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Which airplane do I want?


Active Member
Hey all,
I currently own and fly a RV4 with o-360 and constant speed hartzel.
I absolutely love the performance and look of the airplane! But as it goes I'm looking to upgrade a little. I would like to have some more glass in the panel and I guess I'm trying to decide if I wanna stick with the 4 or go for a 8 or a rocket.
Most of the flying I do is just for fun and a trip here or there with the wife every now and then. I fly my 4 around 60-70 hours a year give to or take.
I have never been in or flown an 8 or a rocket so I guess I'm asking advice from the guys/gals that have experience in both or all 3 and could send me in the right direction. I know its very subjective to the person but just curious what everyone else thinks is the best of the 3!

For your mission sounds like your about $40k ahead just sticking with what you got. If that's not an issue than go for a an RV-8 200hp, with one of those cool fat two blade hartzell composite props.
Run the numbers...

Looking at the performance numbers on the -8, you give up 4mph on the low end to get 10 mph on the top end, for a 10% fuel burn penalty (10gph vs 11.25gph). And Van's numbers are *with a wood f/p prop* on the 180hp -4 & a c/s on the 200hp -8. Odds are, you'd see a decline in performance with the -8 from your current -4. And you really should fly an -8, to see if you like the handling more than the -4 (a lot of people don't).

So, do you need more room, more range, or more gross weight?

The Rocket is a completely different question. Obviously a big jump in climb & a significant increase (~20mph over the -4)in cruise speed, but with a 40% penalty in fuel burn (10gph vs 14gph). Now, if you believe that a plane weighing 2000 lbs and a 109 sq ft wing stalls 1 mph faster than a plane weighing 1500 lbs with a 110 sq ft wing, I've got a great deal on a bridge for you, and I'll throw in the plane. :)

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To my way of thinking (everyone else's mileage may vary) the quick and dirty comparison is:

If a lot of two up XC is more important to you than maximal acro performance - get an RV-8.

If you want to do some occasional two-up acro - get an RV-8

If you want maximal one-up acro performance, stick with the -4 or get a Rocket.

If you want a C/S prop and a 180hp engine - get an RV-8
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"Hey all,
I currently own and fly a RV4 with o-360 and constant speed hartzel.
I absolutely love the performance and look of the airplane! But as it goes I'm looking to upgrade a little."

Looks like you answered yourself. With new glass it is slim enough to V the panel forward and put 2 MINI X GRT's one above the other, front and center.

Keep a steam Tach and MP and oil pressure on the RH side like the P51's are.
Radios on the left or a GTN 650 /750 right below the Mini X's

There is a recent post in the RV 4 panel section that shows a very neatly formed panel in the V form.
On Page 14 Post #132 by Arlie Conner.

This makes for a lot more space in front of you. Almost a Rocket with minimal expense, not withstanding the GTN option.

The back seat of a rocket is almost the same as a 4.
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To my way of thinking (everyone else's mileage may vary) the quick and dirty comparison is:

If a lot of two up XC is more important to you than maximal acro performance - get an RV-8.

If you want to do some occasional two-up acro - get an RV-8

If you want maximal one-up acro performance, stick with the -4 or get a Rocket.

If you want a C/S prop and a 180hp engine - get an RV-8

And here's the other side of the coin from someone who has a Rocket and an -8 in my hangar, and who has done a bunch of 2 up cross country flying in both:

Aside from the ability to carry and distribute a lot of "stuff" in the -8, the Rocket is my preferred choice by a long shot for 2 up cross country work.

The Rocket is much more comfortable in front than the -8, the performance is "excessive" (meaning, just right), and my economy is approaching and will eventually exceed the -8 (the -8 does 165 KTAS @ 8.5GPH; the Rocket will get 200 @ 10. (not quite there yet)).

But by all means - fly both before you make a decision!
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And here's the other side of the coin from someone who has a Rocket and an -8 in my hangar, and who has done a bunch of 2 up cross country flying in both:

Aside from the ability to carry and distribute a lot of "stuff" in the -8, the Rocket is my preferred choice by a long shot for 2 up cross country work.

The Rocket is much more comfortable in front than the -8, the performance is "excessive" (meaning, just right), and my economy is approaching and will eventually exceed the -8 (the -8 does 165 KTAS @ 8.5GPH; the Rocket will get 200 @ 10. (not quite there yet)).

But by all means - fly both before you make a decision!

I probably wasn't clear but I was comparing and contrasting the RV-4 and RV-8 - not the Rocket. I have no experience or knowledge about the Rocket so I'm not able to comment.
Upgrade the -4

I too have a -4, which has always been my favorite for the look. I built mine, and will likely never sell it. At our field, I have a show winning F1 Rocket across from me, another -4 next to me, an -8 and a 6 in hangar behind me. I have flow/flown in all the models, and favor the -4 and F1 for various reasons. I like the pedal position in both (straddle the tunnel), I love the look and feel of the Whitman gear. The F1 is a little heavier on the controls, but it goes like stink. Ultimately, I want both, but the -4 is paid for. Cockpit wise, there isn't much difference...As others have said, take a look at Arlie's most awesome -4 cockpit, and imagine it in your -4. I have another buddy who has a P-51, and an F-1, and I'm fortunate enough to have been in both of them also..the P-51 back seat is horrible, but I'd fly in it all day :D
thanks for all the input guys
exactly what I was looking for was just some other opinions

I ultimately think the rocket would be best choice for myself but just not sure it is worth the price gap from the 4. 20mph and some extra climb performance just doesn't seem like much for another 75k or so
I kind of glossed over your mission description at first, but you were the one that brought the Rocket into the mix. It's an expensive airplane for those local, pancake breakfast runs, but it has a lot more than "some" extra climb performance... You might think that your -4 performs well, and I'm sure it is plenty stout with 180 HP and a C/S, but you do owe it to yourself to fly a Rocket before making any decisions concerning relative performance.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The 200HP -8 I fly feels like a childs plaything compared to my Rocket.
Yea im sure if I flew a rocket I would have to buy one that's why I'm a little scared to hahaha.
Thanks for your input though as it's comments like this that I was looking for!

If I found the right rocket I'd prolly jump all over it.. But I do love my 4