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Wing Kit Arrives

Robert M

Well Known Member
The two boxes were not as bad as I thought they would be to handle. The ABF driver and I unloaded the boxes and my wife and I put them on dollies and up the driveway they went.

We, my wife and I, sat down and started on the inventory at 11:00 a.m. By 3:00 p.m. we were done with everything except the hardware bag. That took about another hour and a half, opened each bag, checked for contents and filed them in individual drawers.

The entire kit came packaged in "sub-kits" and that made things real easy to find - the sub-kit was all packaged together in a bundle. The only thing missing is a small piece of 3 foot, 3/4" x 3/4" aluminum angle. Not bad at all considering the amount of parts.

Did have a small discrepancy with the labeling on some skins though. The Top Inboard Skins are labeled "W-1002" rather than "W-902" but I believe I have the right skins. I sent a note off to Van's with the dimensions of the skins - I'll know something tomorrow.
A Journey...

of a thousand miles begins with a single step! I suppose you're now a couple hundred steps into it already, though.

I'm working on the wings now, too. The ailerons and flaps go fairly quick. (starting the main wing structures in two or three weeks.)

I'll race ya'! :D

Good luck, Robert!
I got my wing kit (SB) couple days ago too. I was also surprised that the crates were so light -- thought that 200 lbs per piece should be much more... or I'm just so strong. :D

Going to do the inventory today and continue tomorrow and really hoping that there will be no missing items. Which box to start -- which one has the item list?
Great news

Hey Robert,

That is great to hear, congrats! Give me a call if you need help or have any questions.

Now, get off the computer and start building! ;)
Well, I took your advice Bill and spent all day in the shop/garage working on the left spar. SCARED BOVINE :eek: - that's a lot of countersinking! Did I count a total of 160 rivets in just that spar - :eek: again!

So now I'm at work - night shift - 12 hours - won't get much done while I'm here :( . I'll get back to it on Wednesday evening. In the mean time I've been helping a friend with his Titan T-51 - made a promise.
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Stop counting rivet holes! Spend your time drilling, deburring, etc. ;)

Good to hear all is going well at work.
Oh and by the way....

.... I watched the RV-7/A wing video. Some differences not many - all pretty minor. One thing that was done early on in the wing construction video was the aileron bellcrank assembly was assembled and put on the spar. The instructions for the -9/A don't have you do that until nearly closing time.

Should I wait or is it bettrer to get them done now?
I don't remember any thing that would have prevented waiting to do the bellcranks. I went ahead and fit the bellcranks while I had the spar on the bench. I think you could wait and do it whenever you chose, it just seemed easier to me to do it while I didn't have to work around anything else. After you fit the bellcranks, you can always take them out if they get in the way. I left my bellcranks assembled, and it was no problem riveting everything together.

Your call.

Whew - I need something to do! :rolleyes:

I sat here at work counting, holes and rivets and countersinking and.....

In the two wing spars so far, 484 total holes drilled of which 468 needed to be countersunk. :eek:

I have yet to touch a drill the ribs or skins.