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Trip report of my first RV (MI to CA)


Well Known Member
Warning: The below write up is long and an attempt to share my flight experience with you all. I am very sure I won?t come close to describing my emotions or everything that occured but ???.

Originally I planned on flying to Detroit, MI on Dec 10th. After looking hard at the weather I decided that it would be better to leave one day earlier due to a front that extended from the North to the South of the U.S on Saturday. I tried to change my airline ticket however, it was more expensive to change my ticket than it would have been to buy a new one, so that is what I did (figure that one out). I left Inyokern, CA and travelled to Detroit on Dec 9th. The weather was already bad in that area. I had a layover in Chicago and the snow started falling. We were deiced and departed to Detroit. The previous owner picked me up and we drove to Wolflake airport (26W). A very nice private air strip.

Mike, the previous owner, and his family welcomed me to their beautiful home. They allowed me to stay in their home so I could depart early in the morning if weather allowed. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating and I had to wait longer than I planned. The ceilings and Vis were low. Mike left to work and an hour later so did his wife. I was alone in Mike?s home and hangar. RV people are awesome. He did not know me, nor did he need to be that kind. Finally I got my courage up and decided to take off. Below are a few pics of mike?s home, the airplane and route. Side note: As I was getting dressed in the morning, I put a pair of socks on. One had a hole on the toe and I remember thinking, man this would be embarrassing if TSA was going to search me but I have my own plane now, no need for that pain.







As I took off from the unfamiliar strip, with unfamiliar white precipitation on the ground, with an unfamiliar aircraft and less than unrestricted Vis, my belly was going crazy (Ok, so I live in CA, the weather is nice here). Butterflies because of all the previous mentioned stuff and the fact that it was my first flying RV that I owned (well just half) and I had a 1700 nm trip ahead of me. The original plan was to travel from 26W to KGLY (Clinton Memorial) and stop in F82 (Town and Country) to stay the night and visit my family. I did land in KGLY after a 3.9 hour flight. Now to attempt my first landing?.. I will admit that I was way behind the aircraft. Speed control around the pattern was difficult and the addition of an unfamiliar cockpit was not helping. I did sit down for about a week with pictures of the cockpit and went through numerous scenarios (normal and emergency ops) in order to reduce risk. Once I was on short final, I pulled the throttle. The plane did not want to come down. Every time I pull on the stick, I climbed. Finally got it on the ground and logged 3 touch and goes. Filled her up and sat down for a few minutes to replan my route for the day. Unfortunately I did not have enough day-light to make it to Lubbock, TX. No need to fly at night with an unfamiliar aircraft. So I decided to fly to KTCC (Ponca City, OK) and stay the night. Pic after my first landing, the plane survived!!!


Took off and headed to Ponca. I landed there right before sunset. I put her in the hangar because the next day?s forecast was for winds from 15 to 20 kts. Well turns out the winds were 35 gust to 40 for the majority of the day. I made the decision to wait until 1500 for the Go/NoGo. 1500 came around and I cancelled the plans to travel to TX. I felt like a wimp after I saw a little LSA land and then take off after he had lunch. But the decision was final. I told my wife prior to my departure that I would not be taking any unnecessary risk during my flight. I ended up hanging out all day at the FBO and at the local airport restaurant. The people there were awesome and very nice to me. If you want a place to eat good Mexican food and good FBO services, give them a try. Some pics at Ponca below.



The next day I got up at 0500 and got the plane ready. Took off right at civil twilight and headed to CA. I needed to meet Dayton at St. John’s industrial park (KSJN). I made a quick fuel stop at Tucumcari (KTCC) and departed to KSJN. Pics below






About 30 nm out from KSJN I called for a full stop. At 20 nm I hear Dayton calling a flight of 2. What!?!? Two aircraft to meet up with me and escort me back to CA. I only expected one. That is too cool. I entered the pattern and the flight of two joined right behind me. Could not have planned it any better than that. By this time my landings were getting better but I was still flaring too high. Prior to my departure from CA, I had been telling people that I was going to take one of the blow-up aliens and put it on my back seat. Well, I was not able to get one prior to my departure from CA but luckily enough they had one at the FBO. After a very persuasive conversation with the FBO’s boss, I gave them a $5 and took possession of a purple alien. Strapped the alien in and took off to CA. I was told that the slowest plane leads so…. I was it. The flight was a pleasure. Smooth all the way home. An RV-4 on my Right wing and a Lancair on my left. At one point we had an SR-22 cross right under us. Then I hear on center, “center NXXXX (SR-22), that is a huge RV, no factor, they look very good up there”. By the time I got handed off to the last controlling agency I was an RV-8 flight of one. Don’t know what happen. Pics below.





