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Wing 907d and e


Well Known Member
so we have our wings now:) i'm preparing the rear spar at the moment and read the notes about dimpling the spar flange where the doubler fork goes... got that done.... but what about the 907d and e? i dimpled the spar and the doubler independently but on lots of photos from others, they aren't done. am i ok with this method or should i just leave them alone until we get to that point when doing the skin/spar match drilling.

so you were able to dimple those two together when you got to that point later on?
If talking about the spar flange, I believe so. But it's been a while back. My wings are out at the hangar, so I can't look at them right now. Maybe someone else can chime in here?
I was able to dimple them together, yes. I used my pneumatic squeezer and was running about 110 psi, it never had a second thought about it. I remember wondering if I would get a full dimple out of it and did a rivet check (setting it in the hole) and it was fine, so I moved on.

Remember that the pneumatic squeezer gets most of its force developed at the end of its stroke, so the trick is to move the adjustable set holder (you *do* have one of those, right? hint hint) way down, insert your dimple dies, then hit the trigger on the squeezer and hold it while turning the adjustable die holder until the dies just make contact with each other. Now you'll be developing maximum force across the die faces for dimpling heavier material, or setting heavier rivets.
Thanks guys, i guess i'll leave them as is. i may match drill them though and then clean them up before riveting them together. dimpling later on after skin is matched to the rear spar flange.