Thanks for the help.

I'm not sure, unless all AV8ORs are Bluetooth capable, I don't think mine is Bluetooth, I bought it slightly used last fall. Is there a 2 into 1 plug for mini USBs? Even if there is, I don't know if it can receive the two sources of data at one time.
Thanks for the help.

I'm not sure, unless all AV8ORs are Bluetooth capable, I don't think mine is Bluetooth, I bought it slightly used last fall. Is there a 2 into 1 plug for mini USBs? Even if there is, I don't know if it can receive the two sources of data at one time.

Alll AV8OR Handhelds are Bluetooth capable and can run Bluetooth traffic and RS-232 (or bluetooth) WX-Worx at the same time (or RS-232 traffic and Bluetooth WX-Worx).

On the AV8OR, from the main menu go to the "Settings" page, then the "Bluetooth" page to configure it. Zaon has the configuration options on their website as well as in the AV8OR manual.

There is not a 2 into 1 plug for the AV8OR that I know of. There is one for the new AV8OR ACE that just came out because it has two RS-232 ports built into the mini-USB port.
Hope this helps.
trouble with AV8OR altitude refresh rate?

Hello All, anyone else having problems with a 4 second altitude refresh rate on their AV8OR?

easy way to check is to go into the GPS Status page from the main menu and either watch the stream of NMEA data for the code: $GPGGA and note the time next to it... or the easist way (if you have the problem) is go to the bottom icon (long/lat/alt/utc) and watch the UTC time. If it only updates at a 4 second rate, then you have the problem.

I've received some general specs that state it should update at a 1 second interval.

Its really starting to become a nuisance for me.
I have the latest firmware, but still have the problem.

If you have a unit, if you could report back your update rate that would be helpful. If more than myself are affected, maybe we can get the BendixKing gurus to help us figure it out.

Just checked mine. It updates at a little less that once a second. I would try pressing the reset button on the back of the unit and then after it resets, go to the GPS status screen and press the GPS Update button to see if the reset of the GPS will speed it back up.
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Free Update with Registration and First WX Flight

I followed the instructions to get the free update with BK. I registered and then got the email confirmation that was supposed to tell me how to get the update. BK's right hand is not talking to its left hand. After numerous phone calls and holds I got in contact with the people in the aeronautical update department. They confirmed that the instructions for the free update were not in place. The lady was very nice. She took my user ID and then typed a few keys into her computer. I now have an update available for me to download at my descretion. I think it will expire in 18 months.

FWIW I finally got to use the XM WX feature. After buying fancy stuff it seems like years go by before I actual get some benefit. Last Saturday morning there was a line of TS approaching FTW from the west. The line did not extend too south of the due west direction. I needed to go NW. When I told tower I was ready to TO I told them I wanted a west departure. Tower came back with a report that TRACON was showing a mess of weather due west and recommended a SW direction. I was tickled to tell the guy that I was looking right at the stuff on the AV80R and that SW direction would be fine. After lift off I settled on a 260 heading that aimed me close to the bottom of the line. The radio worked perfect. The extended line of flight was helpful in letting me know if my heading was going to let me clear the WX. I have the bluetooth so I was able to unblug the power and pass the unit around the cabin. I later heard my wife bragging to a friend how she could see the storms and the relationship of the airplane to the weather. It made just the impression on her that I was hopeing. She really came away with an appreciation of the unit (the dollars spent). Anyway we were able to leave on time and not have to wait for the storms to pass through. The manuvering around probably cost us an extra 20 minutes. The piece of mind was priceless.
I would try pressing the reset button on the back of the unit and then after it resets, go to the GPS status screen and press the GPS Update button to see if the reset of the GPS will speed it back up.

That did the trick !!!

I wonder why it was off and how often it occurs ... ?
Flew today, however my Google Earth flight log.kml file did not get updated, bummer. Thoughts?

