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Updating the Firmware on your RV-12 Dynon Avionics Products


Well Known Member
Van's evaluates every new firmware version that we release and customizes it with the right settings for the RV-12. This ensures that you have a great out of the box experience, and also enhances safety by ensuring that your FlightDEK-D180 and EFIS-D100 are set up as well as they can be.

Because of this customization, firmware on FlightDEK-D180s and EFIS-D100s that are bought with the Van's RV-12 kits have a slightly different update process:

1. First, download the locked settings file appropriate to your unit(s) at the Van's Download Page. Ensure that it is for the version of firmware that you are about to install. Unzip its contents to a location you can find easily on your computer.

2. Go to downloads.dynonavionics.com and download the latest version of the Dynon Support Program. Install it to your computer.

3. Following the instructions on the Dynon site and within the Support Program's built-in help system, update your unit to the latest firmware by selecting the "Upgrade to Firmware ver. X" option and then press the "Go" button. During this procedure, you will be prompted for the lock file you previously downloaded. Point the Support Program to it to allow it to continue. This update process normally takes 10 or so minutes.

4. After this upload, your Dynon Avionics unit will be running the latest firmware and the latest Van's-provided settings available for it.
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Sunday I update the firmware on my D180 to 5.4. I uesd the Van's locked settings file not knowing it was for 5.31. Am I going to have any problems?
When is Van's going to have the locked settings file for 5.4?
Dynon Upgrades

Personally, I would be embarrassed if the upgrade was available on the 1st day of the month and my company's appropriate, available lockout key still had not been downloaded to my website 14 days later. Not good guys...wake up.
Van's has posted the locked settings file for 5.4http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/downloads.htm. I updated the firmware and everything seems to be working. Now if can just get my AP configured, anyone have any tips?:confused:
Dynon A/P

Its all pretty well explained in the directions that come from Dynon. If you need help, let me know and I'll be glad to walk you through it.
Yep, follow the latest directions (they did update the manuals online) to a T and it will make your AP configing/tuning much easier.
I just uploaded 5.4 with the lock files onto New Blue yesterday. By following the instructions, the AP configuration was a snap. Took it up to test the AP. What a difference! I had to adjust the servo's sensitivity while in flight. As I recall, I set the pitch to 10 and the roll to 20.

Now it holds altitude much better with no stick shaking. That is a huge improvement. Following a GPS course was pretty good before and still is. It also now maintains a constant vertical speed much better.

I'll be at the Midwest LSA EXPO in Mt. Vernon, Ill. Sept 23-26 with New Blue.

Come on by. I'd like to meet you guys.
Trouble with the Dynon download.

When I downloaded the new file from Dynon it downlaoded oK but when I ran the file to install the support program it came down with an error:


Unable to register the DLL/OCX: Internal error: REGDLL failed with exit
code 0x0.

Click Retry, Ignore, Abort etc. etc.

Retry didn't help. Had to hit Ignore 9 times to get past this, then software ran and looked normal. Running Windows 7. Anybody else seen this?
A little off-topic here...

Could someone direct me to the page in the Dynon Pilot User's Guide, Dynon D180 Installation Guide or RV12 Construction Manual where firmware and downloads are initially discussed.

I am sure I have missed something somewhere but I am getting ready to assemble my completed and painted plane. Having deferred the trim adjustment procedure until assembly, I am just now confronting the complexity of this instrument.

A step-by-step tutorial including the Van's Download site would be most appreciated by this old guy who is not comfortable with computers. TIA

RV12 N233TX
When I downloaded the new file from Dynon it downlaoded oK but when I ran the file to install the support program it came down with an error:


You can try to install VB6runtime from microsoft ; Visual Basic 6

By installing the package the msvbvm60.dll will be installed again and hopefully solves your problem. Seems that the update software relies on visual basic.
Basic upgrade steps

A step-by-step tutorial including the Van's Download site would be most appreciated by this old guy who is not comfortable with computers.
Since the EFIS is not made by Van's, your best bet is to read the instructions on Dynon's website:
The very first post on this thread by Dynon Support gives general directions. Dynon's website gives more specific instructions.
Here are the basic steps:
Download and install the Dynon update program onto your laptop.
Download Van's corresponding lock file.
Connect your laptop to the 9 pin D-Sub connector in your plane.
Turn on all Dynon equipment including the autopilot.
Get help from your local teenage computer geek in exchange for an airplane ride. :D
Since the EFIS is not made by Van's, your best bet is to read the instructions on Dynon's website:
The very first post on this thread by Dynon Support gives general directions. Dynon's website gives more specific instructions.
Here are the basic steps:
Download and install the Dynon update program onto your laptop.
Download Van's corresponding lock file.
Connect your laptop to the 9 pin D-Sub connector in your plane.
Turn on all Dynon equipment including the autopilot.
Get help from your local teenage computer geek in exchange for an airplane ride. :D

I love your last line Joe! Or as the local teenagers would say, "true dat".
OK, no teenage geeks available...can somebody help out?

Downloaded the stuff from Dynon and Vans. Icons appear on my screen but when I go to open them, I get an error message. I have Windows XP and the Vans page reference on zip files says my system should be able to handle this.

I'll call my computer guy later but would appreciate any more suggestions y'all might have. TIA Jim
You can try to install VB6runtime from microsoft ; Visual Basic 6

By installing the package the msvbvm60.dll will be installed again and hopefully solves your problem. Seems that the update software relies on visual basic.

Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded the file you suggested and reran the Dynon install. Same nine error messages. BUT - after saying "Ignore" nine times I installed 5.4 on the 180, AP, and sevros with no problem - so I guess the error messages don't matter in this instance. Go figure.