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What did you do w/your RV this weekend? (9/2-3/2023)


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Saturday morning 0800:

Ready to go. 74*F and calm.

Lake Grapevine NW end facing W. I’ve landed on that ‘beach’ with the Cub (during a drought when it was about 20X bigger).

Justin, TX. Of boots fame. Some of the hay is getting cut.

All packed up and ready for the next flight.

Sunday is a work day. Mass, lunch with the wifey, Home Depot, VAF typing up the Monday edition and doing weekend admin tasks....

....then King Air 350 study <g>.

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Final prep for 1st flight next week. Install wheel pants/fairings. Final fit cowl and trim inlet rubber baffles.


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Oil change and general FWF inspection, weird I had a drippy oil
Suction screen gasket that still dribbled even after re-tightening and safetying. Oil change and new gasket seemed to have cured the dribbles thank goodness.

Flew my youngest daughter in the front seat to the lake for a couple great days with grandparents. Seemed to like the rear seat better on the way home in the dark.

Flew my Lil’ dude and mini dude to the lake, Lil’ dude is doing more of the flying every time. Even with a booster he can’t see over the front so he flew the flight director and cross checked the EFIS. He even did most of the radio calls on flight following. Although Pete Howell might think I can go leaner and slower for cheaper I’ve got that mixture pulled well LOP and it’s burning the auto gas as best as it will run. Mini dude has more foolheadedness and gumption than I can quantify, he tossed his lunch/cookies/milk about 3 minutes before we landed as we descended into the bumps and heat. I hosed him off and he’s ready for boating….

(The pic orientation is terrible…..)
[ed. Tip: If you’re using an iPhone/pad to upload, click on ‘Edit’ on your phone while viewing the pic, then rotate it around 360*. Save. Upload. The accellerometers in the phones add a bunch of code behind the scenes that forums don’t like. Doing this rotate trick will realign it correctly. Awesome kid pics, BTW!!! v/r,dr]


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Flying with friend!

Our first trip with a friend!

Elle, our RV-10, first flew March 21st. She’s already passing 130 hours!

This trip was supposed to be a long weekend in Polson, MT. Weather turned it into a longer and more interesting vacation. Oregon, South Dakota, Montana, Central Oregon and back home!

Leaving Aurora, OR and happy to be flying!

Grand Teton

Flying past Crazy Horse:

Mount Rushmore:

Bighorn Canyon - an unexpected find between Sheridan, WY and Billings, MT:

Glacier National Park:

We’re now in Bend, OR and will head home late tomorrow!

Glad to be finally taking advantage of the extra capability of the 10!
On Saturday I took the wife for a 1.4 hour scenic over to Haast, down the coast, up the Arawhata, around Mount Aspiring, across to Lochnagar and down the Matukituki back to base. Not a cloud in the ski and not a breath of wind to be had - an absolutley stunning flight and I was glad to have bolted on the GoPro as I managed to get some beautiful video.

I note that at 7,000 ft running just LOP I was getting 7.5 gal/hr at 2450 RPM and 19.7" MAP (fixed pitch prop). We covered a huge amount of ground in that flight. The RV's certainly have fantastic cruising ability.

On Sunday I took a mate for a fly up around Mount Aspiring as the weather to the west had remained clear and stable. Another beautiful flight (1.1 hours) over some amazing countryside. I wish I'd left the GoPro bolted on for that one too.

With fine weather predicted for the rest of this week I hope to get back out there and do some more.

First two photos are screen grabs from the video.


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Watsonville CA airport open house

Out flying with friends …. see if you can figure out who needs a smoke system …


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We fly my friend's RV-12 KCLE to KSMD - 154nm and spent four hours at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum in Auburn, IN.

KSMD provided a very nice courtesy car. Saw hundreds of windmills and large solar panel farms on Ohio / Indiana border.

Beautiful day....


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Flew to Frederick, Maryland (KFDK) for breakfast

We had 11 people in seven aircraft including five RVs, a Stearman and a Maule fly from Essex Skypark, Maryland (W48) to Frederick Airport for breakfast at the Airways Inn Restaurant. Tom K's (Maule driver) daughter Rachel flew with me to see what an RV could do. Rachel is an accomplished young woman who is a chemical engineer, has a private pilot license, and hopefully is a future RV pilot The weather was excellent for flying and all of us enjoyed a great aviation day.


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Two inspections of Smokey, the soot-ravaged RV-9A, this weekend.

The first one was to go over the outside of the plane carefully, looking for where molten light fixture had dripped on the plane. Those spots were marked with blue painter's tape. Surprisingly, not all of the spots that showed up in the pre-wash photo were discernible after the wash, indicating that some of the drops had cooled before hitting the plane. The nav light cover that I thought was warped by heat was apparently just poor construction, as the one on the other side was horrible with lots of extra screws.

Today, I wanted to look inside Smokey. I knew there was soot in the stabilizer, as the end ribs have holes in them and I'd looked inside before. Pictures with the iPhone were not all that successful. Next was pictures of the bottom of the extreme aft end of the fuselage, using the access panel under the stabilizer. Not good. Last was the access panel under the wing that looks at the aileron pushrod and where it goes through the aft spar. (This is the same port for looking for cracks in the rear spar to comply with the service bulletin.) Soot all over in there, too, and since the wing ribs have lightening holes..

So there's soot in lotsa places where the soot can only be cleaned out by drilling out a bunch of rivets, it seems.

