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What did you do w/your RV this weekend? (8 / 12-13 / 2023)


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...getting it started.

I waved at our RV-6 over in the corner while the son and I replaced some parts on his car.

105*F as I type this. Back home under a vent <g>.


PS: A/C cold now. Old out. New in.
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It's 79 and sunny here (sorry DR).

Flew up the coast for a $100 omelet, and parked next to this Mustang (Fragile But Agile) while the pilot waited for the weather to clear. I felt bad for the guy, since the stratus layer was only 1,500' thick, but it persisted all the way out to the desert, and he was headed to Palm Springs.

He was admiring my RV6 and, not wanting to be rude, I held up the keys, offering him a clean trade. For reasons I'll never understand, he declined.

Later on, I took a friend's Cardinal up for a test flight after a long spell of downtime due to various upgrades. It's got new paint, new interior, a new engine, a new Powerflow exhaust, and the one thing the RV-6 lacks: space for the whole family. (Actually, it has a lot of stuff the RV lacks, like doors wide enough to fit a wheelchair through, and good visibility both above and below the wing)

But I digress. Must've been born under a lucky star, because the owner said fly it whenever I like. The Cardinal also has the virtue of making me appreciate the speed, performance, and handling of the RV.



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Trade rides....?

It's 79 and sunny here (sorry DR).

Parked next to this Mustang (Fragile But Agile) while the pilot waited for the weather to clear. He was admiring my RV6 and, not wanting to be rude, I held up the keys, offering him a clean trade. For reasons I'll never understand, he declined.

Totally blew his chance! He'll look back at that offer some day and kick himself.....:p
Coffee and doughnuts at Two Dogs airport (Haskel 2K9) with a great bunch of folks then 6 approaches under the hood into 4 different airports (RNAV+LPV, ILS, VOR A, Circling, intercept & holds) to stay current.

Fun flying but it was HOT:eek:
Getting ready for DAR

Running down a punch list of tasks before DAR inspection next week. Reworked linkage to aux air on fab. Calibrate ADAHRS compass. Swapped nut/bolt direction on several horizontal stabilizer fasteners… ocd kicked in. Checked more nuts…


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High Altitude Cruise

Trying out high altitude cruise settings.
Engine runs rougher in lean of peak, but it sure is efficient.
Still not getting the Vans numbers, but I am missing the intersection fairings; next week's project.


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M'lady and I flew down to Burbank for the night to catch up with some cousins. Three hours door to door vs. the hassle of commercial, love the time machine! Route home in the morning took us right over Yosemite Valley and Half Dome.


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Chock-filled RV weekend

Overnight on Jekyll Island Friday with my wife. First outing together for a weekend. Her words… “It’s so crazy being in a totally different place all of the sudden.”

Sunday took a prospective young pilot to breakfast at Crystal River. Took advantage of the turf runway. :)


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Alt air door

Running down a punch list of tasks before DAR inspection next week. Reworked linkage to aux air on fab. Calibrate ADAHRS compass. Swapped nut/bolt direction on several horizontal stabilizer fasteners… ocd kicked in. Checked more nuts…

That alt air door is a pain. I had lots of trouble with it:
1) within 10 hours, the rivets holding to door flange pulled out of fiberglass. I had to make metal backing plate out of another alt air door flange to sandwich the fiberglass.
2) the pivot screw came out. Instead I used an An3 bolt with locktite.
3) door would not operate smoothly with pulled rivets. I had to use flush an426 rivets.

Good luck
Fab %#^$&@%# box

That alt air door is a pain. I had lots of trouble with it:
1) within 10 hours, the rivets holding to door flange pulled out of fiberglass. I had to make metal backing plate out of another alt air door flange to sandwich the fiberglass.
2) the pivot screw came out. Instead I used an An3 bolt with locktite.
3) door would not operate smoothly with pulled rivets. I had to use flush an426 rivets.

Good luck

Good to know John! I had picked up on the idea of an inner plate for the filter to rest against when I built the box last December. Checking photos I did rivet the flange into the backer plate… whew. Just as you did, yesterday I put blue Loctite on the pivot screw and the cable attach arm. What drove all this was I had to replace the control cable when all the sudden last week the control got very tight.


