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Upholstery experience


Well Known Member
Just thought I'd share my journey to finished seat cushions.

A family member worked in an upholstery shop a few years back. Thought I could save a couple of bucks and give her something to do. Purchased Vans foam and an inexpensive cloth from another vendor.

So far, so good.

I Spent several hours cutting out Vans patterns and the material. Took the pile to my family member. Well, this is where it goes bad. She inspected the mess and was too intimidated by the unusual design. No harm, I'll just take it to the auto upholstery shop I've done business with. Pretty much same story. Intimidation turned into and estimate for way too much dough. Strike 2.

Humm, I wonder what Abby at Flightline could do with this mess?

She fixed me. Nice job. She knows the design and how to make them better. No one could have done that outside of this community.

So here is the lesson: Vans patterns are just a rough cut. Real upholsterers won't use them. I wasted many hours of unnecessary motion. In the end I could have bought her seats for about what I have into this journey.

I started on the same path - wanting to do as much of the seats as I could and maybe save a few bucks. I bought some foam, cut it, glued it, and then trashed it. I called Abby and she did a great job for me.

Your project is looking great. Have fun.

Have no experience with the other vendors. Abby at Flightline did a great job at a very fair price on my seats and front carpet. John
Thanks for the advice/experience. I wasn't really thinking I was going to DIY this part of the project, but this seals it. I'll go with the pros, for sure!