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Sorry, wasn't trying to say that a different, smaller problem was comparable.
But you asked: "Can you think of a time in the past where Vans completely discontinued a build procedure or build part(s) similar to this, even if on a small scale."

Mel, do you remember what, if anything Van's said when the slosh was found to be fouling fuel lines? Was any remediation offered, replacement parts, rebates, etc? Or did they issue any instructions for *removal* of the slosh?

They did. It was through The RVaitor. Instructions only.
LCP & tank sloshing

I don’t understand how the recommendation to slosh tanks relates to the production of flawed parts.

One is a technique suggested to help seal or prevent leaky tanks, the other refers to material defects.
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Great question, thanks

More importantly, if this started from a simple program change from a single vendor why wasn’t it corrected a year ago when people brought the issue up?

One would think that the start of a process that is not accepted across the industry one would be very "watchful". Yes, I asked 5 of the larger kit suppliers at OSH 2023 their view of LCP's and all said they would/could not use this technique for structural aluminum parts. Hopefully in time we will get an answer to this question.
I go away for two weeks and this thread grows by 20 pages. Still no communication from Vans wrt. my quick build kit status. Did I miss anything?
I don’t understand how the recommendation to slosh tanks relates to the production of flawed parts.
Me neither, but someone asked: "Can you think of a time in the past where Vans completely discontinued a build procedure or build part(s) similar to this, even if on a small scale."

One is a technique suggested to help seal or prevent leaky tanks, the other refers to material defects.
Van's first response to the LCH problem was to say "the notch is normal, file out the notch" so it kind of started out as a procedure as well.
Me neither, but someone asked: "Can you think of a time in the past where Vans completely discontinued a build procedure or build part(s) similar to this, even if on a small scale."

Van's first response to the LCH problem was to say "the notch is normal, file out the notch" so it kind of started out as a procedure as well.

Aha, okay, thank you. I think I follow now. My noggin wasn’t connecting the dots the other night. 😂
Vans, how about any kind of testing update????

We'll take anything right now... however at the end I request a video where Ryan or other engineers go through the issue from start to finish similar to how he did at Oshkosh. At the end I want to see what kind of testing was done, why it was done that way, and what the results and suggestions are. Anything less and I'll end up burdening Van's by ordering more replacement parts than I may need.
One thing I would love Vans to give us an update on is their progress in producing all the punched parts that will be needed to replace the defective LCPs. I really hope they're not waiting until testing is complete or the replacement part portal goes live since they've known and said for months that they will have to replace parts. I'm not sure I can bear another several months' long idle time waiting for them to make parts.
Hi everyone. We have posted the following update on our website. I'm cross-posting it here to help make you aware. Emails with links to the new web portal and related information will be sent tomorrow morning to affected customers. The portal will include detailed information and allow each customer to review and make selections for their kits. We are already making parts and have been doing so, but that work continues and the manufacturing process will take time. We're dedicated to getting parts that need to be replaced manufactured and delivered as soon as possible.

Update: September 25, 2023

Van's has published new and updated documents (linked below) for customers with kits that potentially include laser-cut parts. In addition, customers whose kits are in-scope will receive an email on Tuesday morning with a link to the new web portal, where they can select requested replacement parts.

Included in the below documents is a new engineering assessment report, which we encourage customers to read in full. In that document, we describe the work we have done and the results of testing and assessment performed by the Van's engineering team and a contracted third-party testing company. All laser-cut parts have been classified either as "Recommended for Replacement" or "Acceptable for Use." Those parts classified as Acceptable for Use are functionally equivalent to punched parts and can be used in an aircraft. Any parts classified as Recommended for Replacement should be replaced or addressed as discussed in the engineering assessment document.

The status of each part is displayed in the updated Laser-Cut Parts List document, as well as the new web portal's parts list.

Van's has conducted a detailed review of documentation for kits that were shipped to customers, and has identified more than 1,000 kits where we initially told customers their kits may contain laser-cut parts, but which we have now determined do not contain laser-cut parts. We will be contacting these customers on Tuesday to update them regarding the status change for those kits.

Links to the updated and new documents:

Engineering Assessment document (new, PDF)
Laser Cut Parts List document (updated, PDF)
Parts Identification Guide (PDF)

The information selected by customers on the web portal will inform us as we assess production planning needs. Van's will update delivery timelines and other parts-related information, and communicate such to customers, over time.

