Check for broken power switch

My AV8OR is 28 months old and out of warranty. I flew a week ago, everything was fine. This past Saturday, the unit will not turn on under battery or charger power. Talked to B/K and they didn't know if there was a repair or not. Has anyone been able to get this unit repaired?

Dale Fowler

I think you will find that the power switch failed when you attempted to turn the unit off. The result would be a total battery discharge. The first time this happened to me, the unit came alive again after being hooked to an external power supply for some time (30 minutes?)

The push-and-hold power switch for these units was POORLY DESIGNED (and I'm being charitable). FWIW, I have failed two. One with less than 50 hrs. in service, one with less than 100 hrs. in service. The warranty repair consists of replacing the unit. I wonder if the total replacement cost for all the units that broke exceeds the pennies saved on each unit x # of units sold. Perhaps B-K should have charged $1 more for each unit and put a decent switch in.

Larry Tompkins

PS I am a mechanical engineer. I could design a good switch for B-K if they asked me. There is a legitimate purpose for cost accounting, however, putting cost-accountants in CEO positions has the long-term affect of destroying a company. In 1970 GM had 50% market share, after Roger Smith and his bean-counter successors they are now happy with 20% and needed a government bail-out. Moderators feel free to delete this portion if you feel it is too politically incorrect, but if we don't leave the "make it worse manufacturing philosophy" and return to the continuous product improvement philosphy our children better learn to speak Chinese.

Double check that sliding lock switch on the right hand side if you have not already, it is very sensitive on my unit

Scrabo's probably barking up the right tree. If that doesn't work or has been checked already, try another battery. Even with it plugged in to wall power, I had a laptop that wouldn't work right because the battery was shot. Just a thought...

If you don't have another battery to try, PM/email me. Might be able to send a spare to you.

Either way, fingers crossed your AV8OR powers up with a simple fix!
AV8OR Repair

Great suggestion. It was locked. It was in an AirGizmo panel mount the entire time so how in the world did the locking switch slide? Thanks for the help!

1600mAh battery

Anyone know what an equivalent part number is for the 1600mAh battery?
e.g. Nokia equivalent that fits?
I realise that a different back cover is also needed.

1600mAh battery

To answer my own question, in case anyone else is interested, the equivalent Nokia p/n for the 1600mAh battery is BL-10C, which is twice the thickness of the standard-fit BL-5C.
Can't get them in the UK though!
The bendix/king extended battery is made by KAYO - model KPL623048-2P
capacity 1600mAh volt 3.7 - it is Polymer Li-Ion - you might have better luck buying it in the UK.
Received this email today...

"The AV8OR 2.5 software and firmware is now available for download for the AV8OR ACE only . Release 2.5 includes a number of exciting new features including High Resolution Approach Plates, a Graphical Weight and Balance Utility, Smart Airway Flight Planning and XM Radio Tuning. The AV8OR 2.5 upgrade for the AV8OR Handheld will be released soon. "
AV8or ace software update 2.5 WARNING

Updated to version 2.5 on my av8or ace. Now the go fly application crashes every time I load a chart (approach, airport etc). :mad:

Not cool - this update has rendered the unit nearly worthless. Emailed them 3 business days ago - no response yet.


Updated to version 2.5 on my av8or ace. Now the go fly application crashes every time I load a chart (approach, airport etc).

Did you try this ....

From the press release...

"AV8OR 2.5 introduces new, High Resolution Approach Plates, SIDs/STARs and Airport Diagrams. This new capability dramatically improves the clarity of chart viewing, raising the bar on the competition. This new feature also includes a one-time Free IFR Charting update from Seattle Avionics (required with AV8OR 2.5 software).

Here is the full press release for those who didn't receive it.

Available now! The AV8OR 2.5 software and firmware is now available for download for the AV8OR ACE. Release 2.5 includes a number of exciting new features including High Resolution Approach Plates, a Graphical Weight and Balance Utility, Smart Airway Flight Planning and XM Radio Tuning. The AV8OR 2.5 upgrade for the AV8OR Handheld will be released soon.

High Resolution Approach Plates
AV8OR 2.5 introduces new, High Resolution Approach Plates, SIDs/STARs and Airport Diagrams. This new capability dramatically improves the clarity of chart viewing, raising the bar on the competition. This new feature also includes a one-time Free IFR Charting update from Seattle Avionics (required with AV8OR 2.5 software).

Graphical Weight and Balance Utility
AV8OR 2.5 includes an easy-to-use, Graphical Weight and Balance utility. Using aircraft-specific data, the pilot can quickly calculate both take-off and zero-fuel moments, and see the data in table format, a C.G. Envelope Graph and an aircraft layout page.