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I'm chasing down Vlad on airtime here lately, been logging a lot of hours.

I've been up in Williston ND (KXWA) last week for work - Friday I flew back home (6.7 hours), then Saturday I round-tripped Tulsa to pick up some rabbits from a breeder for a friend (5.6 hours) and today I fought a good cold front back up to Williston ND for more work (7.6 hours), and I'll get another 6-7 on the trip home Thursday.

19.9 hours in three days, pretty stout. I'm averaging just over 300 hours a year right now.
IFR departure on the SID from Bankstown, climbed to 7000 after passing the weather moving in from the west, tracking northbound for Brisbane.

170 knot ground speed at about 27 litres per hour for almost all of the trip. 2h 33m from throttle-up to touchdown, YSBK to YBAF. Smokin'.

Arrived to find the reason for my travel on an enormous video billboard in a public square in the middle of a city. Never experienced that before.

I'm here for the Pacific Airshow on the Gold Coast as part of the Freedom to Fly Formation Display Team, a 13-ship formation consisting of a Yak-55 and 12 RVs. We're the largest formation display team in the southern hemisphere, we're going to fill the display box with smoke and noise and aluminum to wave the flag for homebuilt GA.

Our message: "If you're a normal idiot in the audience watching our routine, it's realistic to believe that you can order a kit, build an airplane, train in it, and fly with some of the best airshow pilots in the world. We know it's true because we're all normal idiots and that's what we've done."

Friday 18th - Saturday 20th. Apparently the Saturday is sold out. If you're in the South East Queensland area in Australia, we'd love to see you there.

- mark


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First flight back home after attending Oshkosh

I did my first flight back home in SA after attending Oshkosh. Kind of a good feeling, but still battling with withdrawal symptoms.
Lovely fresh winter morning. Saw a mother and baby Southern Right Whale playng in the ocean. Magic.

Also took a new RV10 owner, who has not even had a ride yet in any RV, along as pax. RV grins all round.


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Big weekend

Friday lunch fly out KFYE to KSNH. 8 planes (all types) and 15 great folks.

Saturday KFYE to KOWD (Boston) to help daughter move back into college.

Sunday moved boxes from storage to new apartment. Then flew KOWD to KDXR just prior to dark.

Monday KDXR to KFYE to reset for the week.

200 Knot club

Glareshield buffet

Jordan driving the u-haul

New apartment room
I'm chasing down Vlad on airtime here lately, been logging a lot of hours.

I've been up in Williston ND (KXWA) last week for work - Friday I flew back home (6.7 hours), then Saturday I round-tripped Tulsa to pick up some rabbits from a breeder for a friend (5.6 hours) and today I fought a good cold front back up to Williston ND for more work (7.6 hours), and I'll get another 6-7 on the trip home Thursday.

19.9 hours in three days, pretty stout. I'm averaging just over 300 hours a year right now.

Did you have a ND Flying Legacy Passport with you? They have one of the best (after VA and MD :D) leather jackets as awards.
I didn't do anything with my RV this weekend, because I was busy elsewhere. I tried to do something with it Sunday PM, but the fog rolled in, so I just looked at the RV without flying it.

Today, however, I went out to the airport and put 30 minutes & 3 landings on it. Felt good to take it up and play around...
Sabrina Lee got a checkup

Time for new tubes and tires. Other than that the condition went as expected. Hopefully fly next week.

Blue Skies



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Trip to Sacramento, California!

My wife and I did a cross country trip to Sacramento to visit my granddaughter! It's at least a 9 hour drive to get down there from here in NW Oregon. But this amazing RV-7A made it in less than 3 hours! I always use Flight Following for cross country trips and I love it. Altitude is your friend. We cruised at 9,500'

Interesting flight down there... we left in clear blue skies but soon encountered a smoke layer and a billowing cloud that we diverted around. Wow. I've never seen one quite like this before. https://postimg.cc/bDtM7VCB

Highlight of the trip there, was flying over Crater Lake!
https://postimg.cc/w11S5B5z https://postimg.cc/7fH4zDQP

https://postimg.cc/QHw63J5L https://postimg.cc/bdYVHJ85

The RV never ceases to amaze and impress us. And others! Safe flying everyone!