This is a costly and time-consuming situation for Van's Aircraft that will take some time to work through. We certainly also understand that this situation is time-consuming and inconvenient for our builders. To sustain the company, Van's must produce and ship new kits and parts while simultaneously producing and shipping replacement parts. The amount of work and time involved in resolving this issue will depend greatly on how our customers adopt and implement the classifications and recommendations documented in the Van's engineering assessment document, simply because the number of parts requested by customers will primarily define the actual production volume and timelines for those parts.

Thank you everyone for your help and patience. We look forward to working with you through parts production and replacement.​
Greg, thanks for the update.

I have a bit of concern about the chart at the top of the laser cut parts list, specifically the column "will van's replace?"

Both You and Rian have stated that Van's will replace laser cut parts that are dimpled at the customer's request.. This hard copy document seems to walk that statement back... specifically on the blue category items

Can you please clarify for the group?

Edit: just had a convo with Greg, if I am interpreting correctly - please correct me otherwise - that the parts mainly in the blue category will be in more of a one-off production run situation (or depending on demand could be different) instead of mass re-runs of the higher stress items where they expect everybody should have replacement parts.

Personally, I've read the paper and I'm changing my mind on a few items I thought needed replacement, seems like that's not really the case after engineering analysis.
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Greg, thanks for the update.

I have a bit of concern about the chart at the top of the laser cut parts list, specifically the column "will van's replace?"

Both You and Rian have stated that Van's will replace laser cut parts that are dimpled at the customer's request.. This hard copy document seems to walk that statement back... specifically on the blue category items

Can you please clarify?

+1 for clarification, please.
If part is not on the list, does that mean you never used laser process for them? Or is it that there is no data regarding these parts yet?

RV-7 fuselage section is extremely short (compared to, say, RV-8 fuselage list). None of the bulkheads (F-705 to F-712) are on the list, for example.
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My emp kit is pre-laser however the replacement VS spar I reordered fell within the laser window. The particular part, VS-1003 is in a group that the parts list says there were limited laser runs and then converted to punched during the period. The part I received was in Apr 23 so there's a chance it was made on a punch press. I can't tell from inspection for sure one way or another. Not obvious indications of slag, burn marks, notches, etc. Is there a way Vans can tell based on order number or ship date of the part which kind it is? This is a small issue compared to many, but would like to avoid disassembly if I can.
Greg, thanks for the update.

I have a bit of concern about the chart at the top of the laser cut parts list, specifically the column "will van's replace?"

Both You and Rian have stated that Van's will replace laser cut parts that are dimpled at the customer's request.. This hard copy document seems to walk that statement back... specifically on the blue category items

Can you please clarify?

Yes, we will update that doc Tuesday morning to clarify. I won't have access to do it tonight, and I'm about to pass out from exhaustion, to be honest. :)

Thanks everyone.
If part is not on the list, does that mean you never used laser process for them? Or is it that there is no data regarding these parts yet?

RV-7 fuselage section is extremely short (compared to, say, RV-8 fuselage list). None of the bulkheads (F-705 to F-712) are on the list, for example.

If they're not on the latest list, it means they were not produced as laser-cut. Some models/kits have fewer laser-cut parts in them than others do.
My emp kit is pre-laser however the replacement VS spar I reordered fell within the laser window. The particular part, VS-1003 is in a group that the parts list says there were limited laser runs and then converted to punched during the period. The part I received was in Apr 23 so there's a chance it was made on a punch press. I can't tell from inspection for sure one way or another. Not obvious indications of slag, burn marks, notches, etc. Is there a way Vans can tell based on order number or ship date of the part which kind it is? This is a small issue compared to many, but would like to avoid disassembly if I can.

We will be sending emails to people who received replacement parts that could potentially have been laser-cut sometime this week. I'll see if we can find info related to your part. If you don't see any discoloration or other laser manufacturing features it is probably okay. You are welcome to send us a photo or two for review. You can also review the parts identification guide document to help you assess.
Yes, we will update that doc Tuesday morning to clarify. I won't have access to do it tonight, and I'm about to pass out from exhaustion, to be honest. :)

Thanks everyone.

