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The VAF News - 6.13.2024. #6105.

RV News That Caught My Eye ….dr

RV7A, Dynon SV-32, Pitch Servo install issue
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From last weekend.
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Velcro’d iPad on Panel
…Mikeyb PIREP
My mission is just yank and bank VFR in LA airspace. In two years it’s been very stable. It’s Velcro‘ed to the panel. The only overheat warning I experienced was parked with it on in the sun. The great thing is even if it failed completely I can connect it to my iPhone instead. if I did it again I’d put an even bigger iPad in the middle and a smaller EFIS on the side.
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Ramp Notes
(…my pocket notebook made from scraps)
I had this $10 stamp made at Office Depot 15 years ago. Every couple of weeks I grab 4 or 5 pieces of junk mail out of the recycling bin and a piece of light cardboard, fold the cardboard around the unopened envelopes, staple at the fold, then cut out a pocket size pad. Takes about 30 seconds. Plenty of surface area to jot down notes on.
My DIY version of ‘Field Notes’, which cost $12. Two pics of the current occupant of my back pocket - cover courtesy a Pop Tart box.
I go through 20+ of these a year.
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PS: Older issues of the ‘VAF News’ can be found at: