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Triple Tree Fly-In at SC00 Sep 6-9, 2012.

Wayne Gillispie

Well Known Member
7000' X 400' grass. We are definitely looking forward to a less expensive, less commercialized fly-in with fewer vendors/gators/tractors/delivery trucks/scooters, private showers and hair driers/descent shopping for the girls.

We'll be attending the evening meals Fri and Sat.- NOT the same c**p from a local food service monopoly. They have a nice big grill and walk-in cooler. My wife and daughter will go on the ladies trip to Greenville Sat at 9 AM. I will do some fishing with my 9 yo son. It also looks like we might have shade trees, stream, lake and pond nearby. Skeet shoot one day- never tried but would like too. Wow, it sounds like they have some good southern hospitality here and actually listen to the pilots. Maybe even us homebuilt campers will get equal facilities.

Watch out for the TFR, possibly moving around...I will be calling FSS even with Foreflight and also getting flight following. Fly safe and see you there!

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We are looking forward to our first trip to TT. Let's hope for nice weather. My son and I plan to arrive Saturday morning, camp, and leave Sunday.
From ZPH

Four of us heading up in 2 RV's and a Cherokee spammer.

Had to add a day to make the Steak Dinner on Thursday. That's a no miss event!

Hope to see you there, Bruce.
Ms Patti and I probably inbound Saturday morning, camping overnight. Ya'll look for the party parachute ;) Bring your lawn chair!

I'm looking forward to going as well. This looks like a great time. I hope to get some ideas for my own fly-in in October (RV-Nation Fly-in). I took a look at their website, and it just looks like it is back to the grass roots type of flying, which is what made our sport attractive for all of us. That's what I like, just a grass roots type fly-in with alot of fun, friendship, and the Elusive RV Grin!
3 or 4 more from NW GA

Sending dad over on Thursday with the camper. The rugrat and I will be joining with the airplane Friday afternoon (after school).
Planning to visit on Friday. Morning in afternoon out. Come to unpainted RV9A to say hi :D
Hoping to arrive from NW TN on Thurs and camp out (weather permitting).
Scott, I hope to see u there (blue/white RV 9A-426PK) and still hoping to make it to Lake Norris.

Peter K
9A-399 hrs
Only seven RV's coming?

Looking forward to meeting all of you for the first time! I will be down Fri before lunch depending on wx. We have xm and it looks like we may need it. We may have to go around to the SW end of the Blue Ridge Mts. Sunday's return trip looks about the same. Be careful and we will see you on the grass.

I need to pursue a career like Vlad has. HVAC is not cutting it. It is no wonder 100LL has gone up. Vlad has used nearly 4000 gallons in the last year(just a guess).:D My -540 has only guzzled down about 900 gallons. I hope Vlad brings me a list of places he recommends to take the family. Our next trip may be up to the NE to visit the German. Oops, I mean Russian.
I need to pursue a career like Vlad has. HVAC is not cutting it. It is no wonder 100LL has gone up. Vlad has used nearly 4000 gallons in the last year(just a guess).:D My -540 has only guzzled down about 900 gallons. I hope Vlad brings me a list of places he recommends to take the family. Our next trip may be up to the NE to visit the German. Oops, I mean Russian.

No you need NOT Wayne but if you do our hospital is always hiring just watch that revolving door :D See you at SC00.

Always welcome to our woods...

I will have a black RV-Nation shirt on. Please look for me.. I will be there saturday morning and spending all day there, as well as the bbq in the evening. Looking forward to meeting you!

Cold front due in here Sat around 17-18Z, 1:00-2:00 EST with winds and TS. Be careful.

This place is very peaceful and cool this evening. Lots of well manicured grass. Nice ponds with some r/c planes flying. Several fishing.
Been there in the morning was third in E parking row. To get down to the field was a job. Met Pat himself and he gave me personal tour of his hangar and surroundings. Met several VAF guys and left 2 pm. Those who are thinking of SV get one.
Relaxing at Triple Tree

Fishing with Nate while the girls are up in Greenville until 2:00.
We will try to see you guys after the front goes through or at BBQ/Shrimp dinner tonight. Just met DAGO on the golf cart. Enjoyed the conversation as always. Lots of planes going in and out now.