Guy posts an update... leaves the office, takes phone calls on the ride home, gets home, hops online to answer posts...

That's devotion folks..
If we have received kits with back ordered parts, what’s the plan for us? Do we need to visit the portal? Will parts just be shipped? If parts we’re missing are in the acceptable for use list, should we expect to receive punched or laser cut parts?

I have yet to see our situation addressed!

My understanding is back ordered parts will ship when available, no action needed. I just received my 10 empennage kit, and there were no LCP parts included, so my guess is that no LCP parts are being shipped now
Now I’m worried about this new chart. It will be a cold day in **** before I put one cracked dimple part in my airframe. All ribs tested….all dimples crack. Marked acceptable for use. :mad: Not going in my plane. I want clarification. The whole way through this we have had assurance those parts would and could be requested for replacement. I paid for good parts….I want good parts. Greg please tell us that is a typo and it’s only green that needs the TBD.
If we have received kits with back ordered parts, what’s the plan for us? Do we need to visit the portal? Will parts just be shipped? If parts we’re missing are in the acceptable for use list, should we expect to receive punched or laser cut parts?

Backordered parts will be shipped as punched parts when available.
We've just published an updated version of the laser-cut parts list document with an updated first page (the key) to try to clarify. We will make punched parts available, and the update reflects that. Doing so is a very expensive and time-consuming process and we must have a plan that ensures we complete the task. The actual number of parts to be made and several other production-related variables will determine when we can get those parts produced and the costs associated with them.
We've just published an updated version of the laser-cut parts list document with an updated first page (the key) to try to clarify. We will make punched parts available, and the update reflects that. Doing so is a very expensive and time-consuming process and we must have a plan that ensures we complete the task. The actual number of parts to be made and several other production-related variables will determine when we can get those parts produced and the costs associated with them.


Thanks for being as transparent as you can. I own a business selling DIY materials that the end user assembles or installs. We purchase raw materials and prep them. There was a time when we had to replace hundreds of thousands of dollars of product due to a vendor error. It very nearly broke us.

I know the sleep you’re losing.
We've just published an updated version of the laser-cut parts list document with an updated first page (the key) to try to clarify. We will make punched parts available, and the update reflects that. Doing so is a very expensive and time-consuming process and we must have a plan that ensures we complete the task. The actual number of parts to be made and several other production-related variables will determine when we can get those parts produced and the costs associated with them.

What is the SPECIFIC guidance if actual cracks are found after dimpling vs potential for cracks in a OK TO USE AS IS part? Does Van’s change their guidance on said cracked part once one or more cracks are found? There are variations to this scenario but hopefully you get the idea of the question. What changes a USE AS IS to a recommend replace?
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The updated parts list just posted, and the information on the portal (link recently received) confirms that Van's are rowing back on their commitment to replace all laser-cut parts, FoC, on request. Their latest notes refer to extended TBC timelines for production, as well as charges to the customer.

I have a full stack of laser-cut wing ribs on my shelf. I have experimented with some - all crack at just about every hole when dimpling. There is no way any of these are going into my aircraft - they are unfit for purpose - yet Van's expects me to pay for replacement. Unacceptable.

Edit - the 'significant discount' for non-laser parts that must necessarily be replaced as part of the necessary re-work is 1/3 off. I don't think that's very good, when it's their mistake rather than ours.
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Here is the updated verbiage for the "blue" parts: "Will Vans replaces? Yes - timing and cost for production are under review, and prices are TBD"

Greg, you say you will make them available and prices are TBD, but from the beginning of this issue you have said that customers can have laser cut parts replaced at no cost. Now this is changing? You need to follow through with your original statements that you will REPLACE not just make available.

From the July 4th update: "Van’s will replace any laser-cut parts which are dimpled by the builder during the construction process, upon request, as soon as we are able to do so based on parts availability."

Greg, you have yet to talk about shipping. I know most, if not all of us, are expecting Van's to cover shipping costs of replacement parts. Can you finally say that in public?
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Greg, you have yet to talk about shipping. I know most, if not all of us, are expecting Van's to cover shipping costs of replacement parts. Can you finally say that in public?