Smart Airway Flight Planning
AV8OR 2.5 now makes it possible to flight-plan and fly airways in the same way that clearances are requested or issued by approach control. Simply enter the Entry Point, Airway Name and Exit Point in a single line. For example: "BOSOX V419 PIYIN". AV8OR 2.5 does all the detail planning for the pilot, including all intermediate points and turns on the airway.

XM Radio Tuning
AV8OR 2.5 now includes an XM Radio Tuner (WxWorx XM receiver and subscription required). The new XM Radio Tuner allows pilots to listen to their favorite XM Radio stations while navigating with the AV8OR. Selecting from XM Radio channel categories and managing a custom "Favorites" list is simple to use with the AV8OR's touch screen interface.
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Thanks - yes I updated the charts after the software update.

Did you try this ....

From the press release...

"AV8OR 2.5 introduces new, High Resolution Approach Plates, SIDs/STARs and Airport Diagrams. This new capability dramatically improves the clarity of chart viewing, raising the bar on the competition. This new feature also includes a one-time Free IFR Charting update from Seattle Avionics (required with AV8OR 2.5 software).
I started using the smart profile (or whatever it's called) and the relative topo last night. Loved it. I have to read about all the various colors and the general clearance distances but I feel much better at night with it in the plane.

Two questions, the GPS seemed to update much slower (like every 4 seconds instead of every 1, or so). Is everyone else getting the same slow-down? Also, what impact does it have on battery life to leave the topo and smart profile on?

Thanks. Andy
Two questions, the GPS seemed to update much slower (like every 4 seconds instead of every 1, or so). Is everyone else getting the same slow-down? Also, what impact does it have on battery life to leave the topo and smart profile on?

I occasionally perform a hard reset on the unit to correct the 4 sec update issue - also in my opinion, battery life is not impacted leaving topo and smart profile on - I use the smart profile all the time.
I occasionally perform a hard reset on the unit to correct the 4 sec update issue - also in my opinion, battery life is not impacted leaving topo and smart profile on - I use the smart profile all the time.

I'll try that. Not sure it's actually 4 seconds, but the unit did get significantly slower after I turned these things on. I also lost altitude data from time to time. I don't remember seeing that ever before. All in all, it was still a benefit to have with me.
According to the recent 2.05 press release - the firmware and software updates are still pending for the hand held unit, while the ACE versions were released mid Feb. Last I checked they were not released.

I wonder if those updates might correct your issue ?
Go-Drive patch

About a year ago I loaded a Go-drive patch from the supplier of that aspect of the AV8OR (i.e. not supplied by BK). This stopped Go drive occasionally 'hanging' and it worked faultlessly thereafter. Unfortuneately, Go-fly continued to misbahave and the unit was changed uner warranty.
Now I have the Go-drive issues again with the replacement unit and cannot find the software provider's website that the patch came from.
Does anyone have any leads on this?

Hi Duncan,

GoDrive (NavnGo) has a new website for updating GoDrive. You create an account (free) and download their software. Plug AV8OR into your PC and turn it on. The installed program automatically detects your unit and then shows a list of what is available for download. Software updates have been free. I think the first map update was free too. No sure. I did the above and it worked great on my AV8OR. They have really lowered their prices on the map updates. I think mine was $$29. I also downloaded the traffic camera database. (First one was free).
New to the AV8OR...

I read this thread from end-to-end and learned a lot. You guys are pretty sharp.

As a new AV8OR owner, I have a couple of questions:

My old (and I mean OLD) GPS was a Garmin195. I used an external antenna mounted on the roof of my C182.

Can I use this antenna with the AV8OR?

The Garmin apparently uses what is known as an "active" antenna. I guess the issue is whether or not the AV8OR is compatible with an active antenna.

If the existing antenna can be used, what is the proper connector?

The Garmin used an MCX connector. I read somewhere that the AV8OR uses an MMCX.


The only phone number I could find for Bendix customer support only got me on hold for a half hour. Anyone have a better phone number?

Jim Weddell
Vacaville, CA
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Zaon bluetooth interface with AV8OR

Does anyone know whether interfacing a ZAON XRX PCAS via bluetooth automatically provides the Zaon audio alerts through the AV8OR?

Whilst the obvious solution would be to interface the Zaon directly with the intercom, the electrical interference produced by the cooling fan in the Zaon prevents this.

Does anyone know whether interfacing a ZAON XRX PCAS via bluetooth automatically provides the Zaon audio alerts through the AV8OR?