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We finally made it to CA. I did a low approach and did a quick wings wave at my wife and partner. We came into the pattern and made a full stop. My landing was the best one yet. As I was taxing to my hangar I saw about 10 people and 2 dogs. My wife was jumping and clapping and full of excitement. My friends had cameras out. My partner had an RV grin and he has not even flown in one. After I shut down, I took a second to say thanks to the one above and finally decompress. I was exhausted and I cannot even begin to explain the overwhelming feelings so I won’t try (turns out the alien in my back seat was tired too). I was very happy to see my wife and friends. They were very happy to see me. My wife loves the plane. She calls her Faster-Faster. Because our 140 was so slow. We will see if my partner agrees to that name. We had meatball sandwiches waiting for us so we sat down, ate and relaxed a bit. Pics below.









I would like to say thank you to Dayton and his buds (can’t remember their names, too much going on) for flying back with me (dayton, please post their info and pics of the Lancair). They will never know how much that meant to me. RV people (and Lancair now) never ceases to amaze me. Mike and his family did not have to be that nice neither did the guys that escorted me back to CA. I have not totaled the numbers yet but in 2 days I flew approximately 1730 nm and logged approximately 13 flight hours. The plane behaved well, had a few minor issues one caused by the operator but all in all it was an awesome experience. The trip has definitely given me motivation to keep working on my RV. It is time to start paying my wife with all those trips I have been promising her while she has waited patiently.

Some things I did not expect:
XM weather is AWESOME. I was able to plan way ahead with the near real time information.
I was planning entry into the pattern and calling the landing airport over 30 nm out due to the airspeeds.
Slowing this thing down in the pattern takes some planning.
The IPAD has great potential to aid aircrew with flight planning, flight duties, etc..
Auto pilot was my best friend while learning the aircraft. I was a “nay sayer” before, no longer one. Dilemma is getting auto pilot for sure.
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1st RV X-C

Great write-up Axel. Thanks for sharing your experience and tales of others' generosity. Hope you and your wife get to enjoy many excellent trips! Bill
Nice bunch of pics and write up. I can't wait to make some trips, Stories like this are excellent boosters.

Congrats and nice write up. Great to have supportive friends and a good wife. Glad all worked out well. Enjoy the new plane.
Really nice trip write-up Axel. Love the "Area 51" pic!
Wishing you many more trips.
Regards and Seasons greetings!

Way cool! Definitely inspiration to make some cross country trips! I just finished my phase 1 yesterday, so its time to venture out.

Beautiful airplane really like the paint scheme!
Axel, it's official: You have now been 'infected' by the RV bug... sell the project now and FLY the flying RV-4 :D Congrats! Rosie
Great write-up and great looking airplane. I smiled this morning while I read about your excitement. It brought back some memories. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for all the kind words guys.

The previous buildder did a great job building this plane. He is currently building an RV-10.

Axel, it's official: You have now been 'infected' by the RV bug... sell the project now and FLY the flying RV-4 :D Congrats! Rosie

Sorry Rosie, I am finishing the fastback project.
Wonderful write-up Axel - I can see that you practice what you preach about conservative decision making while still getting what you need out of the plane.

The landings will come!

Well I enjoyed it too

At the point where you describe your wife's joyous response to your arrival I could not help chuckling with empathy - that is as good as it gets I think. I recognize the romantic and the need for speed in your past writings in this forum. In the latter interest - MAN! there is a lot of tire showing below the wheel fairings.

Bob Axsom
Dayton's pics

My Buddy Gary Martin and his Lancair 360


Sedona Arizona


Axel in close


The cover shot of Axel at St Johns

What now?


Sure is great to see you in a RV. I commented on your enthusiasm when I first met you at SQI. Hope you continue work on your -4. Is that the plan? You have done a great job and I hope to see it completed and flying. In the meantime, enjoy the air under your butt! Merry Christmas.


