Another -8

Count me in for an -8. I'd certainly want a large print, preferably at least 36 to 48" wide.
.......I've directed Tom to this forum and he will probably check in with the real information. In the meantime, ya'll keep up the "me too" and RV model of interest.

Given the initial interest expressed in an RV cutaway drawing thus far, it is reasonable to suppose that over the much longer term it might be considerably more lucrative for your friend Tom to contact Van to examine the possibility of offering his custom art work in the "Gift Ideas" section of Van's accessory catalog. Such an item would be exposed to a much larger audience over a far longer period of time. RV polo shirts and RV coffee mugs okay but an RV cutaway drawing would be a fine and worthy addition to the accessory catalog. Just a thought.

Rick's idea sounds very possible. Whatever the source, I would also be interested in a large good quality cutaway drawing for the -8 if cost is reasonable. Bill

...interested of -7.

And even more interested having it in high quality digital form, so I can have as many prints in any size I want (printable with quality at least up to 60"x40"). But needless to say also price does matter.

Now is seems everyone is talking as a person. First idea that came to my mind that could be get those (yeah, I believe there is coming at least 7 and 8, and propably (7a or) 9a :D) for like where anyone could later download them... what would be price then? I don't know how much it takes to make pictures like that but we kind would pay for hours used to draw and after that we could spread the pictures as much as we want (for free)...
...interested of -7.

And even more interested having it in high quality digital form, so I can have as many prints in any size I want (printable with quality at least up to 60"x40"). But needless to say also price does matter.

Now is seems everyone is talking as a person. First idea that came to my mind that could be get those (yeah, I believe there is coming at least 7 and 8, and propably (7a or) 9a :D) for like where anyone could later download them... what would be price then? I don't know how much it takes to make pictures like that but we kind would pay for hours used to draw and after that we could spread the pictures as much as we want (for free)...

Artists seem to have a really sore spot about letting their productions get out into a group that thinks like this..
I know I've given photographs I have taken to folks to use for personal use but I always add the caveat, just for your use.
Most folks really don't like to work for free or be taken advantage of. JMHO


Here we are, a bunch of folks, throwing our names in a hat as would be buyers of a product that dosen't even exist.

The artist we are courting hasn't even chimed in here yet, and I guess what we're doing is trying to woo him to produce the art with the promise of enough sales for him to justify the no doubt massive amount of time required to undergo such a project.

The guy is clearly VERY talented and would deserve to make PLENTY of dough should he move forward.

This stuff is FINE ART, and is worth more than just a few bucks.

Talk of taking his talent and work and putting into the public domain is certainly not going to help in our courting endeavor!!

Jesse Bentley
Muskego, WI
Kinda reminds me of when somebody see's a "niche" market here and designs a product, then prices it competively, or even way below "production" stuff. Then the guy gets beat down by all the "group buy" fanatics!
Hi Group,

I'm Tom Johnson stepping out from behind the curtain. I am honored that many of you seem very interested in having me doing a cutaway of an RV-8
(or other). I am strongly considering it. I have contacted Van's, which is conveniently only 30 minutes away about such a project and have clearance from them.

I am currently exploring different printing methods and the costs involved and will provide more details once all the data is in. At that time, I will announce
what I propose to offer plus what will be required from me to commit to such a project.

Stay tuned.

Tom Out
Welcome to VAF!!!!

Tom, welcome to the good ship, VAF.

Your cut away (or whatever the style is called) of the Pitts is incredible.

Truly a gift you have.

Hang on, and enjoy :D
Hi Group,

I'm Tom Johnson stepping out from behind the curtain. I am honored that many of you seem very interested in having me doing a cutaway of an RV-8
(or other). I am strongly considering it. I have contacted Van's, which is conveniently only 30 minutes away about such a project and have clearance from them.
In that case, I'd be real interested in a straight -7
Hey Tom!!

Thanks for jumping in.

I'd like to echo Mike's praises! Your work is truely incredible!

I have a wall in my office that is absolutely SCREAMING for said proposed art! I'll keep the space clear in anticipation!