I don't believe so but I could test it this weekend. I used the supplied audio cables for a few flights and discarded them as the bleeps from the XRX was enough to get my attention.

There are some dip switches on the botton of the XRX that might help reduce the interference.
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Does anyone know whether interfacing a ZAON XRX PCAS via bluetooth automatically provides the Zaon audio alerts through the AV8OR?.

I check it this morning, it did not give me audio alerts via bluetooth :(

Maybe I am doing something wrong because the ZAON website states "Zaon highly recommends using the voice alerts from the AV8OR in place of the XRX voice alerts when viewing traffic on the AV8OR display. Alert thresholds are different between the two units, and the XRX voice alerts may not be in sync with the pop-up alerts on the AV8OR. "

Will have to play some more:)

I also dropped Zaon support an email on the subject, based on previous experience with their tech support, I will not be holding my breath.
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I also dropped Zaon support an email on the subject, based on previous experience with their tech support, I will not be holding my breath.

According to Zaon, "the AV80R generates its own audible traffic alert; all you need to do is connect the audio output to your intercom and/or audio panel."

Personally I have never heard the AV8OR generate any audible traffic alert, I doubt if the handheld unit does, maybe the ACE version ???

Added : 3/27/11 - I contacted Bendix/Honeywell and was assured that the AV8OR units were never designed to generate audible traffic alerts - so Zaon website is incorrect.
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touch screen on HH

Sorry if I'm changing the subject here a bit. Try to keep this tip in mind. If by some remote chance, and it does happen, where the touch screen freezes up, then remove the battery overnight and try again in the morning. I've heard the RAM inside the unit can get wadded up and gets confused. Removing the battery only for a short time does not seem to fix it because of residual effects. Try the overnight method.
You are sooooo Right!

Regarding the the touch screen freezing up, removal of the battery overnight sometimes does cure the problem or at least it did on my unit. The touch screen did not work at all. The unit powered up and appeared to be fine except the touch screen would not respond to touch.

I called Bendix King Service and they had me try several things but nothing helped. They finally said they have had trouble with some touch screens and they were very sorry mine was out of warranty (for two months) as the units are non-repairable. I was basically told to throw it away and buy another one. Be sure to try the overnight trick before you throw the unit away.

I also called Aircraft Spruce Avionics Service and was told the same thing. Obviously if it had still been in warranty they would have replaced it but since the units are not serviceable at all I was out of luck.

I guess what bothered me most was that Bendix King had no offer of trade up or discount for current users. I was told they are working on an exchange program for out of warranty units. Unfortunately, it is not in place at this time.

I wonder if any of the Garmin hand held units are serviceable?
AV8OR Update

I've tried to do the update in the 4/29/2011 email from BK several times. Clicking on the link takes me to a page that says I need to update Java. I update Java and I get right back to the page that says I need to update Java. I've gone around this circle many times with no progress. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas? Anyone know a support number at Honeywell/Bendix King that would help on this issue?

Dale Fowler
I've tried to do the update in the 4/29/2011 email from BK several times. Clicking on the link takes me to a page that says I need to update Java. I update Java and I get right back to the page that says I need to update Java. I've gone around this circle many times with no progress. Has anyone else had this problem? Any ideas? Anyone know a support number at Honeywell/Bendix King that would help on this issue?

Dale Fowler

Here is the support info.

Bob Haring
Honeywell Int'l Inc
Technical Operations Center
Technical Support Engineer
U.S./Canada 1-800-601-3099
Europe 800-601-3099
All Others 1-602-365-3099
23500 W. 105th Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062
[email protected]

Bob was very Helpful with a problem I was having with mine, which actually turned out to be a misunderstanding of the internal operations of the AV80R.

By the way, there is a new pilot guide that has been/or soon to be released. It is much more in depth and helped to explain the issue I was having. If you cannot find it on the website. Send me an email and I will send a copy to you.
Assuming you are running MS Windows, have you check in the Control Panel under Add/Remove Programs? There may be several versions of Java installed. If so, I wonder if you removed all of the older versions, it that would solve your problem?
I had the same problem & found out, that using a different browser than MS Internet Explorer causes this problem. Normally I'm using Google Chrome. But for updating the AV8OR, I have to use MSIE.

Hope that helps

AV8OR Update

Finally got emails from Bendix King. They suggested I remove all copies of Java and reinstall and I did. Also suggested that if Internet Explorer did not work, try Firefox. Internet Explorer did not work (vs 8) but Firefox did. Go figure.

