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vertical power


Well Known Member
I have a question for anyone who has a vertical power system. I am about to order mine, vpx sport. I was wondering if the vp can be monitored with a laptop after install? During construction I want to power it up and use/test it before I purchase my efis. Can its function be monitored with a laptop as substitute for an efis? I know that a laptop is used for setup and programming.



Yes you can use a laptop as you describe. I have used mine for all the setup before I aquired my efis. Don't forget to use the online planner in planning your system also, it is quite a nice piece that will save you alot of headaches.

Jerry Turner
Panel Done, now fiberglass begins!
12v 24v Electical System

What voltage did you decide on for your electrical system? I am in the planning stages of what I hope will become a build of a 7A.

I am using 12 volt system, nothing extravagant just a day/night vfr, aerobatic/xcountry rv8

Yes, you can use the Configurator to configure the VP-X before anything is connected, including the EFIS and switches. In addition to the settings, you can turn things on and off, reset faults, view status of switch inputs, control the trim and flaps, and brew coffee as well. :)

every one, gonna be ordering in the next few weeks, after my checkbook recovers from the finishing kit, its in intensive care unit right now:D

Yes, you can use the Configurator to configure the VP-X before anything is connected, including the EFIS and switches. In addition to the settings, you can turn things on and off, reset faults, view status of switch inputs, control the trim and flaps, and brew coffee as well. :)

What kind of coffee? :) I can hardly wait to get my system installed and try it out.
Maybe off topic and don't mean to hijack the thread but I wonder if there has been any report of failure in VP operation due to SW error/bug or something that caused it to misbehave completely. Are we putting all of our eggs in one basket?

The VP-X Pro has Astronomical Reliability… two Power Supplies and two Microprocessors in Marc’s DualBuss Technology. Plus… you can wire a back up circuit to the Coffee Pot (extra extra redundancy) for the Caffeine Dependent among us.

More info here…


The VP-X Pro has Astronomical Reliability… two Power Supplies and two Microprocessors in Marc’s DualBuss Technology. Plus… you can wire a back up circuit to the Coffee Pot (extra extra redundancy) for the Caffeine Dependent among us.

More info here…


And no relays. Relays break, sitck, fail, etc...all the time. I can't stand the idea of having them in a plane controlling things like trim...

No idea what the real numbers are...but relay's of all types have died on me more than the electronic switches I've used (so far with no failures in 15 years, albeit a pretty small personal sample set).
Thanks for the feedback, it is good to know the customer experience so far.

As a software engineer, I am always leery about SW bugs and was wondering about that portion of the system. Though, it would fair to say that the chance of a bug bringing the whole system to the grind is probably nil.