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Validation requested for "One Tab Club"


Well Known Member
I can't be 100% certain until it's mounted on the completed left elevator... but I believe I may have just joined the One Tab Club.
For details you can go to my kitlog site http://www.mykitlog.com/goatflieg/ but here's a synopsis. I faced the point where I had to decide whether to bend the end tabs on the left elevator skin and trim tab skin or go the riblet route. Much research revealed that this subject is about as infamous as the Primer Wars... but I decided to see if I could build it the way Van's builds it. So I built lots of different forming blocks and jigs, and copied the tabs onto some spare sheet so I could practice on a couple pieces first. Then I followed some advice found here and did my trim tab first, since it's much cheaper and easier to replace than a left elevator skin with stiffeners already in place. I took my time, rejigged as needed, used a lot of care... and I'm really happy with the result. As I see it, the only risk I'm facing is lining up the trailing edges with one side of the hinges already installed per blueprint specs. I'll know when I complete the left elevator and can begin fitting the trim tab... but I've a feeling this is going to work out just fine. I also made sure I primed the face of the inner tabs, so that I had primer between sandwiched parts. I think it looks good... what do you think? Did I pass?

(BTW those wavy white areas along the top edge of the part in this photo are scuff marks from the scotchbrite wheel I used to dress the edge... they really caught the camera flash, and look like dents or deformations, but they're not)



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Bet you can't do it that nicely a second time... :)

Challenge accepted. Just finished the tabs on the elevator skin. It was more awkward; the additional sheet metal made it harder to position the tab area where I wanted it, but I made it work. Again. It probably helps that I work really slowly...

My first one was perfect too...

Of course, my first one was flawless also, but I bought a second one just so Van could have some beer money. Pretty selfish of you to make the man go thirsty.

I too am a member of the One Tab Club, but **sigh** I'm also the president of the Botched Chromoly Aileron Pushrod Society.
You can be proud of your work....
I can not say mine has your touch of a master metal worker... but you did a beautiful job.

I guess the rest of the plane will be likewise beautiful.... keep on pounding...
You'll make us all proud.

Smilin' Jack
Thanks all for the encouragement. I'm sure I'll have many more botched moments to add to my existing pile, and I'll learn from them all. After all, that's why we're legally allowed to do this... for the purpose of education. But my reason for posting all this is because it's a comfort to hear from others that some of my work is decent. We all need to hear that sometimes.
Challenge accepted. Just finished the tabs on the elevator skin. It was more awkward; the additional sheet metal made it harder to position the tab area where I wanted it, but I made it work. Again. It probably helps that I work really slowly...
Nicely done!
Thanks all for the encouragement. I'm sure I'll have many more botched moments to add to my existing pile, and I'll learn from them all. After all, that's why we're legally allowed to do this... for the purpose of education. But my reason for posting all this is because it's a comfort to hear from others that some of my work is decent. We all need to hear that sometimes.

It's more than just "decent"...that looks like some really fine craftsmanship. Well done (I made two, but due to a small angular difference between the elevator tabs and the trim tabs that looked weird).
The punchline? I dropped the left elevator today. Unclamped the part after riveting... and the unsupported counterweight did the rest. Minor damage; probably salvageable... I'm going to have it inspected before I go any further on it. So much for craftsmanship...
(this post would have been much longer... but I understand they frown on cursing here)
A flap skin, both tank skins, currently rebuilding the whole H stab due to a defective pneumatic drill while complying with SB 14 :rolleyes: I almost have more scrap sheet aluminum than airplane....It's a process. Have fun!! BTW if its not a show plane just build on...
I was definitely living the whole "pride goeth before a fall" thing yesterday... because admittedly, I was filled with a lot of pride, which led to this thread... and the lead led to the fall... literally. I've conferred with a couple builders, including my EAA counselor, and the part is definitely acceptable, if not virginal. Not a showplane... my plane... and I've had to live with my own mistakes my whole life. Why should yesterday be any different. I went ahead and finished off the metal work on both elevators; happy with my leading edges; much better than the rudder was. So I'm back on the horse, and we're getting along. I'll post an update on my project thread soon... butfirstbutfirstbutfirstbutfirstbutfirst.... you know how it is. BTW, Mark Malone, You have my sympathy, brother.