Your interest in a 9A cutaway


Please add me to the list for a limited-edition giclee print of the 9A. Also sent private email direct to you as instructed.


Hi Bill. Just happened to see this on the forum. Thanks for your interest. However, we did not receive your email. Please try again to [email protected]. The reason we need you to email us is so we can capture your email for billing through PayPal when the project is 'a go' . Also - please indicate whether you want the tip-up or slider. I acknowledge every email, so you will know when I get it. I went ahead and reserved a limited edition for you. If you want a specific number print in the 1-100 series, please indicate 3-4 numbers in order of preference and we will attempt to accommodate. Thanks again.

TJTechart, Inc.
RV-7 Cutaway Update

Hi Group,

I'm deep into the -7 cutaway now and would like to get you all involved. I went to Van's homecoming last weekend and checked out the 7's that were there. The cool thing about these planes is that no two are alike. Since the subject of the cutaway is going to be a generic aircraft, I'm open to suggestions re. avionics, interior parts being primed vs. bear, prop and engine selection and so on. I want the cutaway to be a good example of a typical nicely done plane. Feel free to chime in and voice your opinion on any of these subjects.



I wouldn't mind seeing a full blown Classic Areo Design leather interior
(light grey on darker grey) shown on the far interior wall/rear bulkhead.
With perhaps the passanger seat in Gray leather. Oh and an arching red swoop
at the wing tips to detract from the box look of the RV wing.:) (you asked!)
I'd like to see and IO-360 Constant Speed configuration with leather interior, general glass display and a paint scheme that is NOT too busy.

Thanks for soliciting our input.


My 2 cents...

...since I just sent in my deposit for the -7 I feel I can contribute. :) I echo the Classis Aero interior comment. Of course I would like to see a three blade composite prop (I prefer MT)...just cuz it looks cool! I am priming interior structural parts so I would request that as well, but not as big a deal to me either way on that one. Cant wait to see it!
Now i am getting excited

Hi Group,

I'm deep into the -7 cutaway now and would like to get you all involved. I went to Van's homecoming last weekend and checked out the 7's that were there. The cool thing about these planes is that no two are alike. Since the subject of the cutaway is going to be a generic aircraft, I'm open to suggestions re. avionics, interior parts being primed vs. bear, prop and engine selection and so on. I want the cutaway to be a good example of a typical nicely done plane. Feel free to chime in and voice your opinion on any of these subjects.



Hi Tom -

Thought the RV-7 Tip-up might be a way off......glad to hear its next in line!!!

I have sent you a direct email. It would be great to see it finished in a simple paint scheme - perhaps metallic grey/silver with black gear legs/spats and black checkerboard on the rudder - single colour schemes seem to do the design of the aircraft the most justice...just my 2c worth.

Cheers - looking forward to seeing the outcome!

JON.'re gonna get a ton of different opinions, but like Ron said, since my deposit is in as well, I'll throw my idea in to the ring...

I don't care about paint since it's a cutaway, but I like tan interiors and a three blade fixed pitch prop...;)
Nuther vote for Tan classic aero interior and two blade constant speed prop on a 7A tipup :)
Probably the most common configuration is the 0-360 or IO-360 with CS Hartzel 2 blade blended airfoil on the RV7.
RV-7 Cutaway Ideas

Thanks to everyone for the ideas so far. I appreciate it. I'm filing them away in my noggin and when all comments are evaluated, the result should be a very tasty illustration.

Classic Aero Interiors

Wow! You guys have opened up a whole new avenue. I've been checking out the products of Classic Aero Design. Very sexy stuff indeed. TJ

I agree that the IO-360 with the Hartzel blended airfoil prop is probably the most common. I also go for the Classic Aero interior in light gray with blue trim. I like the swoops on the wingtips and tail to eliminate the boxy look.
RV-7 Control Stick Position

I need some help from the -7 experts. I'm drawing the control system for the cutaway and noticed that the control stick is pushed forward of vertical on Van's drawing #32. This drawing shows the elevator in the neutral position. Is the stick really that way?

Thanks, TJ
Me too please

Could I be put on the list for a 7 Tip up please. Tan interior seems to be popular, my choice too.

Many thanx,


I'd be in for -7 Tipper/ CS as well.

For external color on the mass-print, how about either the generic Van's scheme or bare aluminum?

RV-7, 7A Cutaway Update

Hi Group,

The cutaway is coming right along and is a joy to work on. The previously announced completion date of mid-October needs to be moved out to mid-November. I am trying to make this cutaway different than the RV-8 for interest and that decision has affected the schedule. I'm sure all of you builders can relate.

By popular demand, the -7 and -7A will be sporting a Classic Aero interior. Luke Doughton has kindly offered assistance on technical specs of their fine products so that the drawing will be accurate.

Also, looks like a Hartzell prop will be installed on both models.

The paint scheme has not been determined yet but will most likely be something relatively simple yet elegant and tasty.

