Very nice Matt.

BTW, I'm gonna need a list of the fly-in's you'll be attending to ensure I don't park next to you. I'm not worthy:D
Matt Dralle's RV-8 Project Status 03/06/2010 (Part 3)

2010.02.08 - RV-8 - Windscreen Fiberglass Bezel Fabrication (28).jpg

2010.02.08 - RV-8 - Windscreen Fiberglass Bezel Fabrication (31).jpg

2010.02.27 - RV-8 - Spark Plug & Ignition Harness Installation (18).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (1).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (2).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (3).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (4).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (5).jpg

2010.03.05 - RV-8 - Fuselage Cowling Complete (6).jpg
I was just thinking the same thing. It does look beautiful though, Matt. Is that a camera in the rear of the pilot head rest?

As a matter of fact, it is! Its a "check-six" cam. It lets me keep track of the passenger (make sure they're not going to barf on the leather), and also gives a very nice view out the back of the plane. Here are some pictures of the installation in the headrest along with some shots of the various multimedia that can be displayed...

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV
Finishing Up...

2009.03.07 - RV-8 - Passenger LCD Screen & Rearview Cam (24).jpg

2009.03.07 - RV-8 - Passenger LCD Screen & Rearview Cam (25).jpg

2009.03.07 - RV-8 - Passenger LCD Screen & Rearview Cam (26).jpg

2009.03.07 - RV-8 - Passenger LCD Screen & Rearview Cam (27).jpg

2009.04.18 - RV-8 - Rear LCD Screen Mounting Reduex (9).jpg

2009.04.18 - RV-8 - Rear LCD Screen Mounting Reduex (12).jpg

2009.04.18 - RV-8 - Rear LCD Screen Mounting Reduex (13).jpg

2009.04.18 - RV-8 - Rear LCD Screen Mounting Reduex (15).jpg

2009.08.12 - RV-8 - Leather Upholstery Arrives (13).jpg

2009.08.12 - RV-8 - Leather Upholstery Arrives (14).jpg
Very nice Matt. What kind of paint did you use on the interior?

On the interior parts, anything that I could unbolt and that wasn't structural I powder coated in a textured flat black. Everything else got a similar texture in an epoxy spray. The guys at Maas Brothers Powder Coaters in Livermore California did the painting for me. They did a great job and were very affordable, in my opinion. Give Kraig Maas a call for paint details.

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV Matt's RV-8 Construction Blog
Finishing Up...
It's beautiful Matt.....

Can you tell us about the panel lettering method? The stick grip legend and signature graphic are way cool.

What sort of display unit are you using for the camera/map/DVD(?). I can make out "Kenwood" but nothing more.

I have been following your build in recent months. The airplane is spectacular! Good show!

Can't wait to see it in person at OSH!
simply amazing Matt. The leather seats look like they came out of an Escalade. Who made those?

I had the leather and carpet done by Classic Aero up in Oregon. They are 100% Temperfoam and leather and they are as comfortable as they look! The shape of the front seat is completely custom. I went though a few iterations with Luke Doughton and Co. to get just the right fit form my frame. Armrests are also custom. I built them so that they are functional for both the front and rear. By default, you'd have to be pretty short to have your elbows touch the arm rests in the front seat.

The carpet layout is 100% custom. I laid out each section in CAD using a 12" ruler and lots and lots of iterations with paper dolls and a wide format printer. I then emailed the PDF patterns to Luke and he cut the pieces and added backing and surging to the edges The carpet peices fit like a glove now.

I'll post some pictures of the interior design and layout next...

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV Matt's RV-8 Construction Blog
Finishing Up...
Matt Dralle's RV-8 Seat And Carpet Design (Part 1)

Here are a few pictures of the process I went though in the design of both the seats and carpet. The seats are 100% Temperfoam and leather. On the front seat, I started with Classic Aero standard seat, then added bits and pieces of foam until I had a layout that I found comfortable. I also utilized Classic Aero's head rest kit.

For the carpet patterens, I used a 12" ruler and a CAD program to lay them out. I printed out the pattern on a wide format plotter, carefully cut the pattern out, trial fit it, then made adjustments to the CAD, etc, etc. Once I had the pattern right, I emailed a PDF to Luke Doughton up at Classic Aero and he printed the pattern out and transferred it to the actual carpet.

