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www.rvproject.com & Logshare are down?

Will check with him...

I have a call into Dan but am sure it's just down for some maintenance and such, Rosie
YA! It DEFINATELY does not work!

I noticed last night, there was a hiccup in service then too.

Dan, wassup widdat?

:eek: CJ
Google for what you're looking for like this:

epoxy site:rvproject.com

and then click on the "cached" link in the results. You'll see a cached version of the page. The Home/Prev/Next links won't work until the site is back up, but at least you can look at the text and pictures.

Davepar said:
Google for what you're looking for like this:

epoxy site:rvproject.com

and then click on the "cached" link in the results. You'll see a cached version of the page. The Home/Prev/Next links won't work until the site is back up, but at least you can look at the text and pictures.


I've already read the entire site. I was hoping to check some Wx and checkout my LogShare.com acct. However, that's pretty neat. Thanks for the cache search option info.

Thanks for checking, Rosie. I like reading about your adventures with Dan when you guys have them!! (Even though I'm in Ohio flying a '77 Grumman Cheetah...man, it's slow.)

Copy on CD?

This is why I bought a copy of Dan's site on CD!! Not so much for the real time items that Dan has put on his site, but rather for construction questions!

I am sure he will have it up shortly, but as one of the premier construction sites out there, I thought it was worth having a copy.

Also makes reading the site in the shop and other non-connected places easier.

Take care,

jimrobinette said:
This is why I bought a copy of Dan's site on CD!! Not so much for the real time items that Dan has put on his site, but rather for construction questions!

I am sure he will have it up shortly, but as one of the premier construction sites out there, I thought it was worth having a copy.

Also makes reading the site in the shop and other non-connected places easier.

Take care,


When I buy the emp kit (hopefully, someday), I'll be ordering the site on CD for sure to have on the laptop. I'm sure that is invaluable when in the middle of something.

I hope he has it up soon!!
Dan mentioned a couple of weeks ago he was going to out of the country for a while. Maybe he's not able to deal with the site being down at this time.

FROM ROSIE: Darrell is probably correct as I now recall he was going to Europe with his bride :)
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Dan's Plane


All the Socal guys, you should break into his hangar and paint his plane while he gone!!!!! :D
mark manda said:
yeah it really messed me up too when it didn't work a few mos ago. I didn't know how to get WX. :eek:

When I got my IR a couple weeks ago, the DE wasn't impressed when he asked me where I could get weather and the only source I mentioned or knew about was rvproject.com/wx


J/k.... :)
www.logshare.com -> Down?!?

Hey has anyone else been having problems accessing the logshare website the last few days?!? I hope Dan didn't discontinue it! :eek:

...my paper logboook isn't always as current as my logshare account.

Thanks - Peter
re: logshare

I gather Dan's in Europe. As soon as he gets back and reboots the server, I have a bunch of log entries to make ;-).
Still down. Someone who will remain nameless mentioned painting his plane while he's gone...

Any takers yet?


(Anyone know when he's back?)
Dan's got my tickets!

I hope Dan gets back soon, he's got my Red Bull air race tickets!! That is this weekend!! :)
svanarts said:
I hope Dan gets back soon, he's got my Red Bull air race tickets!! That is this weekend!! :)

I'm looking forward to that via live internet feed!

I hope they have a FAT PIPE coming out of there.


P.S. Dan? I have some entries to make. ;) J/k... hope you're having fun in the land of the Euro.
RV7Guy said:

All the Socal guys, you should break into his hangar and paint his plane while he gone!!!!! :D
Back in the dark ages when I was a young kid at WMU one of the flight students drove around in some real POS that was painted with primer. After his 2nd or 3rd year one of the other flight students came up with the idea of painting it for him. Off to the hardware store for two cases of spray cans, two cases of beer, and a bunch of tape. Those guys worked diligently all night, under that streetlight in the apartment parking lot.

It didn't look too bad when finished but the owner (who's name I can't remember, Randy something.) wasn't pleased at first but after awhile it grew on him.

For the record, I had nothing to do with this little bit of automotive vandalism. However, I was there when he saw his car for the first time. The look on his face was incredible. You would have thought someone totaled it. He never did repaint the thing, drove it that way until we graduated the next year.
Surprise painting

When I was a fraternity pledge at Cal State Long Beach, my pledge brothers and I thought we were pretty cool. Our "pledgemaster", Chris, had a work-in-progress 63 beetle that suffered from a complex old paint/primer grid layout.

One night, hopped up more on caffeine than alcohol (it was a Christian fraternity), some of us went to Denny's to conspire. The next morning, not only were all the doors at the "house" painted with our names, logo and motto. So were the toilet seats, all the local sorority sidewalks, and of course, Chris's car.

I still feel bad about that, but it was 15 years ago. During the first year after our departure from sanity, Chris' car became somewhat a celebrity around campus. It even became an alibi once when he was held with many for suspicion of something or other. Of course, he didn't do it, he was not that kind of guy and his car was seen by many on the other side of town.

I might add that the severity of our crime was tempered by two things. Laughter, of course, and the minimal dollar value of the damage. In Dan's case, might i suggest calling a reality tv show and having them do a version of "pimp my ride" or something. Do a bang up job.

If someone wants to start a sharpie fund to get it painted, I'm in. Just don't go destroy someone else's dream for a joke. Trust me, "Fat, Drunk and Stupid is no way to go through life, son!"

Besides, Dan is not paying a weight penalty for the paint.