Mine has been about 98% effective. One I think I got a choppy log of a day's flight. I haven't been using the logs much recently, so I am not sure if itt has happened again, but that was the only time I knew about it anyway. Your's might have had the same glitch. If it happens again, I would call BK, but I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet.
AV8OR GPS update

Just checked mine. It updates at a little less that once a second. I would try pressing the reset button on the back of the unit and then after it resets, go to the GPS status screen and press the GPS Update button to see if the reset of the GPS will speed it back up.

i checked my AV8OR and the GPS was only updating every 4 seconds (watch the UTC time update in the "GPS status" page under "settings" or the $GPGGA time update on the "sat dish" icon).

2 things... make sure you are using GPS-006-004 (can download for free from and then press the "GPS reset" under the "T" tab in the GPS status.

So I attempted to update the firmware today to 006-010. The update appears to have be copied to the SD card, so I follow the instructions to press and hold the reset button for 1 sec and then, according to the update procedure document, it is meant to prompt you to load or not.

I get nothing, just the normal main menu - so I am thinking that this is not ready for prime time yet.
Mine uses the older update process. The SD card is loaded but when I select 'Update' I get the following error message: "Bluetooth encryption is not compatible. Update cannot be performed.":confused:
Sounds like a call to Customer Support on Monday.:(

I select 'Update' I get the following error message: "Bluetooth encryption is not compatible. Update cannot be performed.":confused:
Sounds like a call to Customer Support on Monday.:(


I attempted the same process and got the same bluetooth error message a well.. Let me know what Customer support says.
This update is intended for units S/N 10000 and above.

Very helpful guy at Customer Support. Hardware change with S/N 10000 and above. Bluetooth changed from software to hardware implementation. The -010 update is the same as the -004, but targets the newer hardware.

I noticed that I could correlate the filenames with the version identifiers on the Status page that were already loaded and wondered what would actually change.

This update is intended for units S/N 10000 and above.

Very helpful guy at Customer Support. Hardware change with S/N 10000 and above. Bluetooth changed from software to hardware implementation. The -010 update is the same as the -004, but targets the newer hardware.

I noticed that I could correlate the filenames with the version identifiers on the Status page that were already loaded and wondered what would actually change.


Thanks for following up on that.

Well done BK for forcing Garmin's hand to produce a more afforable colour GPS (the Aera series). ALthough Garmin's features seem to fall short of BK's and at a greater price.

Well done BK for forcing Garmin's hand to produce a more afforable colour GPS (the Aera series). ALthough Garmin's features seem to fall short of BK's and at a greater price.
Hi Dunkan,

Can you elaborate on that? I'm looking for some comparison info between the AV8OR and the AERA. So far from what i've been able to find, the AV8OR handheld and AERA 500 seem to fit my needs perfectly, and have approximately the same street price ($749/799). Although if anyone knows any cheaper places to get these let me know.

I'm partial to the Garmin interface, having used Garmins all the way back to a GPS II Plus. I also like that the Aera 500 is IPX7 rated (30 seccond immersion!). One of the places I use my curent Garmin 76CS is on my motorcycle, so a replacement that can work there as well would be nice. I can't find any waterproofness ratings for the AV8OR, and it looks like it's got a lot of openings in the case to let water/dust/etc in. so it may be out anyway.

Anyway, if anyone sees a comparison article, i'd love to hear about it.
Y'all might want to think about the Anywhere Map ATC. I have it and love it. I have lifetime updates and fuel prices (think it was 500 for life). Or if you only want to pay per year I think it is 115. It is also a "auto" gps unit. You can also get Sectional charts which I did and there updates are included in the lifetime price. Although the resolution is not so hot for the the Sectionals (about the only thing I do not like about the ATC). It is less expensive than Garmin and no way to beat the update price. I will probably upgrade to the larger UMPC version (which is also less expensive than the Garmin) only because my 5 yo eyes like the larger screen better. If you are in the vicinity of SoCal (give or take 3 or 4 hundred miles) I could let you check it out. I have had it from its introduction (the ATC that is) and no real complaints. The more I use it the more I like it. O I have a Garmin 396 in my RV6 also and it drives my AP. I like the ATC more but it does not have WM WX (another reason I will upgrade the UMPC version does). Any way you might want to think about it.
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BK Serial lead connections

FYI, having spent 11 months trying to get the AV8OR hooked up to a Trutrak autopilot, this is what I found:
The AV8OR had no NMEA output (even with the later software); this took 10.5 months to find out, whereupon the agent swapped the unit for one that did have NMEA output.

