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VAF "Angel Flight" Request


Well Known Member
Everyone -

This has been a difficult decision, but I wanted to go ahead and post this on VAF. You will see why shortly.

I am currently undergoing treatment for leukemia; hence my recent absence from VAF (good or bad, you decide ;) ). I'll leave out the details, but simply say that my prognosis is quite good.

I'm getting my rounds of chemo treatment at MD Anderson in Houston and going back to Dallas in between. Everything has gone well so far, but I had to make an emergency trip to MDA last week when my fever took off and climbed like an F-15, and I wound up in the hospital for a few days. Since I can't fly commercially (weakened immune system) and didn't trust my condition to fly myself ("I", "S" and "F" in "IMSAFE"), I wound up driving. It was a long trip, I was tired, and time is of the essence when this happens (neutropenic fever).

I am headed back to Dallas soon but may have to make another return trip to MDA if I develop a fever again. I am reaching out to VAF to see if anyone would be willing to shuttle me down to Houston (KHOU or KEFD) if the need arose. I am going to check into Angel Flight as well, but since I know that Ex/AB airplanes and Angel Flight don't always get along, I might check in with fellow VAFers.

Please PM if you are interested. I'm happy to pay for fuel, ramp fees, etc.


Sidebar: I have found that if you have to deal with cancer, MDA is the place to be. The care is excellent and they are set up to care for cancer patients, particularly if you have to go to the hospital.

I can't promise that I will be free when you a need a ride (schedules are very hectic right now), but if I am available when you need me, I'm yours. I know that's not a very dependable thing, but I'd rather you check with me than have to drive it and then find out I was available. Check your PM's.

And, a place to stay

I will certainly do what I can. Call Paul (as he said) and I'll help out, too. We also have a studio apartment in the hanger that you are welcome to use any time it would be helpful. Probably even an extra car. Just call us.

We'll be pulling for you.
I can't help from here in Australia but wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery.
With a positive attitude you can beat it.

Hey Doug, like John said, I can't help from Canada, but just to let you know, you are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep up the battle. Regards.
Hey Doug

sorry to hear about the treatment but wanted to wish you all the best...I'm no help in Oregon but like Louise said were rooting for ya.

Please keep us updated on your recovery!

Hang in there!

Doug, I haven't finished my plane, heck I don't even have my license yet, but I always have time.. I live just outside Conroe and would always be willing to help you and your family get around Houston or provide a place to stay.

I wish you the very best in your recovery. MD Anderson is the place to be.
You can beat this, I know a number of people that have.

You may contact me at 713 705 2090 anytime.

Hang in there!
Man, hate to hear that Doug... I've never had the opportunity to meet you and would hope that when I do it will be under good circumstances... Im in Dallas, right by Frisco actually, and fly out of KADS. Only problem is I dont own the plane... they are owned by a flying club I'm in. I am available during the evenings, and on weekends. As long as a plane is available, I'd be more than happy to help you get down to Houston. Granted the best I can do is 140kts but hey, I'm still pounding rivets every night! You hang in there and fight this. My brother just beat rectal cancer less than 4 months ago. It CAN be done! Call me anytime!

-Daniel Hoover
shuttle driver

i do hereby volunteer my son. he is a recent (2007) DFW based hire at eagle and based at DFW. currently spending his time sitting around the apartment or on 'airport appreciation' duty. i.e. he's ready and looking for something to do ~5 days/week. i can honestly say there's only one thing he'd rather do than talk airplanes and that's sit/drive a car anyplace.

he has all the pertinent abbreviations (CFI, CFII, IFR) but no plane. and i'm paying for fuel regardless of the method of travel.
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Hey Doug...

...We're praying for you too. My buddy beat Pancreatic cancer, a very rare thing. Keep the faith, keep smiling and look ahead,

hang in there Doug. i know the feeling of driving with chemo and a fever, not so good. did it many times W/O the fever. good luck with your treatment. MD is a great place to be..your in good hands buddy. oh yea, thank god for Zofran. ;)
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Add me to the list

I too have a weird work schedule but would be happy to take you when you need/if I can, just call and I can let you know immediately. Good luck on a speedy recovery!


Thanks, everyone. Hopefully I will not to contact anyone who has volunteered.

I'm feeling too chilly in Houston where it's only in the high 90s, so I'm headed back to Dallas soon to get that 100+ heat :eek:

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TODR, count me 'IN'.

Call or PM anytime you need a flight down/back. I will haul you down there and back in Flash. My sister and her family live in Katy west of HOU if I(we) need to overnight.

