Nope, not a Sonex.

Hint---Hundred MPH faster, four place glass plane from the 1980s.
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Finally Flying



All smiles!

Andy and Dan-----excellent chronology/story of the build and flight.

Thanks for sharing it with us.
Weird. Still negative contact for me on the iPad. Gotta love the technology :rolleyes:

Same here, but it only says not available for portable devices (iPad); nothing about copyright, etc. I get this from time to time - just have to watch on the laptop.
Works just fine on my portable device (Surface Pro :p). And congratulations, though that landing stuck the nosewheel a little. I'm sure once you get used to it you will slow down on the approach. And, yes, I'm jealous; still saving for my powerplant.
Complete.. well sort of. and first flight!

I finished assembling all the access panels and fairings, Installed the interior, and fixed my outstanding squawks this week. (DAR inspection was last Saturday).

Was ready for flight on Thursday, but called it off as it was getting close to Sunset and the winds were still gusty and close to a direct crosswind.
Had rain all day Friday and Saturday. Winds were strong all day Sunday as well, but straight down the runway, and forecast to diminish near sunset.

So I worked on installing the interior and finishing other minor items, left and had an early dinner, came back at 6:30 pm pre-flighted and had my first flight!

Winds were still 10 gusting to 17 right down the runway when I took off, but forecast to come down significantly during that hour. I stood by the runway for a little while, and did not feel the winds were bad.

Took off and had a successful flight of .7 hours. Would have stayed up longer, but dusk was approaching. Climbed directly over the airport to 4500 feet. Cylinder head temperatures climbed to 435 in the climb, but settled in between 370-390 after I leveled out. Cylinders 1&2 were the hottest at 390, with 3&4 being the lowest at 370, 5&6 were 380-385. Kept the power right at 75% for all of the flight except about 2 min of slow flight (70 knots not that slow). Seemed to fly good. Ball Centered, could not tell if I had a heavy wing or not as I had 30 gallons in the right tank and 10 gallons in the left. (Right was heavy with that fuel loading). Had most the fuel in the right tank as I am going to have to pull the left fuel sender, as it is either hung up (Possibly prosealed up?), or not working. It reads the same voltage as about 25 gal in the right tank no matter how much fuel is in it. Going on vacation next week, so just before I will pull the sender, replace it and proseal it back in. That way the proseal will have a week to dry while I am on vacation.

Belly and lower cowl were dry (no oil). I have not taken the cowl off to do a full inspection yet, but hopefully will have time to do so today.


Plane ready to go.

In the Air!


Taxiing back in with the RV-Grin

And since I did not have a chance to go on an aerial deer hunting photoshoot the deer came to visit me just after landing.

Hopefully will get 1 or 2 more flights in this week before going on vacation. Hope to have my 40 hrs (39.3 left) flown off by the end of April.
Congrats on the first flight, enjoy phase 1!

I had a similar issue with my float sending units, 1 side changed resistance in .001 volts and the other didn't change at all. I almost pulled a sending unit but decided to do nothing and double check it later. Seems I misread the wiring diagram and had the wires backwards on the sending unit.

Thanks everyone.

As to the fuel guage, I also miss-read the wiring diagram, and had to switch the wires. I was getting nothing on either side before the switch, after the switch my right tank worked great, with changing voltage based on level. Left tank stayed at the same voltage (.334 v), which corrisponded to about 22 gal on my right tank.

Another builder lent me a sender, so I am going to pull my sender tomorrow and replace it. Then I'm down for a week for the proseal to dry.

Got my second flight in yesterday for 1.5 hr. No new squawks, confidence for flight much better. Not nearly as overloaded.
Looking for High Resultion RV-10 Picture -Preferrably in Flight.


I have started building an RV-10 in Northern NJ. I would like to generate a 24-26 inch wide by 38-40 inch high (movie marquis) poster of a flying RV-10 and then edit the picture to add/show the specs as posted on the VANs website. I may also show an insert of a proposed finished panel. This would be displayed in a back-lit movie marquis sign with a "coming Soon" title as you enter my workshop. The problem is I cannot find any high resolution pictures of flying RV-10s. VANs sent me a great picture, but when blown up, it has too much pixilation. I noticed this group has some pictures posted and you might be able to help me with a picture in high resolution.

