For another $300 Tom will knock you out whatever color you would like.

I agree there is something not exactly right about the light reflection on the canopy but most people would have no idea.

The rest looks amazing.

hmmmm.... hope it grows on me since i have one on order... not a fan of the color and the canopy curve looks a bit odd. perhaps it is the heavy use of shading to mark the edge but the arc looks off somehow... a bit too bulbous making the plane look more squat than it is in real life.
I gotta admit, after looking at it for awhile, the canopy does look off to me as well... looks 'short'. It seems it should extend toward the front a little further?

Nope, it is just aft of the subpanel right where it should be. I think what is throwing everyone is the light reflection....3

This is almost the same angle shot:



I do notice that their is more slope on the real one in the front than on the drawing.
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I agree about your coments on the canopy.
Tom will fix the canopy on the "A" model. ;):D
Custom pitot cover not required!
Tom, it's looking good.
RV-7 Cutaway Canopy Revision

You guys are right. When working on these illustrations, sometimes I can get so deep into the details that I forget to step back and look at the big picture.
I called in a May-day to the printer to stop the press, then analyzed the problem and fixed it. Thanks for your feedback.

How does this look?


You guys are right. When working on these illustrations, sometimes I can get so deep into the details that I forget to step back and look at the big picture.
I called in a May-day to the printer to stop the press, then analyzed the problem and fixed it. Thanks for your feedback.

How does this look?



Thanks Tom, I do like this one better!
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RV-7 w/ Retractable Gear

As I started converting the -7 to a -7A, I noticed a pretty cool image on my monitor. It's an RV-7 with retractable gear! Thought you'd like to see it. It really gives a whole new personality to the plane.

Cheers, Tom
I'd love to have a cut-away RV-4, I know a few other guys who aren't on VAF who might like to have one also. The 4 has my vote:D
RV4 and RV-9A cutaway projects

Hi - Nina here - answering inquiries about RV-4 and RV9A cutaway illustration projects on behalf of Tom. Tom would love to do the RV-4 and RV-9 when we get enough orders to commission the project. So far we've only had a few orders on the RV-4 and about 14 on the RV-9. We need 60, so we have a ways to go. If you know people who would be willing to commit to an order, we are keeping track. We won't bill anyone unless we get enough to actually schedule the project. Just send an email to [email protected]. Tell us which model and canopy style you are interested in. We're also keeping track of requests for RV-6 and RV-10. If you don't get an acknowledgment from us, then we didn't get your email. We are having some issues with Comcast. So give us a call at 503-954-3732. Merry Christmas. Nina
Got my 7 limited issue today. I have not studied it to hard yet but on first glance, it is awesome!

Now I have to go buy a frame....

Oh, wait a minute, I need to finish my plane!!!!
RV-7A Tip-Up Cutaway is Finished

Hi Group,

The RV-7A Tip-up cutaway has officially been released. If you placed an order, you will receive a PayPal invoice shortly. If you think you placed and order and have not received an acknowledgement from us, we don't have your order:( If you would like to order, send an email to us at [email protected] or call 503-954-3732. Looking forward to doing the RV-7 and -7A slider canopy illustrations next. . .

Cheers, Tom

-7 tip up illustration shipments

Shipping Status Update . . . For those of you who ordered prints, we plan to start shipping January 5 - assuming stars align between our printers and shipping tube supplier. As usual, we'll send an email when your print ships. Thank you for your support. Have a Happy New Year.

With most of the great work on the 7 series coming to an end, where are we with commitments for the 9's? Last I heard was that the number was well below the minimum required.

With most of the great work on the 7 series coming to an end, where are we with commitments for the 9's? Last I heard was that the number was well below the minimum required.

Hi Bill - We still need about 35-40 orders to schedule a project. Nina
gold spars

Beautiful print - I hope we get enough 9A orders (I should be on the list for a 9A slider).

I see all the spars (2 wing, horizontal & vertical stab) are gold anodized - is that the way the kits ship now? In my kit it is only the main wing spar.
Anodized Spars

Beautiful print - I hope we get enough 9A orders (I should be on the list for a 9A slider).

I see all the spars (2 wing, horizontal & vertical stab) are gold anodized - is that the way the kits ship now? In my kit it is only the main wing spar.

The only reason all the spars are gold anodized in the illustration is purely for aesthetics. I think that feature spices up the painting. I do not know how those parts come from Van's currently.

Hi Pirka,
The next cutaway coming up soon is the RV8-A. We're taking orders for those now. However, at least for now, we are only offering giclee prints at $200 plus S/H - we haven't had enough interest in the standard print orders to cover the printing.

Nina (for Tom)

I had originally committed to a large standard print of the RV8. I'm actually building an RV-8A. Since only the giclee versions will be produced, put me down for an RV-8A. Heck, if I'm going to spend that kind of money [I'm a blue collar guy], it has to be of the model I'm building.
Charlie Kuss
White VS Blue - Joke

One of the differances between bule collar & white collar workers is that the blue collar person washes hands before using the latrine and the white collar person after.. :D

I got the black and white -8 cut away and love it. If a -4 comes available, I would like it a bit more ;)
RV-7, 7A Slider Cutaway Update

Hi Group,

Here's a peek at the -7 slider version. Working on the upper forward fuselage differences between the tip-up and slider today. It really feels like I'm building the real thing.