Smokey has a lot of things all in one plane that are nice, or at least that I greatly appreciate: slider, Garmin G3X Touch IFR avionics, constant speed prop, nosewheel, skybolt cowling fasteners, grab handles on the roll bar, baggage compartment shelf (my design), sealed and balanced nosewheel, functional panel layout, and everything has been debugged and works well. It would take some doing to find another RV with those features. And I'm old enough that I don't want a multi-year project, because my use-by date is getting closer all the time. I'd love a -14A or a -10, but that's a lot more cash. Should have bought one of those a few years back!
Lunch at Chatham, MA

Had a great day trip today with my wife flying our relatively new RV12is SLSA from KLWM (Lawrence, MA) for our first time to KCQX (Chatham, MA) Warm day in the Boston area, so nice to get to cooler weather on Cape Cod. Flew through the Boston Bravo both ways, direct over KBOS on the way there for some great views, as well as Provincetown along the route.

Lots of appreciation and respect for the Boston approach controllers, particularly for working out a plan to separate us from a British Airways A380 arriving in Boston. I don't think it's an everyday occurrence to work what is most likely the lightest and heaviest aircraft in the airspace together!

And the POST flight beers at the great Treehouse Brewery are always a nice way to end the day!


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Another great weekend traveling with the RV.

Saturday - KFYE to WV77 for WV Hotdog days. Spent the night in one of there glamping tents.
Two RV8s to WV77

This airport has been in my friends family since the 1930s.

Sunday. - WV77 to KBCB for lunch with my Va Tech daughters. Than KBCB to KFYE.

Monday - Local flight with my neighbors kids and wife. Lots of new RV grins.

First Flight RV7

It’s been a very long journey, but I was finally able to fly my RV7 last Tuesday, then again Saturday. I’m using the Additional Pilot Program and my QP is great! Thanks for jumping in, Tony! It’s great flying with you and you’ve been so helpful! I owe so much to my wife, Tracey. She’s been my biggest cheerleader, and her love and support have never wavered. Tracey has also crawled all over that plane helping me! You are Awesome! A special thanks to friends John and Bob. Both of these guys are so knowledgeable and capable. Each has no fear of “hands on” helping…..and they did. John and I also share a hangar. John has been my “go to” for sooo many tasks. Thanks, Buddy! I am blessed and have a long list of family and friends that helped get me to this point! Thank you all so much!

Fun pic from first flight.


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It’s been a very long journey, but I was finally able to fly my RV7 last Tuesday, then again Saturday. Using the Additional Pilot Program and my QP is great! Thanks for jumping in, Tony! I owe so much to my wife, Tracey, a special thanks to friends John and Bob. Tremendous help and support from them! I am blessed and have a long list of other family and friends that helped get me to this point! Thank you all!

Fun pic from first flight.

Congratulations Sean! You'll love it!
Bahamas Bound

Late to the party and still finding pictures we took. Took a week and flew down to the Bahamas from PA in our 10. Made for a long day of travel, but flew 9 hours each way to get down there in a single day.


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Thanks, Steve! As advertised....it's get's going pretty quickly and handles like a dream. Looking forward to third flight this weekend. Battling new engine temperature challenges.
It’s been a very long journey, but I was finally able to fly my RV7 last Tuesday, then again Saturday. I’m using the Additional Pilot Program and my QP is great! Thanks for jumping in, Tony! It’s great flying with you and you’ve been so helpful! I owe so much to my wife, Tracey. She’s been my biggest cheerleader, and her love and support have never wavered. Tracey has also crawled all over that plane helping me! You are Awesome! A special thanks to friends John and Bob. Both of these guys are so knowledgeable and capable. Each has no fear of “hands on” helping…..and they did. John and I also share a hangar. John has been my “go to” for sooo many tasks. Thanks, Buddy! I am blessed and have a long list of family and friends that helped get me to this point! Thank you all so much!

Fun pic from first flight.

Sean! That is great news. I’m sure you are having the time of your life. All I can say is have fun!!!
Thanks, Rocky! It took me long enough, eh? Hope you are also having fun. See you in the skies!
Our RV "weekend" started Thursday evening when Juliette & Roger (RV-14A) and Marvin & Sandy (RV-14) flew to our house for dinner. Marvin complained that Dan's hangar across the street from us did not have enough room for parking. He also complained when we started building our hangar and house because we took his parking space. As a result we added a parking pad in front of the house which we call Marvin's parking pad.

Friday morning we flew to Winter Haven, FL to see Capt Sandy's parents. Interesting flight flying around and above the weather. This picture is from 15,500' after we diverted significantly to the west, then back on a southerly heading towards Florida. Expected 3 hour flight turned into a 3.4 hour flight with the weather diversion.

Saturday I flew to Lake Wales to get fuel ($5.00/gallon instead of $5.65/gallon) only to find I forgot to check notams for Lake Wales and no fuel was available. Flew back to Winter Haven without shutting down.

Sunday, after getting some fuel at Winter Haven we flew 1.7 hours to Hazlehurst for fuel and rest stop. The Airtractor pilot who got fuel after me recognized our plane as an RV and gave a thumbs up. Then it was another easy 1.8 hours back to Hensley.

Monday I took two friends for their first GA flights. It was Kim's birthday and she enjoyed the flight. Dave is an engineer turned patent attorney and we confirmed his "fear" - he liked flying and is likely to get his pilot's license.



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Those are great pictures Roy! What a beautiful cloud! We have a couple weeks of great weather here in the Wild West good time to swap the motor :)


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