Just got off the phone with a Bendix/King Rep and heres the solution. The current version of Java is not compatible with the download applet Bendix/King has at the moment. Both Java 19 and Java 20 will not work for now. However Java 18 works. Hope this works for you too shaunppl.
JAVA probs

Many thanks 7kcabdriver after 6 hours i finally gave up, browsers crashed, bendix website stated incorrect version of JAVA and then proceeded to download the same one as before, i.e now for some reason has decided to not allow me to log into my internet banking page, tried removing java and then the browsers wouldnt load up, rebooted and went to restore mode back 6 weeks just in case, went onto the website again and load and behold it started all over again.

I think the product is a good product, but the group i am with voted a no no and ordered a Garmin Aera 500, so with reluctance i am having to return the unit, who by the way have also unsuccessfully tried to get an update for the last week.

Its a shame that this good product is mared with bad updating software through java and internet procedures, i wish you well and thanks for helping, perhapes one day we will again try and get one again and hope that this problem is resolved.


n.b just hope i can get the charges back for the update i paid for but could never download lol
Java update

Fresh news from the Bendix King product support team -- They have fixed the problem of the applet not working properly if you have the latest versions of Java (19 or 20) installed on your computer. The "fix" will be available either tomorrow a.m. or the next day a.m. The "fix" has been tested on the following browsers:

? WindowsXP/IE6.0/Mozilla3.6.3
? WindowsVista/IE7.0/Mozilla3.6.3/
? iMac/Mozialla3.5.8/
? Windows7 (iMac Parallels)/IE8/Mozilla3.5/
Looks like there was a Bendix rep participating in the ACE thread so I am here with my two desires. One, you cannot adjust the back-light unless you fully exit the Go Fly program. So if you take off at daylight or dusk and fly into night, you have to shut the Go Fly to get to the back-light adjustment. This seems like an oversight. Also, I would love a garmin-like panel page like everyone else is mentioning.

Other than that, I am still logging a lot of happy hours with my AV8OR!:)

Aera Refresh Rate

FWIW I played with a display model of a Garmin Aera at S n F in April. I was not impressed with the refresh rate of the screen. When I moved the map around with my finger it didn't scroll well. It had to go blank in spots and redraw. I know it wasn't as fast as our AV80Rs.

The XM weather is built into the Garmin unit. That does reduce some complexity and cumbersomeness. I enjoy the ability to pass the AV80R to my passengers to have them look up the weather.
Backlight adjusting made easier

Snip ... you cannot adjust the back-light unless you fully exit the Go Fly program. So if you take off at daylight or dusk and fly into night, you have to shut the Go Fly to get to the back-light adjustment. This seems like an oversight. Also, I would love a garmin-like panel page like everyone else is mentioning.

Other than that, I am still logging a lot of happy hours with my AV8OR!:)


I've had the same complaint, and then I stumbled on a good option.

While in the Go Fly mode at any time you can press the hard menu button right of the power button on the top edge of the unit. (This is one of the buttons frequently pressed accidentally when grabbing the GPS unit.) Then press settings, backlight and adjust as desired. Hit back twice, and click on Go Fly and you're back in business on the moving map.

This way it doesn't have to exit from and later reload the Go Fly mode, and gets you back to the original map view very quickly.

I found this by accidentally pressing that button and think it's the best way I know. Before that, I had the same complaint and it seemed silly to exit and reload to adjust something so simple. Now it seems quick and easy enough.

Even with 60 hrs flying the 9a I have now (that came with a 496 in the panel), I find using the AV8OR easier for most features. Like you, I would like the garmin-like panel page and a log book feature. Love the google earth function, though!

Hope that helps.

That's great Ryan. Thanks!! I am ashamed to say I have never touched that button ...don't even know what it is there for. But now I am going to have to see what it does. There is probably some other functionality I don't even know about.

Gonna try your tip on Friday night if the weather holds up!

Database reading error

Sometimes (atually, quite often) upon restarting the AV8OR for the second stage of a trip the topo database will not read and the screen and other functions are then unavailable. After the trip, everything is OK again.

Anyone else had this problem or know what the fix is? Repeated rebooting doesn't work.

Track log error

Had a nice flight this morning and as always I love to pull the KML file and load into Google Earth - much to my disappointment there was only 4 mins worth of tracking.

I have been taxiing out to 04R when the tower asked it f I could do a 180 on the taxiway as they were changing runways from 04R to 22L.

It appears as if the tracking stopped 30 seconds after the 180 turn - weird.

Anyone else had this issue where the tracking on the KML stopped ?

The Flightstar file and the BK file all still seemed to be tracking - now only if I could cover the FS to KML :)
I've had one (possibly two times) when I got only pieces of the journey. It didn't happen enough to be a concern to me.