The BK serial lead has to be used (although it is possible to rig something else if you know how the output pins are configured).
The "mini USB" connector on the AV8OR has 10 pins. The top five of these pins will engage with a normal mini USB connection for connecting to computers etc. using a standard 5-pin mini USB plug. However, none of those 5 pins are connected on the BK serial lead.

Two of the other five pins on the AV9OR mini USB have RS232 input/output; these two pins is what the BK serial lead connect to (plus the ground connection).

The BK serial lead has a 10-pin mini USB plug on one end.The standard five USB pins aren't connected (in fact they have been cropped off, so it is very difficult to get other connections on to it (eg a +5v power supply). There is no 'conversion' in the serial lead; it is wired straight through.

If anyone knows where to get 10-pin mini USB plugs, please let me know (other than a minimum order quantity of 10,000 from China).

With this knowledge, Section 5 of the BK AV8OR manual starts to make sense, but the manual was written by someone who probably knew this already!


Originally Posted by penguin
Guys, Now King have enabled an output port has anyone hooked up an AV8OR to an autopilot? I'm guessing you would use the USB port, can I get any USB cable, cut the flat end off and wire it into the GPS input on the Autopilot (TT Digiflight II)? Any one know the pin outs?

Thanks, Pete

Hi Pete,
Works great with my AP. I have heard the AV8OR has been tested and works with Tru-Trak, Trio and Dynon APs. I used the USB to serial adapter available from Bendix King. You really only need 2 wires from the USB port, data out and ground (They are pins 2 and 5 on the db-9 serial connector, dont know what they are on the usb port) Make sure you dont run ships power to the USB port because it uses 5 volts.
In the NMEA setup, I left everything at the default values, except I had to enable the GPBOD sentence.
Tom Velvick
Peoria, AZ
N53KT RV-4
N7053L RV-4 (RV4chick's blog)
rv-6a finishing
Track me Toms blog
Is anyone else having issues with the Java tool for downloading updates to the AV8OR ? I have attempted to download updates from two different computers with the same result - just a blank screen on the java tool.
B/K website IS having issues with the Java updater tool for both the handheld and ACE. There is a team working on the problem. I have pretty close ties to Honeywell support people and I'll make a post here when I find out they have fixed it.
Has anyone found a clever way to turn the unit on or off while it is mounted in an AirGizmos dock? Do I need to RTFM or something?
The AirGizmos dock a fellow pilot bought has a lever molded in that is supposed to actuate the power button when pressed... At least that's what it looks like it's supposed to do. Unfortunately it doesn't line up with the power button so does nothing. On hers it looks like you could add a drop of epoxy to the lever in the right spot, let it set up, and then you'd be good to go. Maybe a small lump made with layers of tape would do for testing.
Flew today, however my Google Earth flight log.kml file did not get updated, bummer. Thoughts?

Mine does that too, but the last-flight details are actually in the 'Flitestar' log (and txt files) and then go into the KML file on the next flight. ANd so on.

A bit annoying really, or is it designed to force a purchase of Flitestar?

Mine does that too, but the last-flight details are actually in the 'Flitestar' log (and txt files) and then go into the KML file on the next flight. ANd so on.

A bit annoying really, or is it designed to force a purchase of Flitestar?


That really interesting. I havent noticed that on mine but will check it out. I doubt it about the purchase of Flitestar. I will send the bug report to Bendix King and see what they say about it.

