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Ultimate Airport Home!


Well Known Member
Check out the airport home of John Travolta! It even has a control tower (in the middle of the half-moon shaped roof)!

HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!! I guess I don't need to feel so bad about that bootleg copy of "Grease!" I got for Christmas
I can't remember the name of the airpark, but I believe it's somewhere in Florida... The airpark was showcased on Wings To Adventure last year.
I think the airpark you refer to is Spruce Creek flyi-in community near New Smyrna Beach, FL. I though I heard that he sold his house there though. Something about the residents not being too fond of the big jet.

I think you will find that this home is on a strip just north of Ocala Fl, I have flown over it several times and you can see his 707 parked there. Name of the strip is something like Jumbo Air ?? Not sure?

Your're correct on the JumboLair name. The property was a "retirement" home for movie animals and unwanted exotic pets back in the 1940's.
Fly In

The 7 thousand foot strip is connected to a small airport next door, dont know the name but I think it is public use and they also have use of the big runway, not sure if I realy need the blast wall at the south hend of the runway though. The north end is also elevated about 20 - 30 feet, like a ramp to give you that extra boost.
I can't beleive he's too cheap to hangar those things. Probably wants them outside so they can be seen.

He probably didn't build a hangar for the big jets because of local building restrictions. Or else what you said. :)
Earth to John

He had a lot at Spruce Creek but sold it because it does not take jets.

Since he is a scientologist he probably has the control tower to guide the aliens back in their DC-8 like space crafts.


Read item 1.5: 1.5 Operating Thetan levels and the Xenu incident

"These space planes were said to have been copies of Douglas DC-8s, with the addition of rocket engines. He then stacked hundreds of billions of these frozen victims around Earth's volcanoes 75 million years ago before blowing them up with hydrogen bombs and brainwashing them with a "three-D, super colossal motion picture" for 36 days, telling them lies of what they are and what the universe should be like and telling them that they are 3 different things: 'Jesus, God, and The Devil.' The traumatized thetans subsequently clustered around human bodies because they watched the motion picture together, making them think they are all the same thing, in effect acting as invisible spiritual parasites known as "body thetans" that can only be removed using advanced Scientology techniques. Xenu (pronounced Zee-new) is allegedly imprisoned in a mountain by a force field powered by an eternal battery. He is said to be still alive today."

In the late 1940s, pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard declared:

"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"

Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, p.1

Hubbard later created the Church of Scientology...

We are from Aliens, thetan's (spirits) attaching to our bodies, DC-8 rockets and for a fee Scientology can get rid of them! Wow!

They really believe in some crazy stuff and Tom is about to blow, get the pop corn this is going to be fun. THEY really believe this stuff! More fun reading: http://www.xenu.net/ & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L._Ron_Hubbard

I am for freedom of belief but this is beyond odd stuff and John T. and Tom C. are flying over our heads. Love their moves but WOW. Really a friend of mine who has a home at Spruce Creek met John Tavolta and flew with him. He told me he was nice and normal and did not want any celeb attention.

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Well stated!

I couldn't have said it better! While Top Gun is the best movie of ALL time (hell, I even watch it in Spanish reruns, and STILL know all the words), these guys (Travolta/Cruise, etc) have some strange beliefs.

Like you said...to each their own. But to believe some of these 'teachings' is beyond my comprehension!

And to take it one step further, both of these mega-stars are avid pilots. I wonder what's up with that? As a footnote, during my PPL trainings at GKY, I was in the pattern one day with a guy one the unicom saying he was making a "fast, straight in approach- about 1.5 miles out". I think he was in a Falcon jet or something like that. Needless to say, I got the heck out of the way in my C-172 as I was on downwind. I never saw him on the ramp, but come to find out it was Tom Cruise coming in for a quick fuel stop.

Anyway, you had a nice analogy of their 'different' religous beliefs!

Have a good one!
Our Future Skypark Home

It's not as big as Travolta's house but we hope to break ground soon on our new Rosamond Skypark home. When it's finished, we'll have a BIG RV fly-in! :) Rosie

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My Hangar

Now that my -7 is at the painters, it's time I started renovating my hangar.
For those that say he is too cheap to hanger the jets, it is proven that it is unecomnomical to do so. The hangers cost more than A LOT of paint jobs on those size airplanes.

On another note, I was talking to an old-timer from San Fernando airport here in socal (before they closed it). He said that one day a skinny kid with long black hair asked for help fixing something on his Ercoupe. After he fixed it and was walking back to the shop, the fuel kid drives by and goes "Do you know who that was?" No, "John Travolta" Who?

Of course, that was before he was overly famous, but if you can start with an Ercoupe and end up in a 707, I'm REALLY going places :).
Rosie COOL!!! Congrats

Rosie said:
It's not as big as Travolta's house but we hope
to break ground soon on our new
home. When it's finished, we'll have a
BIG RV fly-in! :) Rosie
the building of your dream home that has got to be the most
exciting high lights in ones life. I hope to join you as a airpark
home owner some day. I started once and had plans and lot, but
at the time did not make sense and had reservations about that
particular airpark property, so I sold the lot. Although I shelved
the dream, it is not dead. I love your design and it's like I what
I designed, with a little more country wrap around porch feel.

Q: Where is the hanger, is it integral? Looks like a seperate hanger.

I had a similar custom plans of my own creation and the codes
where a pain with a integral hanger/house, mostly fire issues.
The expensive commercial solutions, fire walls, doors and
glass was the solution. The work around of some was to not
call it a hanger, but I was not comfortable with that. Obviously
its a house with a big room with a big door at an airpark, so
calling it storage or recreation room is kind of silly; although
some got away with that, to avoid the stricter commercial

Also insurance is another issue. The obvious and easy solution
is to separate the hanger and home. I guess fires are many
times from garages so insurance companies figure a hanger is
that much more risky because it is that much larger. I like the
combined hanger home designs better. They look better but got
discouraged at least in my state with code.

Could you let us live vicariously through your journey a little
and tell us any tricks, compromises or road blocks (or runway
blocks :rolleyes: ) in you custom airpark home journey so far.

Once again I am very excited for you and your family,

BTW, Pete that is what my hanger home looks like now. :D

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