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Triple Tree '23


Well Known Member
Anyone planning to fly-in/camp at Triple Tree (SC00) for the Triple Tree Fly-In in a few weeks? I'm hoping to go as a first-timer. I've flown into OSH for EAA one time, so hopefully the inbound won't be too problematic. I'm planning to go on Friday morning (9/22) and stay until Sat afternoon. My 8-yr old grandson who lives 15 minutes away from SC00 will be joining me Friday afternoon after school and we'll tent camp by the airplane overnight. Love to meet up with any VAF'ers that will be there. Also I'd love any tips from others that have been to this event in the past.
Follow the NOTAM approach

I have been numerous times, and its a fantastic venue and large ordeal. Read, understand and follow the NOTAM and it will work perfectly. The runway is huge, and if landing RWY 3 its uphill and a piece of cake. They have a displaced threshold this year I believe, but the controller will call the spot to land anyway. If landing 21, its all downhill and don't carry any extra speed, as you will end up floating a bit. typical of OSH/SNF, get in the Conga line and space accordingly, plan for a flagman to wave you off into parking. It will be the nicest turf runway you have ever landed on!
Anyone planning to fly-in/camp at Triple Tree (SC00) for the Triple Tree Fly-In in a few weeks? I'm hoping to go as a first-timer. I've flown into OSH for EAA one time, so hopefully the inbound won't be too problematic. I'm planning to go on Friday morning (9/22) and stay until Sat afternoon. My 8-yr old grandson who lives 15 minutes away from SC00 will be joining me Friday afternoon after school and we'll tent camp by the airplane overnight. Love to meet up with any VAF'ers that will be there. Also I'd love any tips from others that have been to this event in the past.

Just depends on what hurricane season looks like. Last year was great. Enjoyed the early fall temps.

As fixnflyguy said, just follow the NOTAM. The actual runway is much harder to see until you get right up on it, but if you aim for the lakes you are going be ok. It is a breeze compared to OSH or SnF. Just be ready for the low passes, not everyone is landing.

Jumping on my soapbox.... If the wind is calm, be mindful of using smoke. A few aircraft used smoke to announce their takeoff roll. Basically shut down the stream of departures until it cleared.
Flew in a few times and from my experience no one uses the procedure so expect planes coming in from all altitudes and directions. Be prepared for the worse and if they follow the procedure, easy, just fall in line.

Ok, I flew in on Thursday or Friday arrival around lunch time four times over the years and followed the NOTAM and each time there were planes entering from the east, west and north and one or two smoking a low pass down the runway with none appearing on the ADS-B for the NOTAM path. Most communicating, visible and safe but not following the Wally World pathway. From discussions it appears these must have been folks joy riding and not arrivals so it may not be representative. Always enjoyed the experience there (it is first rate) but wondered why have a NOTAM if not followed. Obviously at other times by other's experience it is respected.
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Just a note from a veteran Triple Tree'er. The statement that "no one uses the procedure" could not be more incorrect. By far, the majority do exactly as the procedure specifies. There are those, from time to time, that have either never read the procedure or decide to go it on their own. They are the exception not the rule.
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I would agree that most follow the NOTAM. I’ve gone every year since they have started it, and all but once I have witnessed folks following NOTAM. I will say that there are some that leave to go fly out during the day, and come back without following the entire route. I’ve done that myself but usually that happens when the arrivals are few and far between.

As DanH stated, the place is first class when it comes to a fly-in. From the beautiful grounds to the bathrooms… they do a great job. As long as the weather is good, you will have a fantastic time. Just FYI, it’s not like OSH or SunNFun… there are no vendors, just a lot great people and fellow aviators.
SC00 opinions from a somewhat "local"

Anyone planning to fly-in/camp at Triple Tree (SC00) for the Triple Tree Fly-In in a few weeks? I'm hoping to go as a first-timer. I've flown into OSH for EAA one time, so hopefully the inbound won't be too problematic. I'm planning to go on Friday morning (9/22) and stay until Sat afternoon. My 8-yr old grandson who lives 15 minutes away from SC00 will be joining me Friday afternoon after school and we'll tent camp by the airplane overnight. Love to meet up with any VAF'ers that will be there. Also I'd love any tips from others that have been to this event in the past.

Disclaimer: I was part of some of the original planning sessions on this YEARS ago and know and am friends with the person who basically "built it". He won't take any credit but he funded it **AND** drove the caterpillars to make it work with the help of MANY volunteers. It is now a wonderful endeavor that have MANY top notch aviation events throughout the year. This is one of the largest ones.

With that in mind, here is my OPINION.