On another topic, I see that you are now able to buy map updates for the GoDrive portion of AV8OR on the navngo website. You also can get camera updates. Has anyone done this yet and did the updating work ok?
AV8OR Mount

I have a problem with mounting the AV8OR. I can't use the suction or yoke mount.
I have a RAM ball mount system already in the plane.
Anyone yet able to marry the AV8OR to the RAM or similar ball system?
I have an Av8tor Ace that I have mounted with a RAm mount. I have a Ball mounted on the angled part from the fuselage longeron to the panel, just forward of the roll bar (sorry, it has been a long time since I remembered the part number). From that I have the shortest straight attachment Ram makes that then attaches to another ball mounted on the back of the supplied Av8tor Ace mount. Makes the ACE sit nicely between the rollbar and the panel.

I can take a pic of it tomorrow if you need to see what it looks like.
"painless" aka Jeff,
Thanks for the reply but it is the small AV8OR, not the ACE that I need to mount onto a RAM ball fitting.
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I have been using the nice 3M velcro on the back of my av80r and a piece on my ram mount. Works good. Though sometimes it pulls the battery door off the back of he av80r cause it sticks so good!
"painless" aka Jeff,
Thanks for the reply but it is the small AV8OR, not the ACE that I need to mount onto a RAM ball fitting.




And this is with the bigger battery fitted as well.... RAM part number : RAM-HOL-PD2U
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On another topic, I see that you are now able to buy map updates for the GoDrive portion of AV8OR on the navngo website. You also can get camera updates. Has anyone done this yet and did the updating work ok?

Good to know. I have some new highways down by my brother in South Carolina. I actually have to wake back up to navigate the transition from 95!!

Do you have a link? I guess it's maybe.
You should also download their Naviextras Toolbox - it updated my version of GoDrive software ( and updated some POI files as well.

It also lists all the data files for download.

I cant get the toolbox to recognize my AV8OR or the SD card. Do you have the AV8OR or the AV8OR ACE? I found my version number and its so I have an earlier version. I wonder if I need 8.3 before it will recognize my AV8OR. What version did you have before the upgrade?
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Does the AV8OR have the primary flight display like the AERA/496/696?
If I am reading your question correctly you are asking about the HSI type page.
No it does not have HSI page as does Garmin.
I have both a Garmin GPSMAP 296 and AV8OR (not the ACE) and for me the topo maps on Garmin are much more detailed then the AV8OR.
Also I like the partial compass rose and bearing pointer on GPS 296.
But I like the Bluetooth traffic from XRX on the AV8OR so I use AV8OR for trafffic and Garmin GPSMAP 296 for navigation.
Not the just HSI, but the digital 6-pack (PFD) AI, HI (HSI), AS, VSI, ALT, T&B. I am trying to find a digital and self powered backup for my SkyView. I have flown approaches using the Garmin 496 PFD and it is sufficient to keep you upright (in an emergency). I am thinking the AERO is the only portable on the market with that?
Not the just HSI, but the digital 6-pack (PFD) AI, HI (HSI), AS, VSI, ALT, T&B. I am trying to find a digital and self powered backup for my SkyView. I have flown approaches using the Garmin 496 PFD and it is sufficient to keep you upright (in an emergency). I am thinking the AERO is the only portable on the market with that?

No 6 pack like the Garmin.

AV80R / AV80R ACE HSI & 6 pack

I have the AV80R ace and this is a major disappointment for me. Early on I emailed Bendix / King and they indicated they were working on a software upgrade. There have been NO Software upgrades. The unit is nice, but I must say I am not impressed with the ability of Bendix / King to build on a good product and make it a great product.

I cant get the toolbox to recognize my AV8OR or the SD card. Do you have the AV8OR or the AV8OR ACE? I found my version number and its so I have an earlier version. I wonder if I need 8.3 before it will recognize my AV8OR. What version did you have before the upgrade?

I have the standard AV8OR unit - one of the very early ones so the GoDrive version number was low like yours, don't remember the actual version number.

You may have to setup a user/password and then login to their tool and like it discover the unit - discovery can take up to a minute or so.
I have the standard AV8OR unit - one of the very early ones so the GoDrive version number was low like yours, don't remember the actual version number.

