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Trip Info


I am wondering, as the spring / summer weather flying season begins to come into sight, if some in here maybe willing and interested in adding to this forum or a new one that has info posted about trip route planning, best fuel stops, friendliest recommended stops along thier route for others that may follow or at least give us a sense of what others have seen or experienced along the way, good and bad. Flying up and down the west coast or across the US from Oregon to Oshkosh or whatever you have done. What route did you choose,? what fuel stops did you make ? good or bad, what would you do again and what would you do different ? Travel planning is always a fun part of the trip, for most of us, but its hard to know what we don't know about a route we have not yet flown. So some additional insite I think would be interesting and helpful, and wondering what the general consensus is out there. For me I am planning a couple of trips in the near future, one from Oregon into the Pheonix area, and another from Oregon into the Souther Cal area. neither of these I have flown into before and so I have a plan, but is it the one I would take if I had flown this area before like some of you have, knowing what you know now. So I would like to see and find if interesting to read those kind of trip info reports along with the existing ones with pictures and what a good time was had, of course not to take anything away from the ones that are currently being posted. But this is a way to help some of our fellow RV types get out and use thier planes more and go places they maynot have gone. Just an idea to see if there is any interest out there..
My trip write up might shed a bit of light on your specific plan to Phoenix.

I DO NOT recommend landing at Sky Harbor as there are more suitable airports for the RV. I will admit the accomodations at Sky harbor were very nice though!!.

Typically, weather will dictate your route for longer trips. I think I planned for 3.5 hour legs. I plan for 140kts but usually see 150kts without a wind penalty.

Hey tkatc and Mike, thanks for the reply, and tkatc, that is a great trip write up and I love your honesty about being scared with some of the firsts you went through. What time of the year was that you made your trip out here ? and your insite is very helpful in thinking through my trips into new and very busy airspace, I have done a fair number of longer cross country trips and it always seems to raise that thought in the back of my mind of "What Don't I know about that I should" before making this trip. So my idea here would be to have people post a trip they are thinking of making like KRDM to KCHD like mine and just ask if anyone has made this trip or maybe live in the Phoenix or Chandler area with insite as to what to look for, best fuel stops, best FBO and service, places to see or stay ect. just to both help in the plan but to also make it more fun and hopefully more enlightning to make the trip. I suspect there are some that would make more trips like this if it were not for the intimidating unknown factor. So thats the idea if anyone feels the same. Mike I have not tried the RV hotels as yet, althought I think my wife and I are on the list for anyone flying through the RDM area, so thanks for that suggestion and I may well check into that option just to meet more RV drivers.. Thanks again to both of you for your input..
Tod / N359HW
I second the idea of looking through other's trip reports. They are a great source of ideas for good places to visit or fly over. Pilot Getaways magazine is also a good source for interesting places to fly to. I'm a history buff so I like flying over historical sites, areas and trails. Also rivers, coasts & canyons. The West is where its at.

After I develop a list of the places I want to see along the way, I start planning my actual route and timeline. I use AirNav.com extensively to plan which airports I'll stop at. I'm looking for the least expensive fuel, on-field restaurants, courtesy cars, friendly FBOs. The comments are most helpful. But recognize that the info may not always be up to date. Sometimes you may need to stop at an airport you know nothing about. But even then, you may have the AOPA directory in your GPS which may have useful info on the airport.

As you say, planning is half the fun. The RV is actually a little harder to plan for because it can cover so much ground. But you can see more than a slower plane in the same amount of time.

The long cross-countries are always an adventure. You never know about the weather so you have to be flexible. I have the onboard XM Satellite weather for my 496 GPS. It is invaluable for long cross-countries; worth every penny. I use SPOT also -- the wife loves knowing where I'm at, family and friends can follow my journey, and there is the breadcrumb trail in case of a forced landing. I use Weathermeister.com for my pre-flight weather.

Here are trip reports on some of my long-cross countries:
Oregon Trail
Lewis & Clark
Santa Fe Trail

... Bill
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In the same boat or "plane" as you.

I have only made short trips so far, learning the plane and getting the family comfortable(sometimes too comfortable, the all fall asleep...yes I checked the CO detector). We are slowly gathering file folders of information for each state/area that we want to visit. As the excellent posts above mentioned...read VAF trip reports(some more detailed than others), do Google searches, register on other forums and talk to pilots that take long trips often. Some pilots will not tell their experiences on the WWW, but will devulge more in person. I have learned alot by just asking. None of us are perfect pilots, so we all have some stories to share. Just look at the "close calls/lessons learned" section of any forum and you will not see many posts. One of the most important things to have is on-board wx. I am looking forward to some longer trips this summer too. Have fun and be careful.
If you have issues with techniques (ATC flight following, control towers, etc), trip planning, etc, spend an hour with a competent instructor.

Another good option for info is


Never, ever be afraid to abort a trip, spend a night or so at a non-planned destination, or make precautionary landings. No obligation is so important that continued flight results in your death.

It appears that some may have misunderstood my idea, although I sure appreciate all taking time to respond, its not that I have an issue with doing my own flight planning, I have over 1000 hours of flight time, which is not huge for many of you, but in that time have figured out flight planning basics, weather ect. and have made a number of lengthy cross country flights. I am more interested in getting input that locals in the area I am flying into that fly the area all the time, or pilots that have flown the same route, may have some, do see this, or don't do this, kind of input in an area, or someone that has made the same or similar trip to that area would have some experience that they wanted to weigh in with good or bad experience that could be helpful. This kind of thing I have not seen in the normal write ups here although they have been good, they for the most part have lacked this kind of thing. I am not talking so much about help with the flight plan itself, although a heads up on some relatively unknown things that maybe only a local would know about would also be helpful to anyone planning a trip. Such things like from here in Oregon, I can fly the eastern route, Reno, to Las Vegas to Phoenix, or the Western route down through the valley of Calif. and cut over. I am sure many of you have done both, and with weather being equal there must be some pros and cons to either route. This is the stuff that I refer to as You don't know what you Don't know and thought some input from others that had gone before may help and make the trip more fun for all.. again just a thought, as I enjoy the planning stage, and considering all the options. For those that may not enjoy the planning stage as much this may not be all that appealing.. Thanks again all that commented..

Tod N359HW
I think that you are over thinking it. Look at possible paths. Is there something you want to see along one path versus another? Are restricted areas too onerous one way. Adequate fueling stops. Make a decision and go.

Go one way there and another going home.
I think that you are over thinking it. Look at possible paths. Is there something you want to see along one path versus another? Are restricted areas too onerous one way. Adequate fueling stops. Make a decision and go.

Go one way there and another going home.

OK Ron, I get it, your not into this idea, thanks for the input.