That's been asked a thousand times, and evidently a decision has been taken not to answer it (yet). Either the answer is no, or it's a case of them waiting to see exactly how much they're in for.
What is the SPECIFIC guidance if actual cracks are found after dimpling vs potential for cracks in a OK TO USE AS IS part, does Van’s change their guidance on said cracked part once one or more cracks are found? There are variations to this scenario but hopefully you get the idea of the question. What changes a USE AS IS to a recommend replace?

This needs to be addressed. Section 5 still says, small cracks will become large cracks and that is bad. Will there be a revision to section 5?
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QB Kits

Can you clarify the comments for us with QB kits. The assessment says:

"Several customers are waiting to receive quick build kits. Some of those kits are located in the Van’s Aircraft warehouse and others are still in transit from our quick build assembly facilities. We intend to update these kits before shipment to the customer. This will involve replacing the parts that are recommended for replacement and/or installing alternate engineering solutions"

...but what about all of us who have already taken delivery of a QB kit with affected parts.

The -10 wing + flaps for example has 50 ribs that need to be replaced (replacement recommended or worse). At this point I would basically be building new wings.

Can we get some clarification?
I've still not had an answer to the query I raised with them about a laser-cut aileron gap fairing (W-724 L or R, I forget which) being made from the wrong material, 0.025 rather than the correct 0.020.

I had plenty of condescending advice (elsewhere) that it wouldn't make any difference to anything, but little appreciation of the wider QC issues it raised.

Just sent a f/u email, and it appears Greg has blocked my email address.
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The updated parts list just posted, and the information on the portal (link recently received) confirms that Van's are rowing back on their commitment to replace all laser-cut parts, FoC, on request. Their latest notes refer to extended TBC timelines for production, as well as charges to the customer.

I have a full stack of laser-cut wing ribs on my shelf. I have experimented with some - all crack at just about every hole when dimpling. There is no way any of these are going into my aircraft - they are unfit for purpose - yet Van's expects me to pay for replacement. Unacceptable.

Edit - the 'significant discount' for non-laser parts that must necessarily be replaced as part of the necessary re-work is 1/3 off. I don't think that's very good, when it's their mistake rather than ours.

Same here, I filled in their survey and hope they will come up with a solution.
I'm more than happy to give Van's Aircraft the time they need, but just telling me to continue building with all these parts with burn marks and uneven holes is unacceptable.

For many years a Van's Aircraft plane was built upon many years of experience. I want my plane to be of that same quality, especially since new kits are again back to that same level of quality.
I'm not spending > $150.000 dollars on a plane if all they care if the "near-term fatigue risk". This plane should last for many generations and have the same re-sale value as any other RV.

(I paid the kit with a credit card, so assume their 12 month warranty might also be able to cover the replacement parts, but I'm not sure if that would cost Van's Aircraft more in the long run).

I realize that I'm lucky with the just a partially assembled plane and that there are people in much worse situations to me. BUT Van's Aircraft could also see this as an opportunity for easy replacements, instead of having to take many more parts apart. They could even prioritize other parts that are more critical.

This is exactly the situation we were trying to call attention to on this thread (and were usually told "not to speculate") - and our prediction/concern was 100% valid.

Vans, Greg - a 5 page test report with no actual data is not sufficient to overturn accepted standards on known cracks in aircraft at assembly. This violates your own guidance for nearly the entire life of the company (until the sneaky update this spring). My LCP, after drilling, deburring, and dimpling, have nearly a 100% crack rate. should I file them all out? What is the effect of 100% oversized holes, which would be out of tolerance per MIL-STD after filing?

Additionally, the idea to charge for replacements is a total reversal from your initial promise. "Vans will replace all dimpled LCP" - need to stick to that.

I'm not trying to punish Vans and I want this to be in the rearview as quickly as possible! But in the long run the cost of a few thousand wing ribs, etc. will be nothing compared to the potential reputation hit, the loss of resale value fleet-wide, etc. I have thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours reason to "build-on" with my current LCP (and avoid a ton of rework), if you can't convince me there is no way you'll convince the broader community.

Hi Greg,

I have a total of 317 laser-cut parts in my RV-14A empennage, fuselage, and wing kits. I've gone through my inventory using the latest data provided, and 195 of the parts in my kits have been deemed "Acceptable for Use."