Picture of Marquis Build Log and Information/Coming Soon.JPG

Thank you in advance for any support.
Not exactly finished, but is flying!

I can report that another RV-10 has joined the ranks of flying birds. N784JC took flight from Clarion, Pennsylvania, on May 6 and performed even better than expected. It flew straight, hands off, and the only squawk was a small seep of oil from the engine.



What a rush. Here is the mandatory first flight video. I have additional in-cockpit footage, and will produce something much better when I find the time......

One of the wonderful aspects of experimental aviation is the opportunity to shape an airplane that reflects our own priorities and tastes, and to that end, my RV is simple and light, but built with attention to detail. Empty weight, including oil and interior but unpainted, is 1563 lbs, powerplant is the usual IO-540 / Hartzell combo, and avionics are built around a Garmin G3X system. Construction time was 6-1/2 years of chipping away on a slow-build kit. Mike Seager provided valuable transition training and Wayne Gillispie was my go-to person when I had questions. Vans staff provided valuable support on the few occasions that something didn’t line up right. Building this airplane was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and I thank Van’s for providing us with such an opportunity.

I began construction the year before my twin sons were born, so they have been raised with an airplane in the garage.


The boys spent most evenings in the shop with me, building their own little projects alongside the airplane or sitting in the seats, flying to destinations in their imaginations. Many evenings I spent more time tending to the boys than actually working on the airplane, but it made the work a true family project. Our family enjoys long-cross country explorations by airplane, and we have crisscrossed the continent a number of times in our old Skyhawk. The RV-10 will allow us to fly to distant locations with relative ease, and leave us with more time for exploring when we get there!
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and thanks to you all....

And I need to add that VAF community has been a great source of information for me. The posts by the -10 builders and especially the many good photos have been very helpful. Thanks. You guys are better than I am though at inserting photos without messing up the text wrapping.........
Abby at Flightline did the seat covers, upper rear panel, and carpet inserts (floors only). I did the headliners, side panels, center console, etc. Overhead console is Aerosport with Stein's vents for Airflow Performance A/C, and Aveo lights. Stick grips are fashioned from the uprights of a Boeing 737 yoke.
I can report that another RV-10 has joined the ranks of flying birds. N784JC took flight from Clarion, Pennsylvania, on May 6 and performed even better than expected. It flew straight, hands off, and the only squawk was a small seep of oil from the engine.

Congrats Andy! The plane sounds great on takeoff in the video. I never get tired of that sound :)

Myron, I love the paint job!
Congrats Andy, looks like a nicely built airplane! Love to hear about the folks plugging along not giving up on builds. Gives me confidence and reassurance that we all work at our own pace and that's perfectly acceptable.
Signed off Phase I on Friday! Flight testing has gone well, with surprisingly few issues to chase down. At this point, the largest issue I can find to obsess over is a noisy intercom. Amazingly good airplane we have here. Yesterday we celebrated with breakfast at the Salem Air Park/ Skyline Diner. Caleb tossed it all back up on the way home, properly baptizing the airplane.


Today, we visited the grandparents in Ohio. Dad was in aviation one way or another his entire career, and it meant a lot to me to show him the airplane. The local airport has a 2000' sod runway, which is child's play for the RV-10. I am having fun exploring the corners of the flight envelope.

Having learned my lesson yesterday, the boys are now trained to place a towel in their laps at the first sign of choppy air. Boys are whupped after a day a riding the ATV at the grandparents farm.


I've been around airplanes for a long time and am not easily impressed, but this airplane is very impressive. Keep building guys, it is so worth it.....

Andy, congrats on finally getting the seats filled :D

You are so right about how wonderful the 10 is.
Shoulder Belts Appear Inadequate


Congrats on the milestone.

I so hate to be that guy, but the first thing I thought when I saw your photo of the little guys was just how worthless those shoulder belts would be in a crash. I recall at least one case where an adult member of this forum was lost due to inadequate shoulder restraint. I know, for example, that child seats for cars need the shoulder belts set at shoulder height in order to do their job. Again, sorry to be that guy.
N102KT flies!

I am happy to report that today was the day N102KT took flight under my control! Wow what an experience! 4.5 years and plenty of sweat equity later, the plane lived up to all expectations and flew like a dream. It's a pleasure to join the ranks of the others who have completed their kits. I thank everyone on VAF for their help throughout the project. I can only hope to now pay it forward.