It was overcast at 500ft when I made the no-go decision at 0930 this morning. By the time I got back to the house it was clearing and looked like I should have waited a little longer before deciding not to go. Maybe next year...
It was overcast at 500ft when I made the no-go decision at 0930 this morning. By the time I got back to the house it was clearing and looked like I should have waited a little longer before deciding not to go. Maybe next year...

I made no-go call yesterday when the forecast was for a 70% chance of rain and T-storms at TT today.

Great event, hope to go next year.
We waited until 10:30 am to leave IPJ for SC00. Flew with atip-up 172 and -4 at 100 knots.. mye CHTs were around 264 and they did not like it
Landed at 11:30 visited with some friends and left at 1:30, about 15 minutes behind the 172. I went by them doing 170 knots+ and did a big roll after I was out front and kept on going. :)

Bummer we couldn't stay longer but that front was moving in.
Rained about 15 minutes, right on schedule around 4:30 in the afternoon. We did think we were going to get hammered harder but the skies parted and the Dark Stuff went by on both sides.

So we went to the runway for the low pass by a DC-3, then to the Big Hangar and ate boiled shrimp, and chopped pork BBQ, and BBQ chicken, and cole slaw and beans and cookies.....then we retired to the Party Parachute for Dewars and 10 kinds of beer.....followed by a 60F camp night and a morning so blue........

Sorry you couldn't make it ;)
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Thanks for rubbing it in Dan....the day wasn't a total loss for me though. I helped a friend hang an engine on his RV10 project and got some more work done on my Hatz turtle deck. I wish I would have been more flexible Sat. morning and been able to join you guys under the tent!
It was very nice meeting you guys and gals. I watched Brian & Brandi's takeoff, very cool climbout at altitude, then back over the field on their way home to the West til they were out of site. Could not miss Dan's party parachute. The two brewskies really hit the spot Dan. Darlene met a little red head from Alabama that is also crazy about quilting, crocheting and knitting. The nice thing about the wife bringing back a bag of wool yarn from Greenville was that it only weighs 1-2 Lbs. We saw a very LOOONNNG takeoff with one guy today around noon ...the engine was in the rear. When he reached the top of the hill I was getting worried. The runway was a little mushy still at our 1:00 PM departure. We, like all of the RV's were off in a hurry even at gross wt. Gotta love those RV's. Back home now and the family really enjoyed the food, fellowship, hospitality and the COOL nights in the tent. We spent 2.0 going back over the Blue Ridge Mts. at 10,500' over a sct-broken-sct layer around 6k with a 20-25 kt HW. Mostly smooth all the way. ATC great as always. See you guys next month at TN44, RV Nation Fly-In.
I've been there on Friday. Kind of landed :D famous parking almost empty.


Met Pat Hartness the owner and he gave me personal tour of his empire.

Air Force tower fully restored.


This machine makes runway smooth.


I asked if I need to remove my shoes to enter the hangar he said no just wash the grass off.

Pat's toys.




I left afternoon when the ceiling lifted up. Lot's of planes were coming in. Cool place a lot of improvements coming up...

Thanks for rubbing it in.....

Might be pulling your leg a little. Everything I said was true, but we were, umm, more than just a little damp in my old cheap tent last night. When it did rain, it rained hard, and at one point Mr. Hartness was herding folks into the hangar and rigging for a Level 5 storm which just missed the field.

But the DC3 pass made it worthwhile.
OK, photos in from one of our gang this AM.

Like I said, it did rain some:


But most of the time it was like camping on a fairway at the club:


For next year you should know about steak night, usually Friday......cook your own on the community grille:

It was dry in the camper! Beautiful place and good to see some good people. Had a great time. Flight back westbound on Sunday was cool, crisp, and wonderful.