We'll keep our ears open for word from you!

Thanks again,

Jesse Bentley
Muskego, WI
......I'm Tom Johnson....I am honored that many of you seem very interested in having me doing a cutaway of an RV-8.....
Thanks, Tom for taking a preliminary interest in this project. In addition to the usual factory drawings, I'm sure you can rely on members of this forum including me to augment your research tools with detail photographs of any structural area of particular interest if it can help.
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Some seems to miss my point. Yes, fine piece of art for sure, but all I wanted to know what is the price for such a thing. If it takes like 100 hours (no idea about the reality) to make the picture and charge is $100 per hour we end up for a price of $10000. So if an option is like selling them for like $500/piece and he'll sell 20 pcs of them or we collect $10000 and rest of the pilots may enjoy the work as well and artist gets same revenue. Ok, I really hope my price "estimate" is overkill. :eek:

And as I said that I'm interested having picture in digital form for couple of reasons: you may print it to any wall in any size you want. And I'll get my copy much cheaper and safer than sending it via normal mail in a big expensive grate which doesn't generate any benefit for anyone else than for post office.

Jay (maybe some others earlier as well) bring an interesting point that which "color" the plane would be. I would prefer general i.e. factory colors as I assume that would please most people (in case there are many copies from single model).

I'm also interested that are those pictures hand drawn or drawn with computer? Current technology would allow to do them both ways...

...but for now, we wait the answer from the artists itself before planning any futher. Keep coming those model suggestions... I guess there were not too many wanting -3 yet or even -10.
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Cutaway RV-8 Drawing

Count me in if it is a round the $50 mark. If only I had that level of skill Tom!

Can I suggest a poll for the color scheme so that the majority view holds?

Bob Ellis
Fuselage underway
RV-8 Cutaway Proposal

RV Cutaway Enthusiasts,

Clear prop! Uhhh, I mean...clear drafting board!! Thanks for your interest in my cutaway illustrations. It appears, by your posts, that there may be enough interest in the RV to warrant a project. A project such as this involves the following:

Research (approximately 50 hours including travel)

Access to engineering plans and actual RV?s. I have already contacted Vans' Aircraft who have given me a thumbs up "go", and they are willing to provide access to plans. I?m confident there are enough RVs in the Portland area for final close-up access to a finished plane(s).

Hand created draft (about 200 hours)

Pencil the detailed draft. This is the phase that makes my art unique. I do this phase by hand because it adds a unique perspective and fine art quality?like Leonardo DaVinci. Also because it's more like building the real plane, which is essentially what I must do to create these images.

Final details and painting (about 100 hours)

Load the draft into the computer for completion and painting.

Send to the Printer.

My proposal is to illustrate the -8 because most posts are expressing interest in that model.

So here?s the clincher: To commit to this project, will require:

1. Cold start priming in the form of at least 300 orders?with a 50% retainer up front.

2. I will bill the retainer through PayPal once the required number of orders is reached.

3. Once all retainers have been received, I will schedule in the project, which will take approximately 8 weeks to complete.

If the retainer is met by February 14, the project could be done by Sun & Fun '09.

Available prints and pricing:

18" X 24" on archival paper................................................$45.00 +S/H**

24" X 36" on archival paper................................................$65.00 +S/H**

Fine-art 24" X 36" limited edition of 100 *giclee prints..........$200.00 + S/H**

Custom prints: an exclusive cutaway of your personal aircraft with your paint scheme and specific details. By quote only, the price will be determined by the complexity of paint scheme and level of detail desired. A 50% deposit will be required on these special projects to secure a position in the queue. They will be scheduled in the order received after completion of the original model 8. Custom cutaways generally range between $500 - $1500. I have done some of these works for Pitts Model 12 customers and they have been extremely pleased with the final result.

*a giclee is digital print that is the highest quality reproduction available. These are fine-art prints produced on museum quality acid-free paper using non-fading special inks. When framed properly, these prints have non-fading life expectancy of 100 years. These must be printed one at a time at ultra-high resolution for maximum detail. They take about 1 hour each to print and are dazzling.

