Here is where my Standard Build Fuselage is One Month and 255 work Hours later from picking up the kit from Vans.


Fantastic progress David. If I recall correctly, it wasn't that long ago you wondered if you could balance being on active duty with building an airplane...looks like you certainly found a way!
Haha I remember that Scott, I was fortunate enough to have a few days of travel, then some leave and then some PTDY all back to back, so that gave me a good solid month to get as much done as possible. My day 1 was today so the 10 hour airplane building days are over but I am really looking forward to my new unit so things should work out well.

About out of the paint shop

Bobby Potts of Tuscaloosa interiors is doing the deed. All I can say right now is "WOW!!!"

Workshop Pano


Here's a quick and dirty pano of the workshop. I am waiting for riveting help on the center section skin, so I couldn't help but test fit it with the aft fuse. Now its really starting to feel like something substantial.
First Engine Start

Finally came to the point in the build where it was time to start the engine. Very exciting.

One thing that I learned that others might find useful. Disconnected a fuel line on the engine side of the firewall and turned on the boost pump. No flow. Added more fuel to the tank with the same results. Just prior to pulling all the covers on the fuel boost pump, I decided to put a nylon tube on the vent line and carefully blow in the tank. Once fuel started dripping out of the disconnected line, I turned on the boost pump and voila, good flow.

Otherwise very productive day.
Paint Booth

Wings are now in the paint booth and progress is good. Primer now completed and flattened back ready for base coat which will be done this weekend so I expect both wings to be completed by the end of the weekend.

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Nice looking airplane! Mine is flying but your airplane is farther along being painted and everything. I have spent the last four weekends doing fiberglass work:(. The good thing is the weather here in Reno has been bad so I wasn't missing out on any good flying.

I was thinking about doing a similar painting scheme.
Thanks guys!

Steve: Ya the fiberglass sure isn't fun but you'll get it. Lots of similar paint jobs out there that I got the idea from too.

Bruce: They say when you have something that looks like an airplane you're about half way there. I'm thinking when you have something that looks like a finished plane, you're about 90%. :D Just lots of little details here and there to do along with a lot of paperwork.

Ryan: Let's get together again one of these days, I haven't talked to you in awhile.
One step closer

Mel Asberry came out to KTRL to perform the DAR inspection on my airplane. It was nice have someone so knowledgeable on the RV doing this. If you are getting close to this stage, I highly recommend his services.

Walt Aronow, thanks for taking the extra time after doing the weighing for having a look at the firewall forward. This really saved me a lot of extra time during the inspection. Again if you need to get on the scales, his services also come highly recommended.

Hopefully flying soon.

Exceptional RV!

Marc is a little modest. Actually his RV-7 is the 3rd aircraft, out of approximately 800, that I have inspected for airworthiness, and couldn't find a discrepancy.
I have to agree with Mel, Marc did a super job on his new RV7!!

Come on over to 52F when get the 40 hrs flown off and we'll get that prop balanced for ya and have lunch :D
Congrats!! I drive by Terrell every other week from Tyler and would like to see your plane sometime! I plan to use Mel myself.

Enjoy the sky!
First Engine Start

Fellow builders,

After 7 years and 8 months of slow building, I attained another progress milestone over the week-end. First engine start on my Mattituck IOF-360M1B and it was per the script. Totally uneventful other than the sense of relief all was well. I had pre-warmed the engine for an hour with the Reiff heating system, flushed the fuel system comprehensively through to the injectors, Pre-oiled the engine (Oil-O-matic) until I had 50psi on the AFS indication. Then it was clear prop and...............:D:D:D ......well the rest is on the video clips. So looking forward to first flight in a few weeks when I'm back onshore.

Greg (VH-VGB, RV-7A IOF-360M1B, WW200RV):):)

Is it me, or are they building a bunch of rv's down there? Lot of great paint schemes in that lot too.

Next time I'm on Gold Coast, this rv brutha would love a ride.
After 64hrs of building over the last 29 days, I have completed my first major sub-assembly of N627AB! Here is the obligatory picture of flying furniture :)


So far its been a great experience and I'm loving every minute of building process (frustrations included). Can't wait to finish off the empennage kit and get my wings started this summer! :D
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Picked up my Finish Kit!

Since I'm fortunate to live close to Vans, it's a Will Call pick up for me. So I scheduled it for the afternoon of April 15th, and I got some help from my brother and my Dad.

Here's my Dad, checking out the remaining contents of the crate after we got the big stuff loaded up. We left the crate there at Vans when we were finished.


My brothers' van was the perfect choice for this mission. There was plenty of room inside for the big cowling parts and a nice fold-down bed for the precious canopy.


As I had suspected, there was no way I could have taken all this stuff home in my little Mercury Mariner.


