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Transition trainer contact info needed


Well Known Member
I desperately need to get in contact with Alex DeDominicis regarding pilot training for my insurance policy. I recieved training from him back in March and Falcon Insurance has no information on his training qualifications and will not cover me in the event I have a mishap, even though I gave them $1800. Does someone know how to get in touch with him? We have emailed and called numerous times but no answer.
Alex contacted me this evening. He has suspended his transition training until further notice.
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If you're still looking for someone, I highly recommend Jan Bussell in Okeechobee Fla. My insurance company recognized him but since you are with Falcon, may want to double check with them. Good training and an all around good guy.
If you're still looking for someone, I highly recommend Jan Bussell in Okeechobee Fla. My insurance company recognized him but since you are with Falcon, may want to double check with them. Good training and an all around good guy.

I second that. I did my transition training with Jan just last month. I flew with him in his 6A but he also has a 6 for tailwheel training. I did my BFR as well as transition training in preparation of flying my 9A.
Thanks guys, but I went to Alex back in March and got signed off. We sold our -4 and bought an -8. Used the same insurance company. Then after paying the premium we were told that his name was not in their system as a transition trainer and that we were not fully covered until they had proof he was indeed a CFI and RV transition trainer. I find it hard to believe that a major aircraft insurer in the DFW metroplex has never heard of Alex or no one other than myself has used him along with Falcon Insurance. They basically told me that I am not allowed to fly the plane anymore until this was resolved.
They basically told me that I am not allowed to fly the plane anymore until this was resolved.

You mean they told you you're not insured if you fly it. Call Jen. She can probably underwrite you on the spot. Get your money refunded from Falcon. They can't charge you for insurance you don't have.
Be careful. Many policies are 50% earned at writing so you may only get half your money back.

Even if Alex is not currently doing transition training he was doing it when you got it and he should be able to provide the data.

Hard to tell from the post. Did he transition you in the -4, in your -8, or both?
Hard to tell from the post. Did he transition you in the -4, in your -8, or both?
I flew his RV-7, which qualifies as "type". It is good for all RV's except the -10 and -12 I believe. The difference in my new policy was the wording. The RV-4 required "X" ammount of hours in type and did not mention transition training required. The RV-8 policy states transition training required through approved CFI and no minimum hours. Same underwriter, but different requirements. I did speak to my agent this morning and should have this mess cleared up by this afternoon. Alex contacted his insurance company and they reached out to Falcon to provide the info needed. This may help someone else who is either starting a new policy or switching to another RV that has used Alex in the past for training.
Thanks for the clarification. And for confirming that he's working with you and your insurer as we've come to expect from him.

He's a good guy.