I DID have to send my unit in for repair this week. I got a self-check error at the Navigation Databases check on startup. Sporty's sent it to Bendix King but I haven't heard back yet. Gonna be a week or 3 before I see it again. I am interested to see how they handle it. It is about 8 month past warranty. It's been rock solid up until this point.
Saw this today.... it references both the AV8OR and the ACE model

"2.0 Upgrade Expands AV8OR™ Capability
A new software upgrade offers something for all AV8OR users. AV8OR release 2.0 adds Airport Diagrams to any AV8OR GPS and VFR Sectionals to the AV8OR ACE.

Both the VFR Sectional charts displayed on the AV8OR ACE®, and the Airport Diagrams displayed on the AV8OR handheld, are geo-referenced, featuring "own ship" positioning, which provides greater situational awareness regarding aircraft position at the airport.

On the AV8OR ACE, VFR Sectional charts includes flight plan and user-configured navigation data overlays. Both VFR sectional charts and Airport Diagrams are available via subscription and can be downloaded directly from Honeywell's partner, Seattle Avionics. Annual subscriptions are $79 for VFR Sectionals and $49 for Airport Diagrams.

In addition, AV8OR ACE capabilities have been expanded to include geo-referenced Eurocontrol charts, including IFR Approach Plates, VFR Approach Plates, SIDs/STARs, Airport Diagrams and HI/LO IFR Enroute Charts. A first-time complete download is $99, while annual subscriptions for VFR approach plates and airport diagrams are $249 and complete charts are $799.
Release 2.0 also includes a new IFR chart download manager for AV8OR ACE, allowing users to download only the charts that have been changed since the last cycle, greatly reducing download times. An additional upgrade feature includes the new Portable Glass Panel that adds a GPS-based panel page, comprising a Direction Gyro (DG) representation with graphical fight plan, rate of turn altitude and ground speed."

Interesting :cool:;)

Update : It will officially be available for download on Monday, July 26th.
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I DID have to send my unit in for repair this week. I got a self-check error at the Navigation Databases check on startup. Sporty's sent it to Bendix King but I haven't heard back yet. Gonna be a week or 3 before I see it again. I am interested to see how they handle it. It is about 8 month past warranty. It's been rock solid up until this point.

I spoke with Sporty's today. Apparently, even though I am out of warranty, Bendix King is replacing my unit with a new one. They gave Sporty's permission to do the swap. So they are swapping my SD card ino a new unit, tucking it back in my soft-pouch, and mailing it back to me in time for the weekend. No questions asked. So two weeks from door to door. I am glad to be getting my GPS back, and at no repair cost to me. Thanks Bendix King!:)
<<..I got a self-check error at the Navigation Databases check on startup..>>
I have that problem occasionally too; normally after I've landed-out and am rebooting to return.
BK say to return unit to dealer, but the problem can't be easily demonstrated as it's intermittent.
Any idea what the real issue is, or the fix?

<<..I got a self-check error at the Navigation Databases check on startup..>>
I have that problem occasionally too; normally after I've landed-out and am rebooting to return.
BK say to return unit to dealer, but the problem can't be easily demonstrated as it's intermittent.
Any idea what the real issue is, or the fix?


I had the same problem once, thankfully I have the database folders backed up to my PC, copied them back over and re-downloaded the Jepp database updates and all was fine.

I think my issue occurred 3 days after I downloaded the recent navdata from the BK website - so maybe it was a corrupt update ?
Don't know the problem. But they swapped mine out. I guess others ARE having the issue because Sporty's told me the fix is replacement. If I had it once in a while, I would have just tried to deal with it but mine started one night and would not allow me to boot the unit again (Go Fly) after the first occurrence of the error. I like the idea of the folders backed up on the computer but it's hard to believe you could have a software issue. I had not upgraded or installed any databases for a few months before my problem popped up.
Version 2 of the software is now on the BK site



Lots of small cosmetic changes - for example the "keyboard" is now black letters in white background and appear larger, changing map view is easier, more options on the NMEA output setup etc.

You also have the choice of logging output type - Plain Text, FlightStar, Google Earth or "Memory map" (??)

Goggle Earth filenaming is also changed to format like "Flight - 00.53 LCL on 24 JUL 2010"

I also downloaded the taxi diagrams from Seattle Avionics and will be using it for tomorrows flight.
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I never cared about the airport diagrams but is that panel page part of the new software? That is an upgrade I would like to have.

