Hey - has anyone heard from Tom recently? I emailed back and forth with him nearly a month ago about his clearance sale. I sent a check in late April, that cleared my bank on 5/2. I have not recieved my print and have not been able to get in touch with him to see what is going on. I sent him an email late last week, and left a voice message yesterday.

Not sure where to go from here.....
Takes a while

I sent my check about the same time you sent yours and my print was delivered yesterday. It's actually much better than I expected with very rich coloring and printed on thick photo stock. Going out to get a frame for it tonight. Finally I have a something I can point to when trying to explain to friends and family what that mass of aluminum in my shop is all about. :D
Hey - has anyone heard from Tom recently? I emailed back and forth with him nearly a month ago about his clearance sale. I sent a check in late April, that cleared my bank on 5/2. I have not recieved my print and have not been able to get in touch with him to see what is going on. I sent him an email late last week, and left a voice message yesterday.

Not sure where to go from here.....

FYI - I heard from Tom this morning that my print in on its way.... thanks,
Regarding shipping and handling.
As you can see, we have included our administrative expenses into the cost of shipping and handling and we are re-thinking this practice. Apparently it makes the shipping and handling seem inflated and causes customer dissatisfaction.

It doesn't seem inflated .. It is inflated. Charge for the product what it cost to make it!

If you want to extort people... at least separate the shipping cost and the extortion (handling) cost.

Most everything we buy from Amazon .. come with free shipping ... or at least discounted.
Cutaway Print Clearance Sale

I have a few 24 X 36 Cutaway Prints left that I am clearing out. Price is $50.00 ea which includes domestic shipping. RV-7 Sider, RV-7 Tip-Up and a few RV-7A Tip-Ups.

Send me a private message if you are interested.

Cheers, Tom
And this is how good they look when they are framed!

Tom did a great job.

I have a few 24 X 36 Cutaway Prints left that I am clearing out. Price is $50.00 ea which includes domestic shipping. RV-7 Sider, RV-7 Tip-Up and a few RV-7A Tip-Ups.

Send me a private message if you are interested.

Cheers, Tom

Hey Tom,

When do you plan to complete the RV-4?
Next RV Cutaway

To everyone out there who have been asking about the RV Model choice for the next Cutaway Project:

The most popular is the -9 but it will be awhile before I get to it. Illustration is only a part-time endevour now as I work full-time at an Engineering Design Company.

Currently, when I do have time for drawing, I work on a Cutaway illustration of my favorite airplane - The 1931 Gee Bee Model Z. Completion date is at least 6 months out. After that, I plan to do the Laird Super Solution.



I have a few 24 X 36 Cutaway Prints left that I am clearing out. Price is $50.00 ea which includes domestic shipping. RV-7 Sider, RV-7 Tip-Up and a few RV-7A Tip-Ups.

Send me a private message if you are interested.

Cheers, Tom

Hi Tom,
PM sent but I will take a 7 slider.
RV-10 Please

If there is ever time in your life to consider the RV-10 -- I would be #1 for the high definition print #1 if/when if becomes availible.

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If there is ever time in your life to consider the RV-10 -- I would be #1 for the high definition print #1.


I tried to generate interest a couple years ago, but couldn't get enough interest to meet mininum order requirements. I'm certainly in if there is enough interest.

I posted a couple of years ago (Oh wow! I just noticed it was 4 years ago. Man, time flies when you are. . . ummm, flying) to request the 9A on this thread (post # 272). At that time the 9A was not on the drawing board yet. Perhaps there is enough interest now to spur on the production of such a drawing.
7 slider for now; 9a slider when available


Sent a pm requesting a 7 slider.

Please put me on the list for a 9a slider.

+1 for the RV-10

Count me in for the 10 cutaway, if and when you do one. I think I'll be interested in a custom one of my particular bird too. However, I'm still a few years away from being finished...:mad: If you do a generic 10, I'm still likely to buy one, to have framed until my project is complete.
I'd like a -10 cut away drawing as well. I'll be taking you up on a customized version in the future once I have mine done. But would love to have a generic anytime!
Bump to the front..


How's it coming on the list for RV-10'rs? Any chance you'll be starting on one of those anytime soon?

How's it coming on the list for RV-10'rs? Any chance you'll be starting on one of those anytime soon?

When I tried to convince Tom that a RV-10 would be a good next project several years ago, he request that we coordinate a minimum number of prints to cover his initial cost of production. I don't recall the exact number for the minimum commitment. I couldn't get enough interest to come close to meeting that number.

However, if you want to give Tom a call and handle that coordination, you can put down for one.

I'm guessing we will never see a -9 (negative on the Alpha) print. Tip-up or slider doesn't really matter.

I wouldn't mind leading the charge, but it would be low on my priority list. I've got two builds going on (mostly the 10 however), plus renovations on my house, plus a 2 yr old daughter, plus a baby son due to be born next Friday (July 4th), plus wife and I work fulltime, plus no family nearby (hers in Poland, mine in Georgia), etc., etc... And Oshkosh is coming up soon! :eek:

Maybe next year, I'll jump on this.
Are Open Edition Prints still available?

Does anyone know if Tom is still selling Open Edition Prints? I sent an email to the address listed, but it came back undeliverable.
