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Wanted RV-4 Partnership - SoCal KWHP


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I am interested in gathering 1 to 2 partners for a VANS AIRCRAFT airplane share. The main goal of this partnership would be to have the ability to fly cheaply. I would be looking for a fair priced RV-4 from Vans Aircraft Company (Many To Choose From In This Market). I would like to keep the airplane at KWHP, and would rent a hanger. The goal of the airplane purchase would be to find an aircraft, that has plenty of hours left on the engine, and would be around the 40,000 dollar price point. This would be a community purchase, and share in all expenses. I would facility between the partners, and would set up a webpage / iphone app for easy access to log in, and block off time for flying the groups aircraft. The initial investment would be relatively low, and we would collectively make decisions regarding maintenance and expenses. If you are interested this this kind of partnership, please email me at [email protected], so I can start conducting interviews. Thanks... Craig