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Where to go for Lunch......


Well Known Member
Our plans to head to Iowa State for the football game fell thru, so I found myself with no place to go on a beautiful Saturday. I have been wanting to check out a little strip on the edge of a big lake up north, and thought this might just be the day. Quick call to flight service confirmed the Wx was fine, if not a bit gusty, so I bought a sandwich and juice, and headed north to Bowstring (9Y0) - about 150nm

Visibility was marginal....

Pretty sure this lake north of Aitkin was created by something from outer space....

Here is the destination:

Bowstring is beautiful!! Carved right out of the forest. Runway in great shape.

Official DOT sign.....

Picnic on the stabilizer. Terminal building in the backgroud. Toilet, kitchen, hot showers, and cell phone!

Fishing at the end of the runway........

Ready to depart....

I will be back....

Time to go....

New place added to the fun airport list!!!
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Pete - Bowstring is indeed a cool place. They have (or at least used to) a chili feed sometime in the summer, we'll have to find out and mark our calendars. Do the forest rangers run the place? Seems like that was the case.

Alex - I think that is the case. We missed the chili feed in September - we'll have to go next year.....
Small world. I posted a link to this on Twitter and a follower said "My grandfather used to run that airfield." And also started the chili feed. He says he doesn't think it's happening anymore.

Also provided this image out the back door of G&G's on the lake:

Great pictures Pete - I remember all those "Typical Northern Minnesota Airports" from my youth - a couple thousand feet of turf carved out of the forest. Beautiful get-aways. I bet I still have an old (old!) copy of the MN State Airport guide somewhere....

9Y0 Follow-up

I received a nice reply from the airport manager in Bowstring - posting here b/c of fly-in info.

Thanks for taking the time to visit and the write up.
The county cares for the airport and there is an airport
commision that meets every 1st Mon. of the month to make
airport decisions. The commision is made up of local people
that either are pilots or have an interest in aviation.
We try to operate on a shoestring budget.
We also have a local EAA chapter that meets at the facility
every first Sun. of the month that has a fly-in lunch at
3:00 P.M. it is a new idea that we are hoping will grow to a
fun time.
The chili fly-in is still an annual event on the last
weekend of Sept. to show off the fall colors in our area,
they are pretty cool.
Thanks again for your time. I hope you can come to visit
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Ken Reichert
Apt. mgr. 9Y0
Great post ... thoroughly enjoyable read. And I second Bob's sentiments about a nose-dragger RV on a turf RW. :)
Nice looking airport.

Thanks for the write-up Pete. Looks like it was a lot of fun. Papa Hotel is looking good!