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'giclee' print is less than impressive...

sunshine and rainbow machine -off-

i received my print... it is okay as a poster but is not the sort of 'special' print that i had expected.
the paper is thin and the colors are not particularly vibrant. i have one other giclee print to compare
it to and that other print is simply stunning; it is on much heavier paper but was more costly.

although quite sharp this one is really more accurately described as a quality poster.

being charged 32 dollars in shipping for 5.70 in postage is foul.

at this point i am feeling quite sour towards the print.
although quite sharp this one is really more accurately described as a quality poster.

being charged 32 dollars in shipping for 5.70 in postage is foul.

at this point i am feeling quite sour towards the print.

Completely agree. I am not very impressed with my copy. It just doesn't scream RV Greatness.
I really like mine, and I'm fine with the cost of the giclee print...I do agree with the shipping charge being out of line tho (EDIT-after the explaination, I am more than happy to have covered the costs associated)...overall, I'm very pleased and impressed with Tom's work!
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TJTechart response to s/h charges

We always appreciate feedback on Tom?s cutaway illustrations. Although we like the positive comments better, it?s also valuable for us to hear when our clients have a less than satisfactory experience with Tom?s work or our business practices. So we want to respond to the two comments about shipping charges and quality of the paper.

Regarding quality of the paper. The museum quality, smooth surface, acid free paper we use for giclee prints was been carefully researched and selected to provide the best possible image. Heavier papers used on some fine art giclee prints is too texturized to provide the sharp image required for technical illustrations as finely detailed as Tom?s work. Colors are also rendered better on the semi-matte paper, which produces a more sophisticated, understated luster. The colors on the aircraft are intentionally kept slightly muted so as not to look gaudy. In this case thicker paper would produce an inferior print.

Regarding shipping and handling. In response to the complaints about our shipping and handling charges, we sat down to re-access our actual costs to make sure our charges are reasonable and fair.

The actual shipping charge, which is usually between $8.70 and $10.25 (averaging $9.50) for the US, is a fraction of our actual shipping and handling expenses. Because the RV model cutaway projects are very low volume and exclusive endeavors, we do not enjoy the efficiencies and economies associated with high volume shops. As both the open edition and giclee prints are printed one at a time, a typical batch is only 8-10 prints.

For an idea of what it is included in our shipping and handling charges, following is what it takes to process a batch of 8-10 prints.

  • Administrative time to respond to inquiries and answer questions, take and acknowledge orders, invoice via PayPal, log reserved numbers and respond to personal requests. Type labels and check against records. Send shipping notices and respond to requests for tracking numbers.
  • Two trips to the printer to proof and then pick up prints.
  • Packaging, including extra heavy tube, acid free tissue paper, protective plastic bag and label.
  • Illustrations are easily damaged, so each piece is handled with extreme care. Prints are hand signed and numbered and carefully rolled and packaged.
  • Trip to the post office and processing there.

As you can see, we have included our administrative expenses into the cost of shipping and handling and we are re-thinking this practice. Apparently it makes the shipping and handling seem inflated and causes customer dissatisfaction.

That said, the most logical thing is to price administrative costs into the price of the illustration and lower shipping costs to simply cover average postage and packaging. It takes approximately six months to produce a new model illustration and we realize only about 70 combined orders (all models in a series, giclee and open editions). So with the labor-intensive nature of the illustration, high cost of printing and low volume, there is no room to absorb these costs into the current price of the prints. For those who are curious, try Googling how much it costs to print a 24x36 giclee.

Once the slider versions of the RV-7?s are completed, we will re-visit our pricing and figure administrative overhead into the product price. We hope to come up with a price for future RV model illustrations that will both support the process of creating them and the dollar value our customers place on them.

We thank you for providing feedback. And a special thanks to those of you who have purchased Tom?s illustrations ? and those who have purchased multiple copies. The RV project has been a labor of love for Tom. The messages you have sent expressing the enjoyment you get from his illustrations and thanking him for taking on the RV projects are truly gratifying.

administrative direct and indirect

the quality of the giclee print and paper should be disclosed upfront... the print is really a high quality poster...
your discussion on the reasons for selecting the paper and print are okay but the detail should be disclosed since
your giclee print is inconsistent with an art quality giclee print.

the costs attributed to 'shipping' are clearly administrative direct and indirect costs that are part of doing business.

adding a hyperinflated shipping charge to a committed order amounts increasing the price without fair notice.

in the end i was charged 560% over the actual shipping cost of 5.70. not cool.

charge whatever you want for your product but shifting product costs to shipping is foul.

i want a refund.
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Wow Stephen...I feel it was fully explianed (although after the fact), and find your last post inappropiate. Tom has done a wonderful job, with A LOT of time spent in development for us RV nuts with a custom print.

