay Pratt. Thanks again, Jay!


Dang, we are LOVING this plane! :D
Taking my princess to Shriners Tampa

My amazing daughter was born 2lbs 2onces. Now she is 9 years old and doing great. However, we still have complications and we will have these issues for the long run. Shriners in Tampa has been taking amazing care of our daughter since she was 4. Normally we load the family of 5 into a vehicle and make the 4 hour drive across Florida.

This trip daddy got his wish and turned this trip into a 51 minute flight and $20 rental car. 10-15 minute drive from Tampa exec to hospital.

Big THANK YOU to Bud Smith for the loaned aircraft. (My 8 is still in phase 1)


Nia writing about her experience in her journal.



Waiting room


IFR flight plan but stayed clear with some dodging over the lake.

Clowning it up saying hi to mommy

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Great post Scott! Looks like she enjoyed the ride. It's the stuff memories are made of.:) My 2 girls are now grown and live too far away to fly with me regularly any more, and this photo reminds me how much I actually miss finding hidden pencils, pens, and crayons at at annual inspection time:

Nia writing about her experience in her journal.

Dave and Justin

My younger son came to visit and he took these.
Justin self pic 081813.jpg

Justin self pic 081813a.jpg

Playing with the mirror and special effects with his digital camera for this shot :D
Here's a few of my various "Rides"
UH-60L, F-16D, RV-8, and my RV-10

Fun Stuff !!!


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How do I get sidewinders for my 7? It would help to keep those slow-tabrias out of the pattern (hey, I resemble that remark; Citabria is my favorite tailwheel right now!)
How do I get sidewinders for my 7? It would help to keep those slow-tabrias out of the pattern (hey, I resemble that remark; Citabria is my favorite tailwheel right now!)

I doubt that DHS and the FAA would approve:). But if you added hard points on the wings of a Van's RV-8 with miniguns and maybe a Hellfire or two, you would have one heck of a close air support aircraft at about 1-30th of the cost of an AH-64 Apache,or an A-10 !!!!
Great pic! What did you use to capture this?

Screen capture from gopro. Working on a new video. Normally I'd just upload the video and say, "see".

However, some of our VAF brothers keep raising the bar on video quality, editing and sound... Gotta keep up with the boys and edit a good one ;)
I really like the rubber baby buggy bumpers on the helmets. :)

What kind of helmet are they?

They're my old Air Force Gentex flight helmets. We had Gibson and Barnes replace the guts with Noise Canceling inserts. Very comfortable way to fly around in an RV.
NICE PIC Kelly and LD! The only thing I don't like about it is that you're way out west instead of Good Ol' Live Free or Die country...
After about 85 hours on the build, the wife finally agreed to go with me on a short flight. Lets just say that she is a little hesitant seeing how I built it and all that! Anyway, looks like she enjoyed it.

