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What did you do w/your RV this weekend? (5/6-7/2023)


doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
...getting it started. v/r,dr

About to launch Friday. Local.

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Started on the 22nd annual conditional inspection... They sure seem to come more often than once a year...
BBQ flyin at KFRH (FrenchLick, Indiana). Three of us River Rats from Butler County Ohio - Larry Wolf (RV8, Bruce Brielmaier (RV8), and me (RV6), flew over as a three ship. When we got there, we could barely find a place to park. They had an excellent turnout, and the food was awesome. The RV’s outnumbered all other single types by a wide margin.




Holland MI Tulip festival

My wife and I flew over to Holland MI for the Tuplip Festival. When we flew over the http://www.veldheer.com/ Tulip Farm, we were not that impressed. We had a hard time finding it and we knew where it was!

We flew into KBIV and the very nice people at FlightLevel Holland let us use a really nice car to drive to the farm. It was much better than we expected. 7 acres and over 5 million bulbs. Wow. Smooth flight on the way over, a bit bumpy on the way back but over 200 mph ground speed with the wind so it only took about 35 min.

It is worth going over to see if you are in the area.


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Last of fiberglass work

Installed wingtip lens and FlyLED. Fitting wingtips to wings today which wraps up fiberglass work! They should be in epoxy primer then paint by the end of the week. Getting close!


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Installed the wheel pants and fairings and flew another 4.5 hours off my phase 1. These flight tests are kind of fun!!
Young Eagles

Flew two more Young Eagles this morning with our EAA66 group. 12 & 14 year old siblings, and first flights for both. The 14 year old boy has aspirations of becoming a commercial pilot. On taxi back, he says “this is the greatest thing I ever did”.

Warms the heart!!


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Saturday: A day of meteorological decision making.

Departed Bankstown on an IFR flight plan. Spent about half an hour on the ground waiting for clearance, number 6 in line for release. Great weather in Sydney, everyone was flying.

Cleared to climb via SID to 6000, and stayed there all the way to my first stop at Griffith, flying the RNP down to runway 24 a few minutes after Rex arrived. 2°C at cruise altitude.


Took on fuel and started making harder decisions.

A frontal system was moving across SE Australia. Headlines on all the news services were saying various places would be getting their coldest day for three years, wind and rain. Snow down to 600m on the ranges west of Sydney.

That system was arriving at Griffith at about the same time as me, but I was right on the Northern fringe of it so there wasn’t much left in it. To stay north of it I filed IFR to Mildura at 4000 and launched in rain towards a black cloud.

Never quite got that high. Freezing level intervened. I straight-lined it to Mildura at 3000, threading a needle between an ice hazard above and LSALT below through broken cloud.

By the time I reached Mildura cloudbase was 3800 and scattered. Landed four minutes after QF80.

Last leg was VFR. There were enroute rain showers to dodge and I couldn’t get high due to the freezing level so IFR was going to be more trouble than it was worth. Plotted a wiggly line on the map at 3000, finding gaps in the showers.

Plane got a bit of a wash and there were lots of rainbows.

Ben was flying the other way. He started low and got cleared home at 9000. Opposite experience.

Outstanding day, anyway. Now Lyndon's doing some paint touch ups and a smoke system, hopefully it’ll be ready next week and I’ll reverse the trip.

- mark


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What did I do

RNM to AJO. AC Spruce order pickup and breakfast.


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Finished wing tips. I chose to use screws and put the Archer VOR antenna on a mid rib support instead on the bottom; mainly because I didnt want to be unwiring the antenna everytime the tip comes off. (Which I hope is never) I used the soft foam to keep the antenna from vibrating against the fiberglass wingtip.


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I looked at the pile of wingnparts today. Does that count? Building a house sure takes all the time away from building an airplane.
After sitting at home under a rain/hailstorm on Saturday, I blasted off this morning on two missions: 1. Test out whether my beefy new AHRS mount reduces vibration and AHRS resets (so far so good) and 2. Do more climbs and glides to gather V-speed data. Here's me dodging fluffy clouds during one of my simulated power off glides:


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Fly to breakfasts and 2100hrs

Sat morning weather was MUCH nicer than had been in the forecast earlier in the week. I flew to the Morristown EAA 1494 monthly breakfast and gave my next door neighbor her first RV ride. Hensley Airpark was fairly well represented with 9 people attending in 5 airplanes (3 RV's) and a goldwing.