Got my replacement GPS from Sporty's Friday. It doesn't seem to work with the battery anymore. I can only turn it on if it is plugged in to the wall. It won't even charge the battery. I can't find anything obvious that I am overlooking so I have to call customer service Monday I guess.:(
New s/w release

I've heard the nice thing about the airport diagrams is that your aircraft is geo-referenced on the diagram itself. With zoom in and zoom out,,, it's a terrific feature. Airport diagrams are $49 I believe and you download them from Seattle Avionics website. As for the "panel page" it's a free s/w upgrade from the b/k (av8or microsite) and is available now.
Flew with the update s/w this morning. Panel page is a nice touch and will display the infamous magenta course line and waypoints behind the DG circle.

Also from what I have noticed.

1. New KML file for every flight as opposed to appending to the existing.
2. Keyboard is black letters on white background - easier to read ( also appear to be larger )
3. Switch Map view is nicer.
4. Geo ref airport diagram - excellent
5. Option to have the zoom range either on the bottom of the screen or on the outer range ring
6. Top of descent option on the flight planner

There were others, I just can remember them now. I have not connected the Zaon yet to check for any changes there.

Slower start-up, probably because of the airport diagrams (77mb on the card) but over all , not too bad - pity we had to wait a whole year for it.

Love the panel tapes - sorry Garmin, the "six pack' panel screen reminds me of MS Flight sims.

Still MIA, selecting the proper colors for the airspace boundaries.

Overall, a nice update.
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I like the look of the panel page too.

What's the coverage like on the airport diagrams? If I'm not off-base, I seem to remember not thinking any of the airports I would use would be covered with a diagram.
Coverage for the airport diagrams -- the maps are from NOAA therefore meaining you'll get continental U.S. I've heard Seattle Avionics is working on getting airport diagrams for Canada but they are not available yet. The airport diagrams show buildings and labeled taxiways and of course the runways.
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Now it would be nice if the airport diagram scrolled automatically as the plane travels along the taxiway :D
I guess I am a little confused. It looks like there may actually be a fair amount of coverage, but what value do they have if in fact the picture doesn't track your plane? Aside from maybe trying to find your way back to the departure end (when you had time to scroll around the little picture while parked), I have no idea how you would use the things.

Anyone actually have this feature now?

Edit: I just saw the BK email with the airport diagrams. I guess it look better than I thought because your plane is superimposed over the diagram. I guess we need an actual pirep to work out the details.
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Anyone actually have this feature now?

Edit: I just saw the BK email with the airport diagrams. I guess it look better than I thought because your plane is superimposed over the diagram. I guess we need an actual pirep to work out the details.

Is it actually not too bad, the only downside is that if you are zoomed in and your ground track takes you off the visible screen area, it does not automatic scroll to keep the aircraft icon in view.

I used it twice over the last week and the tracking on airport diagram for FFZ was very accurate - just had to drag the diagram over a few times to keep the icon in view.
Did you feel like you had to zoom to be able to read the graphic? I guess that is going to vary depending on the size and complexity of the airport.
I could not find my tripod and camera so I had to use a cheapo camera for these so they are not 100% clear. I used KPHX as it was the closest and has some detail.

So here is the taxi diagram upon first load.


After pressing the "full' button


Max zoom in.....


A few zoom levels out...


Most things are reading in everything expect "FULL"
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Looks reasonable. And that is a large airport.

I am having some type of weird problem with my new unit. Bendix swapped mine for a new one but the unit itself or my charger seems to be destroying the batteries. The unit works on the wall wart power, but will not charge the battery. I thought my battery itself might have been bad so I got a new one. The unit fired right up on the new battery and then I put it on charge. When I came back to check the status of the charge, the led was dark (usually orange during charge, green when charged completely). In retrospect, the same thing happened to my first battery. That is, the orange light came on when I plugged it in to the wall. Then, when I came back it was dark. Has anyone had this kind of problem?

I have to call Sporty's again on Monday and I guess they will have to look at the charger too this time.
I guess I have 2.2 (I downloaded the update two nights ago). It's good to finally have my AV8OR back in working order. The panel page looks great. I may even go for the airport diagrams (not because I think I need them but they are reasonably priced I guess).

I had to reconfigure all the settings in my unit because it is new. I seem to recall a way to distinguish Charlie from Bravo, even though they are lumped together in the menu. I read most of this thread looking for it but no luck. Does anyone know what I am speaking about??

using the txt flight log

Does anyone know of any programs that can import the default bendix/king txt flight log format?

I accidentally left my gps logging on the default & I can't seem to figure out where to use that data. I've failed at importing it into Google Earth and Voyager freeflight. I'd like a visual representation of this data, perhaps over a map or sectional, but I can't seem to figure it out.

Anyone run into anything similar or a way to convert this format to kml?