**Shipping and handling includes actual shipping charge and packing tube. Within the US this is $15.00. Overseas rates vary. (Inquire for rates)

Artwork is always copywrited with all rights retained by TJTechArt, Inc.

I look forward to starting this exciting project.

Tom Johnson
I'm in for sure


You can mark me down for the first of 100 giclee prints!

How will you track this and collect the earnest money?
I'm in..

Will probably go for the Gilcee too but that will be something I have to work on with the CFO. Either way I want one of the big ones! :D

One suggestion to the moderators: make this thread a sticky given the time frame involved.

Maybe a feeler advert on the mothership?

You can mark me down for the first of 100 giclee prints!

How will you track this and collect the earnest money?

I will mark you down for#1.

Send all requests to: [email protected].

I will transfer the order info to a master chart recording the date and time you order. When enough orders come in to meet the retainer, you will be billed the 50% charge via PayPal.

The giclee prints will all be hand-signed and numbered in sequence plus can be personalised if desired at no extra cost.

The open edition 18 X 24 and 24 X 36 prints will also be signed. Just state on your order how you would like the print signed.


giclee prints

Hi Tom, I definitely want print #8, signed of course..
Thanks in advance.


As it would be great to see this thing happen, I think we need to do what we can to help promote Tom's sales on this!

I suppose we could post the info on every RV based site we can, but we'd need something that's more like an ad. Maybe the pricing along with a description of the end product, coupled with the example of the Pitt's art?
Web Orders

Tom is an accomplished artist and his work speaks for itself. While VAF, VANS, and other RV related sites are well suited to introduce Tom's work, I don't believe these sites are well suited for placing and/or the taking of print orders and deposits.

If Tom does not already have a web site to accept orders and deposits, possibly someone here could help him. It would then be a simple task to periodically update the 'announcement' sites with order stats and/or new offerings.

BTW... Count me in!
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RV 7 Cutaway drawing? Any Interest?

Since the RV8 thread got more replies for RV8's :p, Why don't those RV6/7/9 owners out there let Tom know that we would like one as well. Looks like 300 is his magic number.

Seems the 6/7/9 are so similar that one model could be used for all of the side by side aircraft?
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Yes to the 9A!

I woke up this morning and was going to start this thread....Thanks Brian. Count me in for at least a 24 x 36 9A!

Just a suggestion, strike a deal with Vans to handle the orders. I bet they would do it for the same amount that your going to get charged by Paypal or close to it.

Put up items for the popular models and let Van's take the orders. Whichever model gets 300 backorders first gets the project rolling. Then as the other models get 300 start those projects.

Once the a project is complete, move it to Van's regular catalog and sell them for many years, adding new models as needed!

Way more opportunity here than just selling 300 of one model!
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I'll take giclee #5 if it hasn't been assigned. If it has I'll the next one in sequence.

Scott Hersha
RV-8 Fastback - in paint shop
Ill take a 24X36 RV-8 Just let me know when and where to paypal.

Will these be in color?

To order your print(s), send a request to: [email protected]. I will bill 50% of the total price as a deposit when I have a minumum of 300 orders. The deposit will secure you a print.

The prints will be in color. See post #6 in this thread for an example of the quality of the illustration.

Cheers, Tom
I'll take #6 or lowest # available

I need to make a clarification re. ordering of the limited-edition giclee prints.

The sequence # that will be on the print will be assigned by the position of the post on this thread. It's a 'first-come, first-served' basis. To secure that # please do the following:

1. Make your request announcement on this thread.

2. Send me a personal request to [email protected]. Your print # will be logged in at that time.

3. When the orders meet a minimum level I have set, then I will bill you for a 50% deposit. Once the deposit is received, your print # will be locked. If you do not follow through with the deposit, that print # now is open and will go to the next person on the list.

Tom Out


Have already sent you a pm for a print just logging a number #16 would be nice as its my wifes birthday & our anniversary

Who will get #8 hehe


I'll take the next one in line please. Am sending you an email. Thanks. Dave