RV-8 Cutaway Progress Report

Hi Group,

The cutaway illustration is well under way now. All of the fuselage bulkheads have been plotted and sketched in. The wing spars, all ribs plus flap and aileron details have also been mapped out.

Each day I start out by studying the plans and looking at builder's web sites.
Once a good understanding of the system chosen for the day is achieved, its on to the drawing board to get all the info down while its still fresh in my head.

Tomorrow's subject will be the empennage.


I've already pushed back in my office chair and admired the art that will be hanging on the wall there......in my minds eye!!:p

Can't wait! I'll be able to then just point and say, "That's what I'm building" to all the folks that wonder about my insanity!!
-7A Tipper Here

I have been looking for one of these for about a year. Thanks for putting these together. Can't wait to see the -7 come off the assembly line...uh...drawing table.


I would definitely buy a 9/9A (preferred) or 7/7A giclee print. And if another commitment for an 18 X 24 or 24 X 36 of the 8 is needed to reach critical mass, put me down for either.
Cutaway Update

Hi group,

I'm deep into the cutaway now and thanks to the help of Dan Miller, progress has been very good. Right now I am working on the engine and prop. Dan has really helped out by taking the time to remove the cowling of his RV-8 so that I could spend time getting intimate with the engine installation.

I have decided to put in an IO-360 200HP engine in the illustration and am seeking help from all of you re. finding out what the engine internals look like.
I found an old airbrushed cutaway of a typical Lycoming powerplant which really helps out, plus the parts manual for the O-360-C1G but was wondering if any of you out there have some info on the 'go-fast' motor. I'm cutting into
the motor to show the crank rotating group, valve train and crankcase area.


If you can't find a Lycoming angle valve parts manual in your neighborhood, drop me an email and I'll send you mine. Lots of good illustrations. You can send it back when you're done.
For once you have tasted flight
you will walk the earth
with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been
and there you will long to return.

Leonardo da Vinci

that quote is painted on the wall in hangar 1000 at NAS JAX. and i love to read it everyday walking into work :cool:
7A Builders & Drivers Rise Up

Hi Ron,

Since the majority of the requests were for a -8 model, that is the chosen plane for the initial project. If that project is a 'go', then hopefully interest
will be high enough to follow with other models. So far, the -9's and -7's
are next in line.


7A Builders & Drivers chime in and/or place your orders stating 7A as your preference. Tom needs interest from 300 to make the 7A as the next dwg project.

From Van's website:

As of February 26, 2009 6,100 RV aircraft have been completed and flown!
Listed by Model
RV-3 257
RV-4 1293
RV-6/6A 2330
RV-7/7A 751
RV-8/8A 859
RV-9/9A 431
RV-10 177
RV-12 2

The 7/7A model basically replaced the 6/6A, which as you can see was the most popular model. So clearly there will be a market.
Order via email sent for a 7A!!
7A Builders & Drivers chime in and/or place your orders stating 7A as your preference. Tom needs interest from 300 to make the 7A as the next dwg project.

From Van's website:

As of February 26, 2009 6,100 RV aircraft have been completed and flown!
Listed by Model
RV-3 257
RV-4 1293
RV-6/6A 2330
RV-7/7A 751
RV-8/8A 859
RV-9/9A 431
RV-10 177
RV-12 2

The 7/7A model basically replaced the 6/6A, which as you can see was the most popular model. So clearly there will be a market.
Order via email sent for a 7A!!

Previously emailed interest in a -7A, but just to reiterate it here...

Hey Tom,

How about a taste?

Here ya go. This was day 2 of the project and I am plotting in all the major stuff to decide what to show. I should be finished with the drawing phase in about 10 days, then its on to painting. It's looking cool.


I'm in...

... for a -7 tip-up, though I'd probably buy any Van's 2-seat side-by-side model (7, 7A, 9, 9A).

Same parts


I don't know if your were aware of this or not but the RV-8 and RV-7 share the same wing and tail feathers. Also the engine itself would be the same. I don't know what your drawing process is but I would think you could take some elements from your RV-8 drawing and use them to make the RV-7 drawing. That should save you some work and time in getting out the side by side model.

I don't know if your were aware of this or not but the RV-8 and RV-7 share the same wing and tail feathers. Also the engine itself would be the same. I don't know what your drawing process is but I would think you could take some elements from your RV-8 drawing and use them to make the RV-7 drawing. That should save you some work and time in getting out the side by side model.


Thanks for the tip. I spent a lot of time analyzing all of the RV models up front realising the potential of this project. I will definately take advantage of the model simularities so that I can get all of them drawn in the most timely way possible. Some of the models might be drawn from a different angle though just to keep it interesting for me and also to best show off their unique features.

I'm in...

I'll take a -8 giclee print as well as an artisan paper print at 24" x 36". Email sent this morning...
How is going the project? Any expected delivery time?

