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Tipup gap question

Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I have just started installing the tipup frame and ended up with a 1/8-inch gap between the front skin and the tipup top skin, rather than the recommended 1/32 inch. I think the problem was not getting my hinges as far forward as would be ideal because the Al block spacer between the nylon blocks is slightly too big. In any event, I have been debating whether to get another WD716 canopy frame part and start over, or go on and accept a larger gap. Cosmetically I do not like it, but might be willing to compromise because I don't really want to rebuild the entire thing.

The real question is whether this gap (and the shift of the canopy frame aft by almost 1/8-inch) will cause issues of fitting as I complete the remainder of the canopy? I would appreciate any comments from someone who has completed the rest of the canopy as to whether this might be a problem down the road.

I have just started installing the tipup frame and ended up with a 1/8-inch gap between the front skin and the tipup top skin, rather than the recommended 1/32 inch. I think the problem was not getting my hinges as far forward as would be ideal because the Al block spacer between the nylon blocks is slightly too big. In any event, I have been debating whether to get another WD716 canopy frame part and start over, or go on and accept a larger gap. Cosmetically I do not like it, but might be willing to compromise because I don't really want to rebuild the entire thing.

The real question is whether this gap (and the shift of the canopy frame aft by almost 1/8-inch) will cause issues of fitting as I complete the remainder of the canopy? I would appreciate any comments from someone who has completed the rest of the canopy as to whether this might be a problem down the road.



You might find it works OK. On my RV6 the gap is 1/32 to 1/16 and I have already had trouble with the canopy skin catching the forward skin. See what other have to say.

Jim Sharkey
You might want to wait and see what happens when it's done. I had a fairly tight clearance. First time I raised the canopy with the thing all together, the forward canopy lip caught the skin. This isn't fun. Also, with the struts in place, you may find that it pushes the canopy slightly forward anyway.

Appreciate the advice. I decided to epoxy a piece of 3/8 Al rod in the original hole and redrill it tomorrow. I trimmed off the piece of 1/4 Al bar just in front of the hinge, so it should be able to move forward a bit. Also read some of the archives, and it seems that the real answer to all this is just keep tweaking things until they work - at least I don't feel like I'm the only one who has had problems with the canopy....

Tip up

Don`t panic! You can simply replace the hinge blocks. I really struggled with this and it all changes when it all comes together.