Thanks all,

some sample data:

28 AUG 2010,22:53:00,N41°37.86 W087°31.50,Hdg ---°,Alt 02572ft,COG 353°,SOG 108kts
No traffic

28 AUG 2010,22:53:10,N41°38.14 W087°31.55,Hdg ---°,Alt 02562ft,COG 353°,SOG 108kts
No traffic

28 AUG 2010,22:53:20,N41°38.46 W087°31.61,Hdg ---°,Alt 02575ft,COG 353°,SOG 108kts
No traffic

28 AUG 2010,22:53:30,N41°38.76 W087°31.65,Hdg ---°,Alt 02601ft,COG 354°,SOG 112kts
No traffic

28 AUG 2010,22:53:40,N41°39.07 W087°31.69,Hdg ---°,Alt 02611ft,COG 356°,SOG 111kts
No traffic

28 AUG 2010,22:53:50,N41°39.39 W087°31.71,Hdg ---°,Alt 02611ft,COG 359°,SOG 115kts
No traffic
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seems to work perfectly

Thanks guys! what a quick update.

The bendix file format works wonderfully.

Thanks again,

I don't use the terrain warning functionality now, but I would like to. I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on how to or how to get the most out of it.

I like to keep my map clean of clutter so I shut off the tall objects. I am wondering if I have to turn them back on to have them reported when in terrain mode? I really have no idea how to get the most out of that feature. Can anyone help?

I just connected my Zaon XRX today to the AV8OR and I like the way it records 'targets' in the log files... good to see how close other aircraft actually came...

Here is an example of two targets...


And a screen shot from demo mode.

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How to get all the bells and whistles to work plus the AP?

I just bought a used AV8OR and a RS-232 WxWorx receiver. In the near future, I plan to get a Zaon XRX as well. How do I get all this plus the Zaon and my autopilot to work together?

I guess I'd buy the optional Bluetooth adapter for the XRX and link it that way.

The WxWorx will be wired to the USB connector on the AV8OR but that port also has the information that my autopilot needs as well. How do I tap off of that?

Is something like this the solution?

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Appears version 2.3 was released recently -

"Release 2.03 improves display of certain TFRs delivered via XM weather downlink. Upgrading to 2.03 is not required for users who do not subscribe to XM weather. "
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The WxWorx will be wired to the USB connector on the AV8OR but that port also has the information that my autopilot needs as well. How do I tap off of that?

Is something like this the solution?


You can only configure the serial port (mini USB) for one thing at a time, I believe. So you cant send NMEA data and WxWorx data over the same serial port at the same time.
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2.03 Release

I actually found a bug in the last release during our flight to Utah last week. Every time the Metars would come in the unit would return to the Main menu and require me to enter GO-FLY again. It may have been the TFR's but it sure acted like it was the METAR's. I called AV8OR support on Monday and by Thursday I had an email from support stating that 2.03 was released. I tested the new release and it works great again. Nice support!
I called AV8OR support on Monday and by Thursday I had an email from support stating that 2.03 was released. I tested the new release and it works great again. Nice support!

I hope they correct the issue I had using the ZAON when you have the traffic screen enabled for pop-up - once the Zaon detects a threat with the 2nm range, the AV8OR will automatically switch over to the traffic screen, only problem is that the traffic screen defaults to 7nm range when the threat is really within 2nm.
I have the AV80R ace and this is a major disappointment for me. Early on I emailed Bendix / King and they indicated they were working on a software upgrade. There have been NO Software upgrades. The unit is nice, but I must say I am not impressed with the ability of Bendix / King to build on a good product and make it a great product.


If you still have the unit, did you ever upgrade to version 2.3 of the software, it even added a nice 'panel' page... still no HSI but still better then nothing.

If you still have the unit, did you ever upgrade to version 2.3 of the software, it even added a nice 'panel' page... still no HSI but still better then nothing.

Yes I did upgrade and the panel page is nice. I would surely like the ability to have both the map and HSI up at the same time....

Overall this is a good unit, but it is very clear that King doesn't have the resources to devote to continued improvement that Garmin or Dynon does. If I were buying again I think I would go for a Skyview.
it is very clear that King doesn't have the resources to devote to continued improvement that Garmin or Dynon does.

Give them time, they are only getting back into the game after a long absence - it is a lot better now then when it was first released and can only get better.
AV8OR Repair

My AV8OR is 28 months old and out of warranty. I flew a week ago, everything was fine. This past Saturday, the unit will not turn on under battery or charger power. Talked to B/K and they didn't know if there was a repair or not. Has anyone been able to get this unit repaired?

Dale Fowler
Double check that sliding lock switch on the right hand side if you have not already, it is very sensitive on my unit