Hi group,

I am finished with the draft drawing of the RV-8 and will be scanning it shortly to load into Photoshop and start the painting. Initial plan was to have the painting done by Sun & Fun but you all know how airplane building goes. I spent more time than I expected doing all the research which was very enjoyable. I will spend the entire week at SNF then come back all fired up to finsh the project. Estimated time of completion is May 5th.

A special thanks to Dan Miller who has been very patient and helpful during my visits to his hanger while I examined his -8 and another one he is building for a friend.

I will post a peak of the draft drawing shortly....stay tuned. Also, for those of you who will be at SNF, I will have the original drawing available for viewing. Just give me a shout if you are interested in hooking up and checking it out.


Just wondering what # you are on for the giclee prints? Taildragger right?

Don't put me down for one yet. I have to sell my autopilot first.:(

BTW, for all you 7 builders wanting a 7 cutaway.

Definition of a RV-7 builder: Married guy with big head who really wanted to build an RV-8 but said guys wife refuses to stare at that head for hours at a time.:D

You might as well buy a print of your dream RV if you can't get one for the model your building.
Just wondering what # you are on for the giclee prints? Taildragger right?

Definition of a RV-7 builder: Married guy with big head who really wanted to build an RV-8 but said guys wife refuses to stare at that head for hours at a time.:D

guilty .......
Just wondering what # you are on for the giclee prints? Taildragger right?

Don't put me down for one yet. I have to sell my autopilot first.:(

BTW, for all you 7 builders wanting a 7 cutaway.

Definition of a RV-7 builder: Married guy with big head who really wanted to build an RV-8 but said guys wife refuses to stare at that head for hours at a time.:D

You might as well buy a print of your dream RV if you can't get one for the model your building.

We are in the upper 50's...and yes - the first illustration will be the tail-dragger. Once that is completed, I'll plug in a nose wheel and the other unique pieces and bits to turn it into an 8A model.



I'm about to launch into building a -10, so if that model ever makes your list, I'd certainly purchase at least two prints!

(I'll probably buy one of the other models as well, since I doubt the -10 will be my last RV!)

-- Chris
Cutaway Progress Report

Hi Group,

The draft drawing of the RV-8 Cutaway is now complete and I have just scanned it and loaded into the computer. I will use the computer to tighten up the drawing and start refining all the details. Come to Sun & Fun next week and see the original drawing. I'll be there all week.

Tom Out

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Cutaway Image

Yes - that's what I was trying to post. A special thanks to Kevin for sorting it out and making it work. I'll post some detail shots once they are completed.

I'd be interested in a cutaway drawing of a 7A tip-up, if that'll be available and the price is right.

If price/availability info is up here somewhere, I missed it. Sorry, I wasn't inclined to comb through the nearly 200 posts already in this thread... If this is gonna happen, perhaps it's time to set up a dedicated web page for the product. Just a suggestion.
I'd be interested in a cutaway drawing of a 7A tip-up, if that'll be available and the price is right.

If price/availability info is up here somewhere, I missed it. Sorry, I wasn't inclined to comb through the nearly 200 posts already in this thread... If this is gonna happen, perhaps it's time to set up a dedicated web page for the product. Just a suggestion.

$45 small (IIRC)
$65 24x36 (IIRC)
$200 Super Special 24x36 (IIRC again)

As far as I know only the $200 ones have enough orders so far. Maybe we can get a # update?
I am in for an RV-7A Slider

Very cool! I would definitely purchase an RV-7A slider cutaway drawing. It is what my office wall is in need of :D
I will take an RV-8 cutaway. That draft looks great!
What is the super special package?

I'll monitor this thread for details, just say when and where to send the money!
I want one too! an 8 that is and of the giclee variety...#88 please. email sent.
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Very Cool!

Very Cool Tom!

Can't wait till it's hanging on my office wall!! I am a bit worried about what it's going to cost me for the high end framing and photo lighting I'll have to install to show it off!!! :D:D:D

If you want one of those drawings, will you be able to order one sometime? I would really like one. It would look great framed up and on the wall!
It's in the thread


Read back through the thread. There are prices and instructions from Tom about how to order/reserve prints.
$45 small (IIRC)
$65 24x36 (IIRC)
$200 Super Special 24x36 (IIRC again)

As far as I know only the $200 ones have enough orders so far. Maybe we can get a # update?

I'd be interested in the $65 24x36 of a 7A tip-up.
RV-7A cutaway requests

Hello Roee
I'm Nina. Tom is at Sun-n-Fun, so I am answering his posts this week. We may not be offering the standard prints for models after the RV-8 because most people are ordering the giclee prints, so we haven't received near enough standard orders to justify the minimum print quantity for offset printing.

We are exploring other production options for the few standard orders that we have now, but it may not make sense to offer the standards for follow-on models unless we find a really good cost-effective alternative. We'll know more later.

We just decided this week that Tom will produce the RV-8A after the -8 is completed. However, the -7A also looks like a good possibility down the road, given the number of -7A requests we have received so far.

If anyone would like to send model preferences for future cutaway projects or orders for the RV-8 or -8A, please send them to [email protected], as it is easier to capture requests via his email.