David, different----simple.

I like it.

Interesting optical delusion in the nose pant-------hole for the tow bar looks like an eye.
RV10 First Flight

First post here so I hope I get it right. On Friday Feb 27, 2009 RV10 C-GTJE made it first flight after 17months of building from a quick build. This is my second RV and was just as much fun to build as the first one. I have to decide which one to build next.;)
The plane flew very well, straight with no roll at hand off and fast. I am very impressed at how solid this plane is. On the second flight I went to shut the autopilot off and found out it was already off!! Very Solid. The takeoff is the most fun as there is so much power. This is my first tricyle airplane so even though the airplane is so simple to land, the main missions of long XC travel is what make this plane great. It is quite nice to see where you are going while taxing too.:) Sure can't wait to get the time flown off so I can take the family with me.

One item that I noticed at 170kts plus indicated with a DA of 6000 (OAT was about -5C) I got a slight vibration in the stick from the elevator. The air was smooth and true aispeed was still under VNE. There was no sign of movment in the elevator when I looked back. I do not have the fairings on and was pushing it full out as I am breaking the new engine in. Not sure if the prop gives off a certain hamonic at high rpm and power setting with hi speeds as the skins are real thin and could be oil canning some on the elevator. I centered the trim tabs and the problem is nonexistant now but I never pushed it up to those speeds agian. My RV9 was still silky smooth close to VNE so I figure the 10 should be the same. Not sure If any of you seen this or not. I have no reason to fly that fast so I may never see the "problem" again.

I am very happy with my decision to build this plane. It flys so nice it is almost boring. That is why I threw in a bunch of goodies to keep the fun factor up!!






Very nice! What did you use for pinhole filler and primer for the fiberglass parts?
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Filler Primer


This is the stuff I used for the aluminum prep and the fiberglass filler. I also used Aeropoxy filler for feather it out to the aluminum. It sands very well and does a great job filling the holes. The filler is Called BESA-CAR by Bernardo Ecanerro. Hope that helps.

Welcome to VAF!!!!

First post here so I hope I get it right.


Troy, you got it right alright:D

Welcome to VAf, good to see you here.

You mentioned this is your 2nd RV, what was the first????

Suggestion, build a 3 for number 3:rolleyes:

Nice panel, by the way.
First RV build was a RV9

My first RV was a 9, yes taildragger. Finished it in 2005. I loved the plane, it was a sad day to see it go. Good freinds own it now so I hope to get some are to air of them some day. When you put your heart and soul into these planes to build them, they really do become part of the family as strange as that might sound.

C-FTJE for the RV9 Troy, Jody, Emma,
C-GTJE for the RV10 We had a son and named him Gavin. What luck that was.

Hence the reason for the RV10.

Build a 3. The thought has crossed my mind. Most likely the 8 or the 12 depending on what the family thinks!! No building for a while right now though;). I would love to own two planes some day. I would really like the second plane to be a taildragger though.

The RV10 is here to stay, I watch the EfIS fly the autopilot from the GPS flight plan, truely amazing to watch it intercept course lines after it overflys the waypoints. Amazing what you can build in your garage!

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Beautiful airplane and panel. Sounds fast as well. Congratulations. How do like your AFS EFIS's so far? Bill

How do like your AFS EFIS's so far? Bill

The EFIS is working very well. I have an AOA issue that needs to be solved as it is only working properly at low speeds. I am guessing that I clamped one of the lines to tight in the wire bundle. It might be hard to find, but I have a plan as to how to check it. Other than that all I can say is WOW, lots of really nice information right in front of you.


Wow, many of these RV-10's look better and more complex than a Cirrus! I'm sure they are all using top notch equipment and I hope to see one soon.
If it is a 10 you want to see, well have I got a deal for you:D

I have a 10 under const----in the upholstery shop right now---and a buddy parks his finished 10 in my hanger.

Two for the price of one, and just a short flight from the bay area.