Luke Doughton up at Classic Aero was super great to work with. As you can see from the pictures, their workmanship is top notch. I really appreciated the fact that they were so willing to work with me on the design. Basically, they charged me time and materials for all of the work above and beyond the standard seat package. Seemed very fair.

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV Matt's RV-8 Construction Blog
Finishing Up...

2009.03.09 - RV-8 - Seat Cushion Modifications (1).jpg

2009.03.09 - RV-8 - Seat Cushion Modifications (3).jpg

2009.03.09 - RV-8 - Seat Cushion Modifications (4).jpg

2009.03.28 - RV-8 - Seat Foam Modifications (1).jpg

2009.03.28 - RV-8 - Seat Foam Modifications (3).jpg

2009.03.28 - RV-8 - Seat Foam Modifications (6).jpg

2009.03.28 - RV-8 - Seat Foam Modifications (9).jpg

2009.04.17 - RV-8 - Front Seat Foam Reduex (1).jpg

2009.04.17 - RV-8 - Front Seat Foam Reduex (2).jpg

2009.04.17 - RV-8 - Front Seat Foam Reduex (3).jpg
It's beautiful Matt.....

Can you tell us about the panel lettering method? The stick grip legend and signature graphic are way cool.

What sort of display unit are you using for the camera/map/DVD(?). I can make out "Kenwood" but nothing more.

Initially, I had a local silkscreener just paint the layout on the panel. But, this didn't come out too good because of the texture. So I had them create full sized labels that they die cut to fit the panel. Same for all of the other labels around the cockpit. The texture of the plastic they used matches the texture of the paint and powdercoat perfectly. They really look good. Again, I laid everything out in a CAD program, then just emailed PDF files to the silkscreeners.

The stereo system is a Kenwood DNX8120. It is a really nice unit and has GPS Nav and full weather similar (albiet a LOT better) than what is graphically shown on the GRT HX EFIS. It also has a DVD player, MP3 player (I have a 64GB thumb drive plugged into the panel that has all of my music), XM radio, HD AM/FM, full bluetooth intergration with my Blackberry (I also intergrated it with the intercom system so that I can make a calles using the standard headset. Audio is mixed with the Nav/Com/Intercom), and of course the Check-Six cam. It is a really nice unit and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking for a completely intergrated system. Audio-wise, it interconnected with the PM3000 intercom perfectly. I the Kenwood DNX8120 has been replaced with a newer model, the DNX9140, but the feature set remains the same. Here is a link to the Crutchfield page on the current Kenwood mode, the DNX9140 (at the bottom, there are also details on the Cam I used in the headrest):

Matt Dralle
RV-8 #82880 N998RV Matt's RV-8 Construction Blog
Finishing Up...
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I am at a loss for the correct superlative...

Will there be a Matt Dralle seat option at Classic Aero?
I decided to move on to the next step finally, after spending more than a month looking at firewall insulation schemes with no personal conclusion. I spent way more time than necessary on a control bracket, but I had fun and it is accurate to within about .0005" :). Movin' on...



quality time

scott there is nothing wrong with wanting some quality time with you drill press....LOL

Rich Denton
drill press?

I would hardly call that a drill press!


gosh, I wish my drill press looked like that!

One might think it is a bit overkill for a bracket though....using sledge hammers to kill mosquitos? On the other hand, the quality will always show.

scott there is nothing wrong with wanting some quality time with you drill press....LOL

Rich Denton
so, is CNC'ing one's fuel tank attach brackets taking things a little too far...?

It's all about edjuamacation, isn't it?

If I had access to a CNC I would use it every chance I could....LOL
but my wife says I'm anal....or did she call me an a$$....oh never mind...If you have it use it....

Last aluminum milestone! Riveted the forward skin on, glued the windscreen in place and installed the panel. All works, as advertised, just need to straighten a couple of sw guards.

Nothing left but interior finishing, fiberglass, and paint! 12 years + 1 month and counting. :)

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Wade! Nice job!

I was just throwing a pity party today about how long my project is taking...your perseverance is inspiring.

470AD4 rivets

Now I know why you love those pnuematic rivet squeezers....Wow! I need one of them....If I have to keep squeezing them the hard way, I will look like the HULK in no time...