This has to be one of the BEST aviation fly to places you can find. It is at least 7000 feet of some of the best turf you will find. It is 7000 feet long "because there was a river in the way". It has a river, a lake, (long enough for amphibs), a pond, and a stream. Many trees where you can park you plane and set up a tent (along the river). Really nice shower and bathroom facilities.

I encouraged the management of EAA to visit this to see what I was talking about when I was on the Board pushing for the pavilion. THIS was the model I had hoped we would follow.

As mentioned, just follow the procedure. It is NOT too difficult. MUCH easier than OSH or SnF.

The arrival procedure has you approaching the first visual waypoint of a Walmart Distribution Center ("Wally World") from the west. It now has a database entry of "VPWLW".

From there you go to the town of Enoree, visual waypoint of "VPENO".

At that waypoint you basically make a roughly 90 degree left turn to SC00, the airport.

Now, my Garmin GTN650 does NOT show SC00, so be aware. BUT(!!!!) my EFIS does, and as soon as you make the turn as specified in the procedure, you look for the LAKE and just to the left of it a clump of trees with a tower sticking up through it. You are about to cross midfield in a minute or two!

If you are landing on RWY03 you will feel VERY CLOSE to some trees. Don't worry about trying to land at the end of the runway (the river is right below where the trees stop). Go to the "marker" that you will see and that the "advisors" will mention on the radio. Remember, you will STILL have over 5000 feet UPHILL to roll out. People land Caravans and Jets there!

If you don't have a GPS with SC00, VPWLW, nor VPENO in it, find your way to Laurens County airport (KLUX) and head north. You will IMMEDIATELY see "Wally World". Follow the HEADINGS mentioned in the procedure from there.

Every now and then someone will arrive without having read the procedure (as is the case with OSH and SnF as well). But if you are in line, the line will often times wake them up and cause them to amend their ways.

One downside with great weather, the PRIME airplane camping spots (trees along the river), get taken very soon in the week. :)

Please follow the departure procedures as published. Although this is not a towered airport, it is NOT the place to show off your flying skills with low flybys and high angles of attack and high bank angles on departure.

I would not be surprised to discover that there is someone watching as there is a concern about risk as well as about being a "good neighbor".

There have been a few cases where people pushed too far out of the envelope.

For those that have camped there, how is the camping experience?

Generally great. Last year it got pretty dry and the number of golf carts /cars really stirred up the dust. Try to camp far enough away from the non flying RVs.
the TTA arrival procedure

This is my personal experience and opinion.

I am local to SC00 and have flown in to TTA more than a few times in the past 25 years.

The whole Wally World arrival, to Enoree turn point, and then direct SC00 works well. Read, study, and follow the procedure.

My difficulty is finding the Enoree turn point, two bridges crossing the river, page 6 of the Advisory Notice. The 'Red Roof', page 5, is difficult to pick out from even a couple of miles out especially if it is hazy - plus lots of trees. When approaching from the West along the train track/road path the bridges turn point is not easy to see until you are very close to it - or overhead. For me it comes up quickly. I watch for the river and if you are following the RR/road track you are likely to be at or very close to the bridges when you see or are crossing the river.

It's a very friendly and enjoyable fly-in occasion.
Second time….

I plan on going again, last year was my first time. The plane camping was nice, the grounds were mowed and landscaped everywhere you looked. The shower and restroom facilities were great. The evening dinners were very good. It’s a great simple fly-in camping trip. Not like Oshkosh, other than being aviation oriented, it’s much more relaxed. Everyone working there was incredibly friendly and helpful. Hope the weather holds out.
Generally great. Last year it got pretty dry and the number of golf carts /cars really stirred up the dust. Try to camp far enough away from the non flying RVs.

We recently had a South Carolina Breakfast Club "fly-in" there. (Held every two weeks somewhere in the state). The place was in very good shape and with the recent rain (Can you say "Idalia"?), it is likely to be rather nice.
Thanks for all the great replies. Very helpful and I'm looking forward to it and hoping the weather holds out and I get a chance to meet some of you in person that have been so helpful. I actually took the opportunity this past Friday to fly over (it's only a 40 min flight for me) and fly the Wally World arrival just to be familiar with the sight picture. The airport was very easy to find and from 1,000' AGL looked to be in beautiful shape. I didn't land, just crossed at midfield and then went on my way.

The trees don't scare me too much as my home airport is a 2,700' grass strip fly-in/live-in community and has the same kind of trees at the west end (there's a lake at the east end), so landing to the east, you just have to drop in in once you pass the trees.

Couldn't find it on Foreflight.

Note, their Notam has 2 dead links under Advisories....
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Triple Tree

Here's the abbreviated procedure.


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Please follow the departure procedures as published. Although this is not a towered airport, it is NOT the place to show off your flying skills with low flybys and high angles of attack and high bank angles on departure.