Stop on by Cameron Park sometime, just let me know when you plan to be around.

Also there is an 8, a 9, a 7 (being built), a 4, and four 6s.
We have been finished for a month and now have 50 hours up, and I see this thread has been quiet for some time so here is a few pics plus some Youtube video, which I did post on the video thread, but worth posting here also for anyone who missed it.

So here is our DASH TEN........and with special credit to my plane parter Chris who managed to miss out on mile of wiring, for the pleasure of bucking more rivets than I care to remember ;) and our supervisor and helper Col the Critter, probaly Australia's leading RV building guru and fearless test pilot....and approved as one too!

So here goes! After 8.5 months of work.... (and we do have a day job).







Hope you enjoy!

S/N 40308


Of course, she's now with her latest, terrific owner in West Tennessee!:D
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Man, that's a beautiful 10, Brian!

But...red and black?? In Tennessee??
Can't you get run out of the state for that? :D
Looks like a Champion

Brian was kind enough to deliver the DRDT-2 I bought from him. Having seen the plane up close it looks like a champion to me! ---In a few years you'll be ready to build a 7 or 8 and I 'll stand by my promise to sell the DRDT-2 back to you!

John Tuck

My RV-10 is S/N 40001, started in Nov 2003, first flown in Jan 2008,
but not "finished" until it came out of the paint shop in March 2009.
Paint is by Craig Roberts and John Stahr in Aurora, Oregon. Photo
credits to Brian Hickman, photo ship piloted by Rob.
(Yes, I have an AFS 3500 in the panel!).

- Dan Benua
Hillsboro, OR



Looks great Dan. As usual, your aircraft are extra nice! Let me know when you need a safety pilot again....!

Cannot seem to post this properly. Flew the first flight in the previous pic about 4 weeks ago. No problems. Good temps and handsoff. New IO 540, 3 blade MT, Advanced 4500, RV10 Trutrak, 430w and KX 155. Flies coupled ILS and GPS approach.
4th build...Avid Flyer, DR109 aerobatic hot rod and Glastar. RV 10 is best.
Finally remembered to bring fresh batteries with me today for the camera. Kit 40185, now known as N246RS had her first flight this past June. She has almost 70 hours on the airframe right now. All fueled up and ready for one or two more hours tommorrow to try some AP/GPS coupled approaches. It's a standard kit so I can't complain about the QB problems other seem to have. Took 5 years and four months to finish. Proof you can paint your own plane if you want! But it was MUCH more work than I thought.



Thanks David,

Yes, the prop is an MT. A bit more of a headache with the 3 blade and I've been told a tad slower but have yet to verify that. From Vegas to Burbank in an hour and 10 minutes seemed fast enough to me;) BTW the day I made that flight SWA had a $44.00 one way ticket special. We had three people in the 10 and the fill up at Burbank was $75. I win!!

RV-10. The airplane was built in Montana and has 208TT and an Aerosport-IO-540, Dynon 100/120, 496, SL-30 and a Garmin 340. Trutrak ADI Pilot II, Flightline leather interior and the panel by Aerotronics. Superb workmanship on a modified Lancair panel:


It consistently trues over 200 MPH at altitude with two up.

RV-10. The airplane was built in Montana and has 208TT and an Aerosport-IO-540, Dynon 100/120, 496, SL-30 and a Garmin 340. Trutrak ADI Pilot II, Flightline leather interior and the panel by Aerotronics. Superb workmanship on a modified Lancair panel:

As I remember, one day your wife expresses a desire for a 10, and it seems like the next day (or two) you had one... Okay, maybe it was a week or two. :)

Good to see the pics.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I don't know why you'd think the paint was offensive, it looked just fine to me. Congratulations on your flight.

Big congrats!!! And in all fun...you fly RV-10 real good!!! Good on you!!!:D And the paint looks great!!
What paint did you use?

Would you share your paint choices with us. It looks fantastic.