Note: As the aircraft manufacturer, I do not consider laser-cut parts "Acceptable for Use."

The total cost (per current pricing) to replace those 195 parts before tax and shipping appears to be $2,750. Between the weight and size, I suspect the cost of shipping could be nearly $400.

Per the guidance on the portal: I am able select and save these parts now, and Van's will communicate pricing in the future (translation: I am expected to buy them. Again.) Given that the "significant discount" offered for associated replacement parts is currently ~33%, I suspect the future "communicated price" would be at least $1,840 plus tax (7.5% - $138) and shipping ($400?) assuming a similar discount was applied.

This is not ok.


"All of the aluminum components are formed and pre-punched with all the rivet and bolt holes already in place and final-sized. The “matched-hole” punching technology makes the airframe essentially self-jigging: when you insert cleco clamps and all the holes line up, you know the airframe is straight."

Note: Punched parts, not laser-cut parts. Final-sized, punched parts were a key feature of the RV-14 kit that motivated my decision to purchase. Van's clearly knows the value of this kit feature because it is called out at least twice in the kit's marketing material.



Jul 4 update: "Van’s will replace any laser-cut parts which are dimpled by the builder during the construction process, upon request, as soon as we are able to do so based on parts availability."

Jul 12 update: "It is the builders’ responsibility to assess each part and make his/her own determination as to the suitability of each part both before and after assembly. Van’s will replace parts that the builder/manufacturer deems are not suitable when the parts are available."

Aug 12 update: "The forthcoming web portal will allow a builder to select which laser cut parts are needed for replacement as well as any other associated parts needed due to damage, which will be made available at a significant discount."

Sep 6 update: "As we’ve described in the past, laser-cut parts will be replaced with punched parts at no charge if requested. If a customer has punched parts that also need to be replaced, we will provide the opportunity to make that request and will display the discounted price of those parts on the portal."


Like many here, I have been on hold for months. Although frustrated and skeptical, I have remained patient, cautiously positive, and aligned to the notion that Van's would do the right thing.

I am a reasonable and fair person. I know this is and has been a difficult and costly issue for Van's (and the community); however, expecting me to purchase punched parts to replace laser-cut parts supplied in kits that were supposed to have punched parts in the first place is not the right thing.
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Appreciate the update from Vans. Two thoughts:

Completed Assemblies
I've yet to see guidance on how Vans will handle completed assemblies that contain LCP. I have completed elevators that have LCP spars in them, and those parts are clearly marked for replacement. Given that it's impractical to remove both the front and rear spars from a completed elevator, I'm planning to rebuild them. Is Vans only offering to replace the spars, or will they also replace the rest of my elevator parts since those are affected by the whole LCP issue?

There's a statement on the laser cut parts list that says "Van's will replace aluminum aileron and flap components if they are damaged in the rebuild process", but I don't see any language about elevators. And if that statement does extend to exactly do we go about ordering the parts damaged from rebuild, and will we need to prove damage, etc.? Is that via this portal Vans keeps referencing, or somewhere else?

Quickbuild Kits
I'm disappointed in Vans statement about QB kits when they say "We intend to update these kits before shipment to the customer. This will involve replacing the parts that are recommended for replacement and/or installing alternate engineering solutions." I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm paying the QB premium for and expect to receive a LCP-free completed assembly, not one that is reworked or patched. And if I were to take delivery of a re-worked kit, I would expect detail from Vans on what parts were (or still are) LCP, and what was re-worked, so that I had documentation of what to keep an eye on during future inspections. Based on what I've seen so far, it doesn't appear Vans has part tracking that allows them to provide this level of granularity or detail.

I'm willing to delay delivery of my QB kits to ensure I get one far enough down the line that's LCP-free, but otherwise I might as well convert to a standard-build kit and just do the work myself, so that I have full knowledge of the parts history and build quality.
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Excel File

Does anyone have a version of the current laser cut status form as an Excel file instead of a PDF? If so, could you possibly share it?
Is the list submitted?

I got an email and clicked the link to check off the needed LCP. When finished, I clicked “save” but there is no “submit” feature. Can I assume that once it is saved it is also submitted?
Dear Vans,

Regarding the LCP deemed acceptable by Vans, would it be possible to ship my unused LCP back for credit?

