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What did you do with your RV this weekend (9/18/21 - 9/19/21)?


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Getting it started. I was hoping to get out and do a little flying Saturday morning but the lawn needs mowing and I haven’t had a lot of free time lately to deal with that. So priorities… :)

Hoping to get out there Sunday morning for a bit of time off the surface

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West Yellowstone to Kentucky

Enjoyed the Black Hills and Yellowstone for a week. Back in one day in the RV6.


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Fuel tank ****.


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Denver to Hammond Louisiana after a nice visit with son, new granddaughter and old friends. The plane was fully loaded (the GIB had a lot of stuff to take). A good test of the W&B results.

No flying for me. Doing some maintenance that had been on my mind for a while. All FWF hoses pulled and sent to TS Flightlines to be duplicated with all fireproof assembly’s.


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Ride Weekend

Saturday evening was a sunset flight planned with Tyson, a VAF member who has ordered an RV-14 kit but hadn't yet received the RV Grin. He reached out via a PM on VAF, and we took care of that little oversight with an IPA to follow.


Turns out it was to be a two-fer kind of day. A neighbor pinged me the night before and asked if I might be able to give her 20-year old niece a ride for her birthday weekend. With all of the options she had on the airport, I was jazzed to be given the privilege. Since the prime evening sunset spot was already spoken for, I said sure if an afternoon flight with all the heat and bumps would be OK. The answer was a resounding yes, and off we went. The niece was a natural, holding altitude within 100 feet, even in steep turns and while sightseeing. Heat and bumps - not even a blip on her radar. By the end of the flight, she wasn't at all hesitant on the controls and I even had to remind her that we couldn't go past 60 degrees of bank - sorry, not aerobatic. I think the zero G over the top was her favorite. She was determined to master it before we headed back to the airport.


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G5 Install

Turned a rectangular hole that held a flush mount for a Dynon D6 into a round hole for a G5. Still working on the wiring.


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Ready Panel One

Panel ready for power up test


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Busted my kiddos out of school for the day Friday and flew to KFYV for a pitot static check and brunch with an uncle I hadn’t seen for over 10 years. Met my parents at the lake and did some skiing with Pie and Lil’ Dude.

Flew to the Lost Bridge Village 40AR flyin on Beaver Lake Sat late morning, more lake time and water sports Sat afternoon.

A little IFR on the way home for an OT shift on Sun.


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Bumpy ride

It was bumpy ride this weekend in NorCal, but I was so happy to be breathing fresh air, I didn't mind!


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Adding second Emag and modifying the panel labels

I've been running a Pmag on the right side with the old magneto remaining on the left for many years now, and I finally decided to dump the left mag and put a Pmag on that side as well. So that was this weekend's project. It probably would have been a half day project except for having to add another CB which meant taking the panel off, drilling a new hole, and redoing the labeling -- so, pretty much all weekend.

I labeled my panel using using the PulsarPro FX process which basically uses a laser printer and laminator to create custom decals that go on with silkscreen-like results. The thing I like about this process is that I can do it all in the shop and it gives me the flexibility being able to modify after the fact. The downside is, it's a fairly tedious process that takes some practice to get just right. But the results are worth it.

A couple of these photos show the 3-point temperature strips that I use instead of the single-shot one that comes with the Emags. I prefer these because they let me know how close I might be getting (or how much over), to get an idea whether more blast cooling is needed or something before it's too late.

Anyway that's pretty much all done but not flown yet, tomorrow I'll button things up and see how it goes.

PS. Anyone looking for a used Slick impulse magneto off a Lyc. O360 with 1600 hrs on it, + spacer + new-ish ACS harness + plugs that have less than 100 hrs on 'em? PM me! :)


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Texas Cross-Country

Saturday, 9/18/2021

Flew the RV7A over to San Antonio for the first visit to my son at his Physician Assistant university program and “new” apartment. One hour plus flight vs. 3 plus hours drive over there.

Southeast Texas weather Forecast was VFR with scattered Thunderstorms. Return flight was challenging, in-cockpit ADSB-IN weather displays of the cells are a tremendous safety enhancement. “Scattered” t-storms formed a temporary red-cells wall west of Eagle Lake, so a spontaneous stop-and-wait at BAZ was required. Rewarded with a rainbow southwest of Houston as the trip was ending. A great day!



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Flytoday, agree with you on adsb in

We used that feature to help dodge nasty cells headed back into Jacksonville on Sunday morning.
Return to CH2A

Technically it wasn't my RV; an RV-14 and a Chipmunk... but still worth sharing.
after 21 months of waiting I was finally able to head to Windsor and attend the Canadian Historical Aircraft Association's Annual General Meeting at their now-known-as Canadian Air Museum. Jumping through the bureaucratic and medical hoops was the hard part; the border crossing was easy. Arrived early and got about an hour of pattern work (or as they say, circuits) in the Chipmunk with Chief Pilot Dave Carrick. Also spent more than an hour with Steve Thorne in the famous FlightChops Canadian Aviation Museum RV-14, continuing the engine break-in. After the flight we went out for lunch before the 3:00 p.m. meeting. An altogether great day.




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