We went through EAA's insurance plan (Falcon Insurance). They worked with us to find the best policy at what we thought was a decent price. They're good people to work with.
My insurance company didn't have a problem with her training in the 10. The agent was familiar with both her instructor and the airplane, and he found a policy that would cover her. It did cost a bit more, but not too bad. Her CFI thought that it would be best if she learned in the plane that she would be flying, so she did all of her training and solo work in it.

I'm so excited to hear this! :D

Congrats to your wife!
We went through EAA's insurance plan (Falcon Insurance). They worked with us to find the best policy at what we thought was a decent price. They're good people to work with.

I understand that Falcon was the broker, but I'm curious who was the underwriter. (i.e. Chartis, Global, etc)


N541RV is complete and flying

8 yrs later.... 40176 has been transformed into a flying machine.




Bob Newman
TCW Technologies
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Very nice, Bob.
Q: Did the DAR give you any grief over the placement of the lower of the two Garmin radios? Technically it's too low to meet the ifr TSO without a remote annunciator.

Thanks for all the complements, I certainly have enjoyed every aspect of this project, from the build to the technical layout and ergonomics to now the flying.

The DAR had no issue with the dual gns-430s, (however, all info on the 430's is avialable on the EFIS screens) he was incredibly picky on everything else (which was fine), his favorite nit to pick was ensuring the ELT antenna was installed per the TSO, which included drilling the only hole that now existis in the top of the plane!! For all of you that got away with putting the elt under the tail fairing, congratulations! after a lot of research and arguing it was a battle I couldn't win.


Sorry Bob, I had my inspection Thursday and didn't even take off the empennage fairing that covered the elt and antenna. All you had to tell the inspector was that your poh requires crash landing nose down :).
Fresh out of the paint shop!

No more PINK cabin! We have 15 hours on it total. One since we got it back from paint :D

That is beautiful Bob! Congrats!!



Walt Fuller
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Gads! This thread is going to be up to 50 pages before I finish. Jealousy aside, that's a pretty bird.
40-ODD flies

Yesterday on a warm and sunny Denver morning, N400DD took her maiden steps into the air after 4 years and 5 months and 2750 man-hours of building. Short flight due to very high CHTs, but it flew nonetheless. Can't wait for more!




Looks fantastic! Congratulations on a beautiful bird. I see the old rv grin is in full blaze :D Keep us posted on those CHT's...

Walt Fuller
N420CF Flying

O.K., now get the signature line corrected:D

And, tell us about the prop, and blocked cooling air intake.

Congratulations on first flight. Maybe the high CHTs had something to do with the cooling plugs?? I think the consenses is that it is better to limit the exit than to limit the intake. But I think the CHTs are easily fixed because the RV10 is well proven. Thanks for adding another tick mark to the meter.
Ellipse, AC

The prop is an Elippse prop, designed by the late Paul Lippse. Haven't had enough time to gauge how well it's going to work.

I have a Flightline AC compressor up front, which moves the alternator to the other side of the engine using a big, beefy bracket. That bracket plus the two belt tension pulleys (one each side) and the belts block the air inlets quite a bit. So, I decided to try a non-standard inlet layout hoping it would not make a significant difference, or that I could offset the airflow loss with other improvements. It blocked a lot more flow than I originally envisioned when I made that decision, and when it was going together for the last time I was thinking "duh, why did I do that?!" I pretty much knew it wasn't going to work, but since it was done, I gave it a go. I'm halfway finished with modifying it again to take the covers off, and we'll see how that does. May end up having to do something more drastic to get more airflow, we'll see.

Keep at it guys!


Big congratulations on your first flight! I wish I'd have known so I could have been there, but I understand the benefits of a low-key first flight. It's great to hear that you're in the air. I was a bit disheartened when I saw your total hours though.. :( Looks like I've got a long way to go. I was working on match-drilling the longerons for my tailcone yesterday... Slowly, but surely...:)
You were on the list...

Mike- you were on the list, but we had too many people as it was! Sorry. Get you up in it later though to make up for it. My hours should not be construed as typical for sure- I've got lots of extra screw-ups and 3rd party mods that hogged time, plus painting it myself. Think you can do it faster!

Congratulations Dwight! I fly to APA and BJC quite a bit for work. Maybe one of these days I can swing by. 2 hours SLC to APA in my 10. 1 hour in the company's vehicle.

Here we are I am not going to say that we have completed yet. Still have calibrations to do systems checks ect and the inspection is still to come but never the less I think it is complete enough for this thread.

We are 22 months into this project and hope to have it in the air within a week or so.






Update on N400DD

Just a quick update on mine... removed those inlet covers and redid the inlets to fix those high CHTs I mentioned on first flight. Second flight today in some warm-ish weather showed CHTs back down where they should be. Speed was down quite a bit, so have some further refinements in the inlets (openings leaking air into lower cowling) and maybe other drag to go find. But that will come later.

Finally some paint on the fuse

We have been working for the past 6 weeks on the fuse and vertical surfaces at a friends paint shop. We finally finished up the fuse and brought it home today after painting until well after midnight last night. We still have to finish the N number and dark blue on the top of the vertical stab. Then on the the wings and control surfaces.... We chose to paint the plane in sections prior to final assembly.
Very nice. Except I had to look twice because at first glance it looked like you added a dorsal fin. Duh.
Looking good!

I'm scheduled to go to the painter in a few weeks. Busting my buns to to get all the fiberglass work done. Unfortunately, there is no way to have phase 1 done by OSH.
I am not planning on it flying prior to OSH. I just sold my Archer, so I dont have anything to fly up. I am planning driving up this year. I thought I was done with the fiberglass, but ended up with a lot left to do at the paint shop.