Has anyone found a way to search / order ‘emp/ tail cone’ on the portal and have it auto fill everything I need (mine has been completely built for >6 months and every component has red replace pieces

Me searching has higher likelihood of requiring multiple orders and multiple crating / shipping charges

Advice / suggestions appreciated
Dear Vans,

Regarding the LCP deemed acceptable by Vans, would it be possible to ship my unused LCP back for credit?


Rhetorical question I assume since Vans has a return policy and their own list states which lcp are “acceptable for use”.
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Has anyone found a way to search / order ‘emp/ tail cone’ on the portal and have it auto fill everything I need (mine has been completely built for >6 months and every component has red replace pieces

Me searching has higher likelihood of requiring multiple orders and multiple crating / shipping charges

Advice / suggestions appreciated

You should be able to select your emp kit from your list of kits. Once you do, you should see all the red category items under the "Select Parts - Replacement Recommended" section. You will have to add each line item one by one and watch out for the quantities.
Does anyone have a version of the current laser cut status form as an Excel file instead of a PDF? If so, could you possibly share it?

Adobe has a free web based PDF to Excel converter on their website. Works great.
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I got an email and clicked the link to check off the needed LCP. When finished, I clicked “save” but there is no “submit” feature. Can I assume that once it is saved it is also submitted?

Check out the note at the bottom.....
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My "Quick Build Kit Feedback/Comments" on Van's survey

My QB fuselage, after inspecting all parts that entered inventory prior to my parts being shipped to Exemplar, appears that all assembled with punched parts. The parts I closely inspected entered inventory on 4/22/2022 and my parts were shipped on 4/29/22 per email notification to me from your company. I assume that the parts in this shipment, not a later shipment, were used to build my QB fuselage. My production tag from Exemplar says my batch number is 101-1 and is dated 9/23/22. If this assumption is wrong, please let me know. With that in mind, there appears to be only 2 parts included with that kit that were laser cut. and they were not assembled yet. I already ordered, paid for and received these replacement parts. I made this decision so that I could resume work on my aircraft in a timely matter.

My QB wings, on the other hand, after inspection have numerous laser cut parts built into them. I have no intention of replacing parts already assembled into my wing, flap and aileron QB assemblies. I paid for a QB kit that was to be complete and that met design requirements. Anything short of a full replacement of my QB wing kit is unacceptable. I have not begun any work on my QB wings so they are just as they were delivered in April 2023.

just received this email.
Dear Van’s RV Kit Builder,

After further review, we have determined that the Quick Build fuselage kit listed above did not contain laser-cut parts when it was delivered to you.

We’ve verified this through a detailed review of laser-cut parts production, including a refined determination of the earliest point at which each of these parts was available in our inventory to include in kits.
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Adobe has a free web based PDF to Excel converter on their website. Works great.

New versions of excel will also do this... Data > Get Data > From File > From PDF

It's how I imported section 4 and the packing lists for my rv12is emp kit. Saved a lot of messing around with other OCR tools.
I got an email and clicked the link to check off the needed LCP. When finished, I clicked “save” but there is no “submit” feature. Can I assume that once it is saved it is also submitted?
I have the same issue and when I go back to the page, nothing is saved. I emailed Greg.

The list of part for an RV7 fuselage was scant. The good news is that it appears that the part I need are not expensive. It may be easier to forego the process and just order replacements.

Edit: It doesn't work when I do it from using Safari on my Mac; it works when using Chrome on my Surface Pro.
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Not to nickel-dime this, but I know others are probably in a similar situation.

1. I had a change made to my wing kit to accommodate ER tanks. The change required two additional L and R tank ribs:


The portal allows me to select up to 5 each, but I need 7. I am guessing this is something I can eventually address with support?

2. Also, I want to replace rudder brackets as associated parts since they are riveted to VS-803PP (lcp) and VS-808PP (assoc. part). I am not about to re-use drilled-out flight control brackets.

VS-410PP x2 (8.50 / ea)
VS-411PP x2 (8.50 / ea)
VS-412PP x2 (8.50 / ea)

These are not available in the associated parts option. I am wondering if these might be offered at a discount as they are associated parts?

If not, I guess I am okay paying ~$60 (part, tax, and shipping) for peace of mind. <sigh>
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