Hugh I used a PPG product for the paint. It is base coat clear coat.
Contact me of forum if you would like more info.

RV-10. The airplane was built in Montana and has 208TT and an Aerosport-IO-540, Dynon 100/120, 496, SL-30 and a Garmin 340. Trutrak ADI Pilot II, Flightline leather interior and the panel by Aerotronics. Superb workmanship on a modified Lancair panel:


It consistently trues over 200 MPH at altitude with two up.


Sure is a nice looking Pitts in the background!!!!
Greg Connell's -10

Although she's officially named 'Miss Ginger', after his beautiful wife, he mostly refers to the -10 as Bo Derek and has her shown as the tail art, which I'll add later. Here are two nice shots:

Dual Cheltons, a 430W, Sorcerer autopilot, PS Engineering audio panel, etc.


He has a 300 HP 'warmed up' IO-540 and Sam James cowl and plenum.

Actually, it's nose art:

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Introducing 'Gracie'

AeroSky LLC's RV-10, 'Gracie'.

Steve Castlen, Dave Kilgore, Vern Darley

Painted by Bobby in Alabama

Metallic Ruby Red, gold, and charcoal.



It is gorgeous and a long time coming. I have been following your progress since it was in your garage. I've been talking with Bud from time to time with great interest in the LS1 engine. The last conversation we had he said your plane weighed about 1727 lbs with 25 lbs in the tail. Bud said you were getting 185 kts with fuel flows of 11.7 gallons/hr. and if you slowed to 170 kts your flow was 9.7 gals.hr. If that is what you are getting it will beat what most lycasaurs's get.

Hank Nolin
alias RV-10 Soon
Performance- Be careful what you say.

Hank, I got flamed pretty good last time I mentioned those performance numbers on this forum. Fast forward to today...N730WL gained some weight after my incident last July. She now weighs in at an even 1800 lbs. This is after painting and installing a new 76" MT prop. The MT 3 blade constant speed prop is a good 30 lbs lighter than the big 78" Hartzell aluminum 3 blader I had before. I think that the Hartzell is a much better fit for the LS1..big engine, big prop, big performance- but a tad heavy for the RV10. I'll throw out a data point for the MT. Haven't changed the fuel flow on my GRT EIS as it was and is on the money with refueling totals. Currently getting 160 kts on 12.0 gph. This is a nice easy cruise setting for the LS1 and the Geareddrives PSRU. She also handles much better at low speeds/final approach with a lighter nose. Before I had my hands full even with full up trim. Now its slight up trim and much lighter back pressure on the stick. So its been a trade-off so far. Change in performance for better handling. I had no intention when I started this journey of building the fastest RV10. Just wanted a good handling, safe, reliable, cross-country bird.

Almost there!

Before I discovered a major static error, the speeds I was seeing suggested I had the slowest RV10 on the planet. Made a small mod to the static ports and I had the fastest..... :cool:

So do a GPS box test and fix your static issues before you get too excited is my tip.

N31TD Flying

RV-10 N31TD achieved first flight on 20 March 2010.

Powerplant is an IO-540 that I overhauled under the guidance of IA/Tech Counselor/Bax Seat Award winner Dick Koehler. Avionics includes GNS530W, Advanced Flight System AF-3500 EFIS, Tru Track Advanced AP, Garmin 496 for GPS backup and XM weather, and steam gauges for A/S, altitude, and attitude backup. I painted the plane at home with PPG Concept. Stripes and N-numbers are 12-year Oracal vinyl, cut with a fairly low cost vinyl cutter. Vinyl work is not done yet... I'm too busy flying!

Empty weight 1634 lbs (includes paint, fairings, and interior).

A huge "thank you" to my wife Debbie for her support during both this project and the RV-6A we completed in 1999. The number one requirement for completing an RV is a supportive spouse! Thanks to Dick Koehler for his outstanding expertise and support to me and dozens of homebuilders throughout our area. EAA chapter 186 is a great asset to builders in the N. VA area.