As always, feel free to post a note with any thoughts about the project.


Put me down for one

Interested in a 7A tip up Giclee. Whenever you get to that point. Loved the first one you did. Thanks.

Hi Group,

By popular demand, the -7 and -7A will be sporting a Classic Aero interior. Luke Doughton has kindly offered assistance on technical specs of their fine products so that the drawing will be accurate.

RV-7A Slider Please

Sign me up for the $65.00 drawing of the RV-7A slider. I sent a note to the business email address given earlier in this thread.

Any status update on the -7 tip-up cutaway print??



The line drawing of the -7 tip-up will be done in 8 days. I'll post a peak at that time. Then it's full-throttle to do the painting. The finish date is November 15th. Everything is progressing well. I've selected a paint scheme and avionics. Interior will be a tan Classic Aero design. Hartzell prop.

Today I'm drawing the high-pressure fuel system. It's a bear getting all those fuel lines and fittings in the right place and making them look good.

Tom Out
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...Today I'm drawing the high-pressure fuel system. It's a bear getting all those fuel lines and fittings in the right place and making them look good. ...

I believe it. Sounds like the high pressure fuel plumbing is as much of a pain to draw as it is to make :)

Looking forward to seeing the finished product!

RV-8 cutaway

YES! Tom Johnson, one of the best cutaway illustrators on the planet has done the RV-8, he has also done some terrific other planes such as the GeeBee . The over the top cool thing is, Tom will photoshop your existing paint scheme into the file, and print off high end digital prints of YOUR plane!

Remember, when customized, it becomes an original piece of digital art, so it does not come for an airshow poster price.....check out Tom's himat [email protected].....
YES! Tom Johnson, one of the best cutaway illustrators on the planet has done the RV-8, he has also done some terrific other planes such as the GeeBee . The over the top cool thing is, Tom will photoshop your existing paint scheme into the file, and print off high end digital prints of YOUR plane!

Remember, when customized, it becomes an original piece of digital art, so it does not come for an airshow poster price.....check out Tom's himat [email protected].....

Thanks for the kind words, John. (Your check is in the mail).

Please note that my web site, listed as, is still under construction, to be launched fairly soon. Contact can be made through my e-mial which is: [email protected].

BTW, Today I'm drawing the Aero Classic Sportsman seats in the _7 cutaway.
RV-7 Cutaway Progress

How is everything coming along on the -7 drawing? Do you have a projected completion date?



I'm still in the "drawing" (line-art stage). The drawing will be done in two days then it's on to the painting. The painting will take 250 hours but I'm in 'hammer-mode', balls-to-wall so it will be done at the end of this month.

RV-7 Cutaway Peak

Hi Group,

Here's a peak at the line art of the RV-7 Tip-up cutaway.



Looks great! Two suggestions -- remove the ELT and VOR whisker antenna's. Most RV'ers that I know hide these two antennas. IMHO, I think it would make it look better.
Is a drawing of the -4 going to be done?
I'd like to have one of those.

P.S. Appologies if this has already been asked, I haven't read all 34 pages of this thread.

Glenn Wilkinson
RV-4 Cutaway

I will do an RV-4 cutaway if there is enough interest. So far, only a few -4 enthusiasts have expressed interest.


For a wife that is not VAF-saavy and wants to buy her wonderful hubby (me) one of those nice cutaway drawings, how might she get ahold of you? Can you PM a phone or direct email?

Two suggestions -- remove the ELT and VOR whisker antenna's. Most RV'ers that I know hide these two antennas.

I agree. Most don't have the VOR antenna's and most hide the ELT antenna. They look more distracting than anything. Just my two cents!
Hidden antennas

...talking of which, have you seen the Clear-Nav Transparent GPS antenna. It's the latest ad amongst the aviation stuff on the left side of this forum
RV7 view

Hey Tom, since I think you're finished with the RV7 and I'm about to mail your payment. Got a 'teaser' shot for us to gander at?? :)
RV-7 Tip-Up Cutaway Completed!

The RV-7 Tip-Up Cutaway is finished. Thanks to all of you who have ordered prints and have been patiently waiting. The prints went to production today and will be available shortly. For ordering information, send a request to: [email protected].

The RV-7A Tip-Up will be produced next followed immediately by the -7 and -7A slider versions.


canopy curve looks... odd

hmmmm.... hope it grows on me since i have one on order... not a fan of the color and the canopy curve looks a bit odd. perhaps it is the heavy use of shading to mark the edge but the arc looks off somehow... a bit too bulbous making the plane look more squat than it is in real life.
hmmmm.... hope it grows on me since i have one on order... not a fan of the color and the canopy curve looks a bit odd. perhaps it is the heavy use of shading to mark the edge but the arc looks off somehow... a bit too bulbous making the plane look more squat than it is in real life.

I gotta admit, after looking at it for awhile, the canopy does look off to me as well... looks 'short'. It seems it should extend toward the front a little further?