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Workshop list?


Is there a list of workshops or classes around the U.S.? I really like the idea of taking the tail section to a weeklong school (Georgia), and not only learning how to rivet but coming out with a completed tail section. If there was a fuselage school and wing school that would seem like a good idea, too. I'm in the midwest.
Look at www.sportair.com for general RV fabrications skills. I know of no "fuselage" or "wing" workshops. Other than the place you go to build you empennage, what they're going to teach you at the SportAir workshop is general sheet metal fab skills.

Good luck,
On the left hand side of this forum is a list of Builders Assistance sites. Also on this site in the General Discussion forum there is recent posts under Workshop for 1st Time Builder. Also go to www.wparvbuilders.nstemp.com to view website for WPA RV Builders, they have workshops and builders asisstance for tails.
RV School

If you are talking about the workshop in Griffin, GA they also are available to help you with the complete project. While you are at it, you can buy a lot at our new airpark community about 1 hour south of Griffin. Then you could build your plane and your new home with a hangar. Before you know it you will be sitting with your new neighbors BBQing and drinking after a fun day of flying around middle Georgia. :)
Workshop Class

I took the builders' class in Boone, IA through Cleaveland Aircraft Tool. It was done on a Fri and a Sat. They do it once a month I think.
bsacks05 said:
If you are talking about the workshop in Griffin, GA they also are available to help you with the complete project. While you are at it, you can buy a lot at our new airpark community about 1 hour south of Griffin. Then you could build your plane and your new home with a hangar. Before you know it you will be sitting with your new neighbors BBQing and drinking after a fun day of flying around middle Georgia. :)

Boy that's the life! Now if I could just get my wife to think that way. Oh dear, she's already gone to the mall.
Builders Class

My wife and I took the builders' class in Boone, IA through Cleveland Aircraft Tool. It was done on a Fri and a Sat. Great folk's very accommodating.

AL and Brenda Smith