Rich Denton
1400 hrs / 3.5 yrs on my slow build

Here are some pics of where I am currently with my -8. I have 1400 hrs invested and 3.5 yrs (slow build). Wings and tail done, canopy done. It's on the gear and I have just temporarily mounted the engine. I'm still in the process of wiring (waiting on my AFS 3500EE to come in soon). I hope to being flying in about a year. I feel like I'm entering that 90% complete, 90% to go stage. I have to finish the wiring, do all the firewall forward, then top skin aft of cowl, windshield install and all the glass work and paint. Then it's off to the airport to put the wings on and hook everything up. Ok maybe 2 more years...... :)







hey, it's time to move

Here I am, after five years, a lot of posts and a lot of new friends :


No more space into my shop, next week I'll move to the airport, my DAR is expected for middle april (this year)

Will I fall in a "empty shop syndrome" ? Stay tuned


Wow, looking good. I was in firenze (Florence) 15 months ago. I considered geting in touch with you but family got first billing.
I'm back in Venice for two days this June (more vacation). Too bad I'm on a time table now too. I would love to see your project! keep up the hard work.
I see you're painted....nice.


Looks really great, I am sure you are excited to get her flying. I dream of those days to come. I have loved the build but want to be flying now. Say hello to family for me, hopefully I can make visit again and go flying this time.

Some stuff is boring, some stuff is hard, and some is pure fun. I admit I find wiring to be in the fun category, and I'm full-tilt into it now.

This a custom trim relay pack. It allows the Trio autotrim pitch servo to control the MAC servo, or allows trim control from either pilot position. It gives gross control with the usual hat switch or buttons, or fine (slow) control via the Trio knob with the autopilot powered but not engaged, or full auto control with AP engaged. Bringing everything to a terminal strip makes it modular and easy to hook up. Nothing real special, should be lots of similar setups out there.

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VS done

Well I know it is another VS, just what you wanted to see, I know..... but here it is anyway. On to the HS tomorrow.....


Rich Denton

See Y'all at Sun-n-Fun
VS Done

Nice looking work on the VS. I'm just glad to see that you keep the Bud Light nearby. That must be the reason for the high quality work!
Are you a member of the Tampa EAA chapter 175?
Stan Sutterfield
[email protected]
Hey Stan

Yes I am, I really enjoyed your presentation at the Jan. Chapter dinner. I have seen Pic's of your 8. What a beautifull aircraft. I am co-chairing the Volunteer Kitchen this year with Pete and taking it over next year. Stop by and see us at sun-n-fun I'll save you a sandwich...LOL

Hope to see you there

Rich Denton
Flighline Interior Seats

My new seats from Flighline Interior just arrived. The quality of the seats is outstanding. The attention and service from Fightline was super. I mailed Flighline cardboard templates which they used to create the finished interior panels. Without any hesitation, I would recommend Flightline interiors for any RV project.



A slideshow of the seats and interior can be found here
Very nice Mike! What is the little black tab attached to the left canopy roller just below the latch?

Makin' an airplane..

I'm coming up on my 1 year building anniversary and am still having a blast building this plane!

I have some wiring in - waiting for my autopilot servos and ELT to button up the turtle deck. Working on the baggage door and starting to get serious about an engine and panel. WooHoo!




What are you using for the rotating of your fuselage. Do you have some pictures of the mount and what you're using to support the fuselage.

Doug Crumrine
Things that suck more than Proseal

The things that have been revealed to me as I progress through the book of plans - my hat is off to all of my Van's brethren who have come before me and who are working from a later page! I am now understanding why when we get together, we nod knowingly about sealing tanks and the big cut.

Don't get me wrong - I am loving building this plane! I just have to say, I have found something that I loath more than the smell of the black rubber goo. A nearly 80 degree room full of smelly burning plexi, dressed like a star trooper really makes for a sight! I learned my lesson about wearing short sleeves! (Picture the shower of sparks from your grinder, only invisible and sticky).

Buildin on...

Also a Hoth Veteran

Scott Elhardt, Imperial Storm Trooper, Veteran of the Battle of Hoth . . .The Ice Planet! (Also known as the Battle of the Canopy Cut!) Been There, Done That! Great Picture, Scott!

Fellow Veteran,

Bill Palmer :)
Looking good guys!

Nice work guys. There will be alot more -8s in the air come this time next year - hopefully mine will be among them!

Keep up the great work!