With the big pieces out of the way, there's not much left to worry about! It's surprising how little there seems to be in this kit.


I'm very fortunate not to have to pay shipping, a crate charge, and deal with massive amounts of paper and packing materials. Just load the stuff up and go home.


We were finished so fast, we had time for a quick tour of the factory and a little fun at the end! A few obligatory "hat" pictures, as many who have gone before me have demonstrated.


Steve couldn't decide which model he liked the best. The one above gives him that ancient "Viking" look, but the conehead model below provides a little better visibility.


My Dad even got in on the act! He still has a great sense of humor at age 83, although he doesn't look nearly as enthusiastic about it as Steve.


Quite fashionable, don't you think?

All seriousness aside, a while later I was home and with a little help with the big pieces, got everything safely tucked into my shop. If you haven't been to Vans, it's a MUST SEE experience.
Nice Bruce!

It's all down hill now! The canopy, cowling, and wheelpants are by far the easiest parts of the kit. :rolleyes:

Seriously though, congratulations on this milestone!
Bruce, Congrats! I was just looking at your web site last night wondering when the "big day" would finally arrive. I've been catching up with you lately on my fuselage - guess I'll really have to turn to now! I hope to place the same order in a month or so. I'll watch your progress.

Mandatory requirement

Its part of the sale contract isn't it, to wear the wheel pant on your head.

I would like to hear fron any one that DIDN'T do abnormal freaks of nature.
been busy

Finished installing the cowling, most engine accs., 4 pipe vetterman exhaust, struggling with baffles now... next install rod bower ram air...


After 5 years of hard work, blood, sweat, swearing, learning & $$$$, my plane is about 3 weeks from the airport. All I have left to do here at home is some more polishing and some work on soundproofing. Once at the airport, it's just basic assembly and testing of systems then my inspection. I started out wanting a warbird style paint job, then I decided I wanted to fly it. I wanted to paint the fiberglass parts to protect and seal them until the "real" paint job. A little body work had been done on the tail, so it's all paint. I spent about$700.00 on primer, paint and guns, and another $500 on a polishing kit. I'm actually starting to like it this way :)

I started flying again 3 weeks ago. I'm getting a BFR, and learning to fly taildraggers in piper Super Cub. It's a blast!! Definitely a steep learning curve, but it's a fun one. My instructor is also a DAR and will be doing my inspection when it's ready.

These are exciting times!!


Shot at 2011-05-08


Shot at 2011-05-08
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Thanks Vlad. The wings are still in the basement for polishing. The wings will basically be all aluminum with red wingtips. I can't wait to see it altogether!

You're at 39N? I bought my 1st plane, a '69 Cherokee 140 there from the owners of the airport back in 2002. Fond memories.
Painting almost done

Click the link in my signature for more photos. " My Build log "




This is a fake Gps to hide cowl pins. This is also the best picture of how the red looks :)

RV7A empennage is complete!

Still needs fiberglass, balancing etc... but I've run out of parts so it must be time to move on. Hard to believe that just in February I was sweating
over my first rivet. Looking forward to the wings!

The big move

Today, was the day of the big move.
Planning did not go without some small problems. The wheel base of the 7A is approx. 7'. But in France, cars are a bit smaller than in the US and all the trailers or flatbeds I could find at an affordable price could not accomodate a wheel base more than 6'5".
To get a vehicle with a larger surface area cost a lot more.
So my first idea was to built some kind of contraption that would allow the wheels to overhang the platform on both sides.
Before building anything I called a friend of mine working at a truck workshop to see if he had any idea, or maybe knew somebody who had a larger trailer.
He called back a few hours later saying that on his parking lot there was a truck with a trailer that would do, that the owner had approved the use and that he would drive the truck as it needed as special permit.
I was not really prepared to see a 60' truck and trailer drive through the small streets of my village.
But we managed to load the plane (using the crane to pull it) and to deliver it safely to the airport.



The plane looks very small on that big truck, my neighbour called it a dragonfly.
Now, final assembly is next.
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Today Pascal did the big move to the airpor. I did the same to the same place last week. Nangis (LFAI) is the french Vans factory. One RV8 is already flying and one RV8 and 2 RV7 should fly in the next 30 days.

mine did pass his LSA (radio today) and i Download the Europe Jeppesen card on my dynon skyview

I hope that the engine will start on monday if everything works well



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Hey - decided to test fit the interior today. Overall, I think it looks pretty darn cool.... just a bit depressing to know that tomorrow, I have to take it all out and haul it back to the basement so that I can get back to work wiring.


Your interior looks awesome! I ended up getting the full interior too from Classic Aero, except I have the sportsman seats. Just made a long cross country and their seats are very comfortable as well!