Thanks for all the suggestions.

Other platforms

Also, platforms other than windows don't work at all. Tried Mac OS and a couple different linux versions. Generally, I don't have access to windows at all. My day job is a software developer for unix, linux and IBM mainframes so Windows isn't something I keep around.

Just a few days ago I dusted off an old netbook and installed Windows XP Pro for the sole purpose of updating my av8or. After doing the song and dance to get all the drivers happy, java running, etc... I finally got the java program needed to update my av8or to run and it did not fit on the small netbook's screen. I could not click the OK button at the bottom of the window because it was below my puny little netbook's screen. Evil developers had set the screen properties to be not-resizeable and not-scrollable. That's just mean and uncool.

Had to dig up an external monitor to plug the netbook into.

/* end rant */
Sucess with GoDrive updates

I have one of the original AV8OR handhelds and it has an older version of GoDrive on it (8.0). I have never been able to get the Naviextras toolbox to connect to it to upgrade the road maps. Naviextras just released a 3.01 version of their toolbox. The new version connected to my AV8OR with no problem and upgraded my GoDrive software to version 8.3 (latest) then I was able to download a lot of map fixes for free. The road update for the USA was $50. Worth it to me as lots of changes here in Phoenix. There is a 3-D add in available for $10 to add 3-D building for the major cities. Has anyone used that feature yet on their AV8OR?

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NMEA output

My first AV8OR wouldn't output NMEA data, even with the revised firmware that allowed that.
My second did and worked well in that repsect.
Now on my third unit (which is a much later model) and it doesnn't output, or not enough.
The GPS logging screen shows GPRMC etc, but not GPRMB, which I need to work a Trutrak Digitrak.

Any ideas what additional output features need to be enabled beyond standard serial NMEA at 4800 Baud?

Last update caused problems

The last update I did a few weeks ago helped the bluetooth connection to my weatherworx box. It's seamless now.
But now the NMEA output seems weak or something. It takes a while to connect and will sometimes drop out. I've been trying a lot of different settings to find the sweet spot but haven't really found the answer yet.
The only thing I had turned on before this last update was GPBOD I think it was called. I have the Trutrak ADI II.
Please post the answer here if you find it!

I've tried enabling GPBOD but it has no effect.
Enabling all output options results in unit not being able to cope!
It appears that the GPRMB sentence is missing, which should be a standard output.
Maybe I'll try re-loading the curent firmware.
I'll let you know if I find out.

Private Airport

If anyone is interested, I have created files of private airports using FAA 5010 data.
Please feel free to use for your AV8OR units.

These will be updated per the FAA cycle so if you want me to notify you when the data is posted, PM me
and I will include you on the distribution list.
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Re: Private Airport

I tried a couple of compression/archiving tools with the private airports file and they all reported an unsupported compression type. Am I missing something?


I tried a couple of compression/archiving tools with the private airports file and they all reported an unsupported compression type. Am I missing something?



Winzip should work but I will check the zip file in case it has been corrupted.

Please try again... it appears to be working now.
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12 volt DC Adapter

I installed 2 - 12 volt accessory jacks in my airplane. One is used to power my AV8OR using the 12 volt DC adapter. They are wired with 3 amp fuses.

Recently the fuses have blown when I plug the AV8OR adapter into the jack. When I tried the adapter from my noise cancelling headset, the fuse did not blow.

The 2 amp fuse in the adapter is not blown.

I tried it in our car, and it works there.

Any ideas on the cause? How might I troubleshoot for the problem?

Perhaps I could hardwire the adapter directly to the fuse block. Any suggestions for that?


Mervin Friesen
My first AV8OR wouldn't output NMEA data, even with the revised firmware that allowed that.
My second did and worked well in that repsect.
Now on my third unit (which is a much later model) and it doesnn't output, or not enough.
The GPS logging screen shows GPRMC etc, but not GPRMB, which I need to work a Trutrak Digitrak.

Any ideas what additional output features need to be enabled beyond standard serial NMEA at 4800 Baud?


Guys, I recently updated my firmware and kinda wish i hadn't. But I have found a fix, sort of.
After each reboot I need to open the device setup options page and toggle the NMEA serial to off then back to serial, then save and exit. This is the only way I can get coupled to the tru track digiflight II
What a PITA
Anybody know how to get the last firmware back?
Guys, I recently updated my firmware and kinda wish i hadn't. But I have found a fix, sort of.
After each reboot I need to open the device setup options page and toggle the NMEA serial to off then back to serial, then save and exit. This is the only way I can get coupled to the tru track digiflight II
What a PITA
Anybody know how to get the last firmware back?