All I need is 30 minutes notice and I'll drop everything.

Hang in there, pal.

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I too am too far away to help but you are in my prayers. Best of luck beating this thing!

Best of luck, man. Hang in there. You will win.

I'm in Atlanta so probably not much help for you, but let me know if we can ever do anything for you. If you are ever out here for anything you have a place to stay, car, whatever you need.

Add me to the list of volunteers, plane is down at the moment for a couple of weeks while I install all the new stuff I got at Osh but other than that, I would be honored to help out.
This is a great community!

I almost wish I lived in Texas so I could help!

Hang in there TODR and keep us posted on how things work out!

Hi everyone. Just a quick update: My blood work from last Thursday was encouraging, and the next labs are Monday. Hopefully I will have recovered enough in time for the next round of chemo to start this Wednesday.

I have transport down to Houston (driving with my wife) and this second round should be easier than the first, although it won't be easy. The second round is "optional" (part of a study), but it seems to improve complete remission rates from ~80% to 90+%. I get the first treatment at MDA and the rest in Dallas (one day a week). Being young, I want to be in remission as long as possible, so you can see why this is attractive.

Thanks, and Keep Going.


Hi everyone. Just a quick update: My blood work from last Thursday was encouraging, and the next labs are Monday. Hopefully I will have recovered enough in time for the next round of chemo to start this Wednesday.

I have transport down to Houston (driving with my wife) and this second round should be easier than the first, although it won't be easy. The second round is "optional" (part of a study), but it seems to improve complete remission rates from ~80% to 90+%. I get the first treatment at MDA and the rest in Dallas (one day a week). Being young, I want to be in remission as long as possible, so you can see why this is attractive.

Thanks, and Keep Going.


Does that mean your insurance company has the "option" of not paying for it?

But an extra 10% odds improvement?..Yeah I'd take it with bells on..I know chemo is rough but things are looking good ..go get 'em tiger!


Does that mean your insurance company has the "option" of not paying for it?

But an extra 10% odds improvement?..Yeah I'd take it with bells on..I know chemo is rough but things are looking good ..go get 'em tiger!


Since it's a study, MDA picks up the tab if insurance doesn't. Fortunately, my insurance has been good so far. The second round of chemo uses an expensive drug - $3k ...per dose, 8 doses :eek:

But yes, 10% additional chance of complete remission ... that's worth it. Just trying to keep the eyes on the prize and think about being well again ... and flying!

Update: I came down to Houstpn early to party with TS Edouard ("don't call me Eduardo"). My next chemo is tomorrow, and MDA should be open for business normally.

Labs on Monday were somewhat encouraging; slow progress, but progress. If we get another one like that, I will be able to start venturing out into the real world again; check your six. :D

Further update: My latest blood work shows good progress on the white cells. Although my immune system is weakened overall, I am out of the high and moderate danger areas for rapid onset infection and sepsis. I am also Ok to go back to work.

First infusion of the second round of chemo went Ok, no major problems (although they can still show up). Seven more weekly infusions, and then we draw more bone marrow to see how effective everything was.

The likelihood that I will have to rush back down to MDA is low and diminishes with time. Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time and airplanes, but let's make out next flying experience together about lunch, not cancer :)

Great news, TODR. Thanks for the update and we're at your disposal when you need us.

Just trying to keep the eyes on the prize and think about being well again ... and flying!

ahhh, how sweet it is

and what a wonderful experience that is....before you know it you'll be saying "hey, remember when";) chin up TODR

wait just a minute i thought we were forbidden from using dirty words like
Seven more weekly infusions, and then we draw more bone marrow to see how effective everything was.

[/B] :)

TODR, i feel your pain,,,maybe a little to much.:( my wife almost passed out when they did that to me. the only time a ratchet has ever been used on me.:mad::eek::mad:
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Got back from Chicago today (7 hours in the air). I'll be able to help if I'm in town (which should be the rest of August).


Hang in there! Glad to hear things are improving. You can beat this, I know, I did. I didn't have leukemia, mine was non-Hodgkins lymphoma and it took six months of chemo treatments at $17,000 a month to knock it into remission. I am so happy with my insurance coverage!

If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask!
8/18/08 update:

Things continue to go well. My most recent labs showed encouraging news about my chances of getting into remission, but it's too early to determine success no matter how good the numbers - it just takes more time. We will know something more conclusive in about 6 weeks.

The most critical period for me has passed - I am unlikely to need a immediate trip to Houston. I thank everyone for their support and wishes. Should anyone on VAF (or elsewhere) need it, I hope I can provide assistance.