Great trip write up and congrats on the new ride! I'm sure the SoCal Wing of the West Coast Ravens will have you briefing and in a 4-ship here real soon....:D
Fly safe...

Great story and one you will have to cherish for many years!

Now get the other -4 finished!
...I have not totaled the numbers yet but in 2 days I flew approximately 1730 nm and logged approximately 13 flight hours...

Averaging 133 knots westbound in the (nearly) wintertime. Not too shabby!:cool:

If you're ever up at KTSP, stop by Hangar 55W on the west end for a visit.
Axels Adventure

Great article & beautiful plane. You will quickly learn that 4s float & slipping is the best way to slow down to land...totally different from a heavier CS -8. BTW, we are making great progress on your old Fastback 8 here in NC & may even make it to Oshkosh...good luck & enjoy. Bill Crothers-Reno Red.:)
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Stopping To See Family

Dear Axel:

Saw your writeup where you said that "The original plan was to travel from 26W to KGLY (Clinton Memorial) and stop in F82 (Town and Country) to stay the night and visit my family. Next time you get to F82 call 806-535-1019 and come visit the Lubbock RV crowd. We probably have over a dozen flying RV's and probably at least 10 more in the works.
I know you are a cautious fellow but 3.9 hours with 32 gallons on board is not the smartest thingt to do with an unfamiliar aircraft. Does it have extra fuel?

Be careful.
MAN! there is a lot of tire showing below the wheel fairings. Bob Axsom

Bob, the previous owner lived in an airpark with a grass runway. That was the first thing I noticed as well. Speed mods are planned in the future as long as it does not interfere much with my other build.

Hope you continue work on your -4. Is that the plan? You have done a great job and I hope to see it completed and flying. In the meantime, enjoy the air under your butt!
The other 4 will be completed. Just needed to go flying. I was going nuts after I sold my other plane. The second xcountry is already set. My wife and I depart in a week to TX. I plan to fly the c-r-a-p out of this plane. Rosie are you listening?

What's with the alien?
What alien? I just wanted something to do. No hidden meaning behind it. I think it was funny and it made a lot of people laugh.

I just figured he wanted to use the car pool lane;)
Mike, actually I wanted to make sure I could use the Victor airway lanes :D

I'm sure the SoCal Wing of the West Coast Ravens will have you briefing and in a 4-ship here real soon....:D
Hope so.

Now get the other -4 finished!
I will. I have had some people interested on my fastback but is not for sale.

Averaging 133 knots westbound in the (nearly) wintertime. Not too shabby!:cool: If you're ever up at KTSP, stop by Hangar 55W on the west end for a visit.
I think that airspeed is suspect. Dayton was showing 140 kts IAS as he flew next to me. My TAS was indicating 151kts and our ground speed was 161 kts. I need to do a few more comparison runs.

May take you up on the visit. I am thinking of going to Mojave this weekend for the open house.

BTW, we are making great progress on your old Fastback 8 here in NC & may even make it to Oshkosh
I have regret selling that project. But life goes on. Can't wait to see it.

Next time you get to F82 call 806-535-1019 and come visit the Lubbock RV crowd.
Will do. Plan on heading back out there next week.

I know you are a cautious fellow but 3.9 hours with 32 gallons on board is not the smartest thing to do with an unfamiliar aircraft. Does it have extra fuel?
This aircraft has aux tanks. http://www.safeair1.com/HWA_RV4.htm I landed with almost an hour reserve of fuel.
Nice write-up Axel... I was the one that met you at St. John's (KSJN) and asked you about the extended tanks... I'm based there at SJN and see lots of RV's that come in for our (low price) fuel... Glad your trip was a good one for you.. Hope to see you around in the future...
Sheldon RV6A
Nice write-up Axel... I was the one that met you at St. John's (KSJN) and asked you about the extended tanks... I'm based there at SJN and see lots of RV's that come in for our (low price) fuel... Glad your trip was a good one for you.. Hope to see you around in the future...
Sheldon RV6A

I am sure we will see each other again. SJN is exactly half way between here and Lubbok, TX. By the way I picked up the alien in SJN. If you remember, can you show the picstures to the FBO lady? BTW, I attached a picture of your plane.

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