You may have to setup a user/password and then login to their tool and like it discover the unit - discovery can take up to a minute or so.

Thanks, I 'll keep after it. The problem with loggin in is that when I try, it says I have to connect the unit first before I can log in.
More Experience With AV80R and Wx Worx

I had been having problems reconnecting with the XM download. It seems I had to do a refresh everytime I wanted to use the radio. Here is part of an email I sent to Bob Haring at Honeywell. I got the idea from the EAA website. It seems to be working.


I think there is some credibility to turning the radio on last after starting the airplane and powering up the XM box, and turning the AV80R off first when shutting down.

I hadn?t flown for three months and I was pretty sure my partners hadn?t used the AV80R for at least a month. I called XM, asked for a REFRESH and went to the airplane. After everything was powered up (we have tied the XM Worx w/ Bluetooth to ship power), I switched on the AV80R. Lo and behold the bluetooth connected on its own and after a few minutes the weather was downloading. What a surprise!

I have made two more subsequent flights and it has worked great using the same power up and shut down procedure. Today I did have a small setback. Coming back from Mineral Wells, a short flight to Fort Worth, the XM didn?t receive but the BT did work. The only thing I did differently is that I powered up the AV80R immediately after switching the avionics master. On a lark I switched off the AV80R, counted to 5 and powered it up again. Presto, the weather started working this time. I came away with the thought you need to wait to make sure the XM Worx box is warmed up, receiving the satellite signal and sending the proper codes out on the bluetooth before you start the AV80R receiver. I?m now going to take my time starting the AV80R.
Cannot update unit

Is anyone else having issues with the Java tool for downloading updates to the AV8OR ? I have attempted to download updates from two different computers with the same result - just a blank screen on the java tool.

Hi all,

First time post

Well it seems to be down again, GGGRRRR, trying to update my unit for the first time as the firmware is 04, and after registering i still havent recieved my free database update, can anyone please advise.

Have updated my java engine as well.


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Hi all,
after registering i still havent recieved my free database update, can anyone

You might have to email them and they will add the free db update to your account - I had to do that with them about 18 months ago
Have done that twice now, seems using Java to allow updating is an unreliable method, what happend to the good old, log in do the password, download and update yourself mode.

Will see if they respond by tomorrow, if not will have to try and ring them, would like it operational before my next flight to Guernsy this week.


The Java app works fine for me every time - in fact I just downloaded the latest database cycle last night with no issues and usually once a week I update the flight guide data.
Ok here it is from start to finish:

plugged the GPS unit into a usb port and turned it on, it comes up with the usb screen.

Went to the bendix site and logged in, then went to upgrade the firmware link, this opened up the java applett, after about 30 seconds the applett goes blank and stays blank.

Uninstalled all java versions and software, rebooted system and then went back to the bendix site and re-logged in, clicked on the link, came up with warnings that i need to have java installed version 6_11 or higher.
Waited and the applett automatically downloads the relevent software via Java site, version 6_20.
Reboot system and retry the applett again.

Same problem.

Install Firefox 3.6.3
Ecxactly the same as above.

OK Using windows 7 pro, fully updated and legal.

So go upstairs and start up my trusted XP Pro system, go through all the above with I.E 8 and again with Firefox 3.6.3 and i get exactly the same a blank applett after 30 seconds,

Am i missing something, is there additional software i need to install, have i totaly missed the process of anything.

I really want to use the device, but the database is 2 years old and i really need to get it updated asap.

If anyone can advise i would be really grateful otherwise i will be sending it back pretty quick and go back to a garmin unit, i really like this unit and would really like to give it a good go, but this is proving really frustrating, especially if i have to contact bendix king direct in the states from the UK is not going to go down well due to cost and time involved etc.

Any help appreciated.


Have now tried this with a virtual XP server running I.E 6 and 7 and still get the same results and now from 2 different addresses and ISP providers, the JAVA update in all cases was the 6_20 updated by JAVA when and after trying to run the applett on the bendix king site.
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