With the costs explained, enjoy your print man...
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Trouble with dealing with the public is that you cannot please everyone no matter what you are selling. If you sent someone a 2lb solid gold turd for $1 someone would complain that it is not shiny enough.....:confused:

To say this print is not special and compare it to a poster is simply unfair.

The paper may be thin to you but to me it is thick so this comment is very subjective.

The colors are what I would expect for a technical cutaway print. I have seen dozens of these and Tom's renderings are similar to what I have seen in my life. To try to compare it to other artwork would also be unfair.

The printing is superb and very very sharp. Just what it should be for a technical print.

To compare this print to something that was more costly again is not fair.

I agree that Tom should include his shipping overhead in the product cost and not markup the shipping so much.

To be fair, everyone who ordered one of these prints had complete disclosure on what the price and shipping cost were going to be. Examples were posted along the way and pictures of prior customers and what they were receiving were being posted all along. There is no way that someone can claim they did not understand what they were purchasing.

Stephen made a post earlier that he did not like the color scheme that Tom chose to apply to the print. Tom cannot and will not ever be able to make a non-custom print meet everyone's expectations. If you want a custom color scheme, pay the custom price.

If you step back and think about this, Tom has provided some of us with the opportunity to get a very unique cutaway of the outstanding Van's series of aircraft. I know he put a massive amount of work into these prints. I also know that he most likely spent almost 1/2 of the price of these prints on services to get them printed. That being said, I doubt he is making a mint off of this project.

Could he have went with paper that cost $100 more? Could he have made the colors look like a photo rendering of a real model? Could he have spent a thousand more hours on each model adding additinal detail? Sure he could have but that would have put the cost out of reach of the everyday person that wanted something like what he actually delivered. If you want those things, call Tom as I am sure he would be more than willing to give you a quote.

Enjoy your print. I know I do and everyone that looks at it are amazed at the quality and detail.

sunshine and rainbow machine -off-

i received my print... it is okay as a poster but is not the sort of 'special' print that i had expected.
the paper is thin and the colors are not particularly vibrant. i have one other giclee print to compare
it to and that other print is simply stunning; it is on much heavier paper but was more costly.

although quite sharp this one is really more accurately described as a quality poster.

being charged 32 dollars in shipping for 5.70 in postage is foul.

at this point i am feeling quite sour towards the print.

Completely agree. I am not very impressed with my copy. It just doesn't scream RV Greatness.

the quality of the giclee print and paper should be disclosed upfront... the print is really a high quality poster...
your discussion on the reasons for selecting the paper and print are okay but the detail should be disclosed since
your giclee print is inconsistent with an art quality giclee print.

the costs attributed to 'shipping' are clearly administrative direct and indirect costs that are part of doing business.

adding a hyperinflated shipping charge to a committed order amounts increasing the price without fair notice.

in the end i was charged 560% over the actual shipping cost of 5.70. not cool.

charge whatever you want for your product but shifting product costs to shipping is foul.

i want a refund.

Wow Stephen...I feel it was fully explianed (although after the fact), and find your last post inappropiate. Tom has done a wonderful job, with A LOT of time spent in development for us RV nuts with a custom print.

With the costs explained, enjoy your print man...
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<snip>To be fair, everyone who ordered one of these prints had complete disclosure on what the price and shipping cost were going to be. Examples were posted along the way and pictures of prior customers and what they were receiving were being posted all along. There is no way that someone can claim they did not understand what they were purchasing.

Very good point Brian...the shipping cost was included in the first emailed invoice, so we all knew is was going to cost $32 for S&H up front. I thought it was high, but then again, I thought the deal for a giclee print was great, so I never thought about it again until it was brought up here.

Since the explanation was posted, like I said, I am more than happy to help cover the costs associated with getting these to our door safely.

I agree with you Brian and Chad. I love the 8 and am waiting on the 7A slider now. I just saw the latest update and you know it will be awesome.

Brian I will take one of the gold turds for a buck and promise not to complain about how shiney it is. :D
Also count me as a happy customer. I also thought the shipping cost was high, but I was made fully aware of it up front before I placed my order and I now appreciate the explanation as to why. Nina and Tom have been VERY accomodating to me with all of my questions and a shipping mistake they made. I count their customer service as top notch. Vans does not market their product at all which kinda dissapoints me, I suppose because they dont have to and to also to keep overhead low.

But I, for one, am very proud of my project and am glad that someone out there is willing to put this kind of effort into creating a cutaway print. Until Tom agreed to do this, there was NO option for something like this. So...Thanks Tom for doing this so I can own a cutaway print of my once in a lifetime project! I totally agree with the previous post, you wont EVER make everyone's impossible. Some people really are just a buzz kill about everything. I dont mind a little constructive criticism, but this print is not 'junk' (as alluded to) by a far stretch of the imagination.
Allow me to chime in!

I ordered and received my RV8-A print in late 2009. As a Christmas present to myself I had it framed in December. It was the main topic of conversation when many of my aviation oriented friends visited my home over the holiday season.
I couldn't be happier. The print was delivered as promised in a carefully packed tube.
Keep in mind that we are dealing with a very fine piece of artwork.
For all that they must go through to produce something of this quality I believe that the price is well justified.