Bodie, I don't have an answer for you but I'm in the same boat.
Mine will communicate sometimes without doing all of this.

More than likely we will have to live with it until BK gets sick of hearing it,
Everybody will need to voice their complaints to speed up the fix. I know now the next bug free firmware will be the last for me...:mad:
Version 2.06 of the GoFly s/w

Version 2.06 of the GoFly software appears to be listed.

Apparently, this release fixes several issues.

1. XM Weather fails shortly after launching GoFly
2. XM Weather intermittently shows failures during use
3. Database lookup issue for multiple waypoints with the same ident

Also there appears to be a new Cartography database to download, should appear on the java tool.
Switch fix

Larry, Have you pulled your AV8OR apart? Can a switch fix be employed?

I think you will find that the power switch failed when you attempted to turn the unit off. The result would be a total battery discharge. The first time this happened to me, the unit came alive again after being hooked to an external power supply for some time (30 minutes?)

The push-and-hold power switch for these units was POORLY DESIGNED (and I'm being charitable). FWIW, I have failed two. One with less than 50 hrs. in service, one with less than 100 hrs. in service. The warranty repair consists of replacing the unit. I wonder if the total replacement cost for all the units that broke exceeds the pennies saved on each unit x # of units sold. Perhaps B-K should have charged $1 more for each unit and put a decent switch in.

Larry Tompkins

PS I am a mechanical engineer. I could design a good switch for B-K if they asked me.
No attempt to disassemble

Both times the units were replaced under warranty. The second time the dealer did not seem at all surprised by the failure - he'd already returned many with the same problem.

Moderators - fell free to delete if this is outside the bounds of website rules.

Recently, there was yet another post by someone who was satisfied with his dealings with Van's Aircraft. Van's Aircraft was founded and is owned by a mechanical engineer who, among other things, is clearly blessed with a strong sense of ethics.

Over the many years Van's has been in business, a portion of profits have been re-invested in equipment and personnel, the result of which is continuous improvement (there is no such thing as perfection and we all have differing opinions about what perfect is).

Contrast a privately held company like Van's to a publicly held corporation where the stockholders only knowledge of the product is whether or not their stock price went up or down. Those are the companies run by cost accountants (read: bean counters) and "turn around specialists." Those CEOs are the types whose corporate involvement is moving pencil marks from one side of the page to the other and looking at the number under the bottom of the horizontal line in the lower right-hand corner.

If you work as an engineer for one of the companies run by a bean counter, your efforts will be primarily spent in cost reduction, not product improvement. It will be the marketing department's job to convince consumers that this years product is "just as good" as last years or even better.

Please consider that the above is not "off-topic" and my response to your question will be crystal clear. The AV8OR was software purchased from a smaller company that was packaged into a "throw-away" device built and assembled half-way around the world. I like mine A LOT when it works.

It is too bad that there aren't more companies like Van's. Van makes me proud to be a member of an honorable profession.

Larry Tompkins, Registered Professional (mechanical) Engineer

Self-employed, so I am responsible and accountable for the work I perform every day to the best of my ability.

N544WB -6A
W52 Battle Ground WA
No NMEA output

Bodie, I don't have an answer for you but I'm in the same boat.
Mine will communicate sometimes without doing all of this.


Same with mine. Sometimes it does, other times not. And it will come and go during a single flight/boot-up, which (for the lawyers) has to be less safe than allowing the facility in the first place. Toggling to NMEA serial-off and back again has no affect.
It's almost like a flakey connection, but gently pushing/pulling/twisting the connector makes no difference.
Beginninng to wish I didn't have this particular GPS.

I'm having problems reading the screen in bright sunlight. It's marginally better if I go to the set up screen when I turn it on and turn the backlight all the way up, but every time you start the unit again you need to go through the same routine of turning it up. Is there any way you can make the backlight stay up when you set it?
I'm having problems reading the screen in bright sunlight. It's marginally better if I go to the set up screen when I turn it on and turn the backlight all the way up, but every time you start the unit again you need to go through the same routine of turning it up. Is there any way you can make the backlight stay up when you set it?

This started on the last update I think. It is a pain but a good idea really.

Before if you were flying at night and had it turned way down, then the next day when you turned it on in sunlight you couldn't see anything. You couldn't even see enough to find the button to push to brighten the screen!

.... but every time you start the unit again you need to go through the same routine of turning it up. /QUOTE]

I hate that as well, seems to be introduced with the last firmware update that added the XM radio - wish there was a way to revert it to the previous version.