I would not be surprised to discover that there is someone watching as there is a concern about risk as well as about being a "good neighbor".

There have been a few cases where people pushed too far out of the envelope.

"Crowds have killed more pilots than fuel starvation" -- Bruce Bohannon
Arriving SC100 and parking

I’ll be arriving Thursday and leaving Sunday and not camping. The advisory gives me 3 options, Day only parking, Camping (Overnight camping) and Display area, vender, etc. So I don’t gum up the frequency and confuse the ground staff anyone know where overnight parking but not camping should proceed? There’s a note at the bottom of the page that say “Day means just that, only here for the day.” Thanks.
Just write "Day Only/GAP" on a 8x10 sheet of paper and hold it up when you turn off the runway. They'll also ask you on ground freq. (123.9) From there, just follow the Follow Me golfcart and ground staff to parking. It's really, really simple. You're going to have a great time.
Thanks, should be fun !1

Just write "Day Only/GAP" on a 8x10 sheet of paper and hold it up when you turn off the runway. They'll also ask you on ground freq. (123.9) From there, just follow the Follow Me golfcart and ground staff to parking. It's really, really simple. You're going to have a great time.

Appreciate the input
Just write "Day Only/GAP" on a 8x10 sheet of paper and hold it up when you turn off the runway. They'll also ask you on ground freq. (123.9) From there, just follow the Follow Me golfcart and ground staff to parking. It's really, really simple. You're going to have a great time.

Just to add on. The is a very laid back fly in and the volunteers go above and beyond to keep it great. Don’t worry about clogging up the ground frequency. It isn’t that busy normally more of a conversation as you taxi of the runway then just follow the cart infront of you.
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First RV at Triple Tree [WHY don't my photos show???]

I flew in to Triple Tree (SC00) Monday morning to help my friend Scott, set up the Road RV (Camper) at the top of the hill (near the big food sessions in the evenings) and to scout out the best place to put the RV6 (and a tent) for hanging out in the shade during midday.

Temporarily parked in the general area.


Since I wanted to be able to go back and forth to home base (KCUB), I wanted easy runway access. Lucked out and later got a nice spot near a little oak tree for shade!

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Very nice! Your pics below, scaled down (the originals were too large.)

(From your original links I deleted the "-s-no?authuser=0", and rescaled down to "w907-h680" from "w1571-h1178" and maintained the same AR.)


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I *thought* for sure that I had followed the instructions. I knew that I might want to scale down once I got a chance to see them as the resolution was rather high.
Triple Tree Aerodrome strafing run

I was first drawn to the flawless paint and the perfectly fit fairings. But then I saw the heavy armament and knew we were in for it https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApsOqxQaP7rigeR2abjLpwzk5WDmTA?e=zaE7KZ

DanH RV8 Triple Tree.jpg

My first visit to TTA was well worth the trip from DPA in the underpowered version of a certain certificated composite aircraft very similar in looks to my unfinished -10. The travel experience increased both my desire to work less and my motivation to build more.

What I didn't understand about the TT fly-in is that all I had to do was eat, relax, shoot the breeze, eat, look at airplanes, eat, watch Saturday football in the AOPA tent, eat, sleep, and watch airplanes come and go. No pressure, lots of shade, couples, families, cool and interesting young pilots, almost enough dogs, one parrot, two rumored monkeys, more airplanes.

Re: the arrival, I flew the procedure and missed the aerodrome completely, but the tower called and turned me back onto downwind. It comes up pretty quickly after Enoree. The VFR waypoints were in the 430W.
Tom, I agree. This was my first Triple Tree fly-in even though I only live a 40 minute flight away. What the heck took me so long. It was a beautiful and relaxing weekend filled with all the best things in life. Definitely on my do-again list.

I was first drawn to the flawless paint and the perfectly fit fairings. But then I saw the heavy armament and knew we were in for it https://1drv.ms/v/s!ApsOqxQaP7rigeR2abjLpwzk5WDmTA?e=zaE7KZ

View attachment 50229

My first visit to TTA was well worth the trip from DPA in the underpowered version of a certain certificated composite aircraft very similar in looks to my unfinished -10. The travel experience increased both my desire to work less and my motivation to build more.

What I didn't understand about the TT fly-in is that all I had to do was eat, relax, shoot the breeze, eat, look at airplanes, eat, watch Saturday football in the AOPA tent, eat, sleep, and watch airplanes come and go. No pressure, lots of shade, couples, families, cool and interesting young pilots, almost enough dogs, one parrot, two rumored monkeys, more airplanes.

Re: the arrival, I flew the procedure and missed the aerodrome completely, but the tower called and turned me back onto downwind. It comes up pretty quickly after Enoree. The VFR waypoints were in the 430W.