Sunday morning I filed an IFR flight plan to be able to climb through the clouds to fly to the South Carolina Breakfast Club at Rock Hill, KUZA. When I was ready to take off the clouds had changed to scattered and I did not need the IFR clearance. At breakfast I met a new student pilot, a family in a C172, and a family in a C182 that is VERY INTERESTED in building an RV-10. I saw four or five RV's at parked for the breakfast which was prepared by EAA chapter 961. It was nice to have homemade biscuits, grits and fresh fruit in addition to the usual bacon/sausage/eggs/pancakes.

N174RT crossed 2100 hours of Tach Time on the flight to Rock Hill.

My return flight I climbed to 10,500 for cloud clearance and got a pop-up to descend through about 3000' of clouds after crossing the NC-TN border.



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Of course

I looked at the pile of wingnparts today. Does that count? Building a house sure takes all the time away from building an airplane.

It must count, After 4+ months on a kitchen remodel, I managed to complete the battery box and elevator bellcrank on my -10 this weekend
I was disappointed with the way the gear leg fairings constantly migrated down during landings and clearly the standard "clamps and tangs" detailed in the plans are not the solution - as noted by many on the forum. After doing a search on what others have done I decided to try a rubber stop on the lower end of the leg and allow the fairings to float within the upper and lower fairings. Saturday was spent modifying the installation and I look forward to seeing how it works out. No flying was committed.

An unexpected visitor turned up on Sunday afternoon - an RV-7A with an new owner who "saw the light" and came to the enlightenment, converting his aircraft to a taildragger. It looks Soooooo much nicer in this configuration!


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Larger tires

Replaced brake linings and tyres, and decided to try out the larger 15x6.00-5 tyre that others have posted about. They fitted inside the wheel fairings well, just requiring a little more clearance around the tyre opening. I dressed a touch off a couple of high points on the backs of the brake shoes where they just contacted the tyres, which did the trick and provided sufficient clearance. As the pads settle in the clearance increases.
Ground handling feels better, the stance on the ground looks better to me and it certainly felt smoother coming onto the grass strip at my home field. No speed loss - if anything perhaps an extra knot gained flat out. The only negative is a little more weight and a touch of shimmy at times taxiing over bumps, easily stopped by a touch of brake.
So all in all a worthwhile mod that I’m happy to have done.


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Flew through the Philly Class Bravo at 4500 ft. Right over Philly International with a great view of the city, the sports stadiums and the Navy yard


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I was disappointed with the way the gear leg fairings constantly migrated down during landings and clearly the standard "clamps and tangs" detailed in the plans are not the solution - as noted by many on the forum. After doing a search on what others have done I decided to try a rubber stop on the lower end of the leg and allow the fairings to float within the upper and lower fairings. Saturday was spent modifying the installation and I look forward to seeing how it works out. No flying was committed.

An unexpected visitor turned up on Sunday afternoon - an RV-7A with an new owner who "saw the light" and came to the enlightenment, converting his aircraft to a taildragger. It looks Soooooo much nicer in this configuration!

Mike - great solution to supporting the gear fairings! The tabs on mine broke off a year or two into flying. I have some rubber fuel line shielding the brake lines as they wrap around the gear at the bottom. That is my stop, and has worked for about 18 years.
Leg fairing tip

I found the leg fairings on my -4 doing that also, and since I built and painted mine, I quickly solved the problem. The top of the leg fairing moves alot AFT when the gear flexes on taxi and landing. I found the aft section of the fairing was striking the fuselage skin behind the cuff fairing when flexed aft, pushing the fairing down and sliding it even when clamped. I trimmed the fairing at an angle from the leg to the trailing edge so it was only about 3/8" inside the cuff. That stopped the fairing from migrating, as it no longer contacts the fuselage skin. All good for several hundred hours now.
Alex - thanks, but I can't take credit for the idea - it was plagerised from the Forum. I have some soft plastic tube on my brake line in the area where the brake line comes out from under the fairing however when the fairing dropped down it quckly wore into the plastic tubing. I was worried the brake line would be next. Essentially this is the same kind of solution as you have and your experience suggests this is going to work well. Thanks for the feedback.

I trimmed the fairing at an angle from the leg to the trailing edge so it was only about 3/8" inside the cuff. That stopped the fairing from migrating, as it no longer contacts the fuselage skin. All good for several hundred hours now.

Now that's something I'd not considered but a very good observation. Well done. I have about 3/8 inch gab between my fuse and the top rear of the fairing and I hadn't considered this was possibly insufficient. I'd not noticed any contact between them, but tha'ts not to say they've not been hitting. Either that or your landings are really rough! :) I'll have a go at trimming this back on the weekend.

Thanks guys.
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