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The High School Design Project


Well Known Member
My RV-9A project is leisurely approaching an end, maybe a couple of years from now. I've thought off and on about what paint scheme I'd like. But what's the hurry? However, ordering a Catto prop, Craig mentioned he'd need to know what color I'd like it painted. Oh-oh! Once again, a decision must be made now that I thought I could put off for a while.

Not having art talent myself, I thought it would be interesting to ask some high school kids for ideas. So I contacted Lynette Diem, a Davis High School art teacher, who very kindly let me make a short presentation to her class. I showed pictures of existing RVs, mentioning what I liked and didn't like in their paint designs. I especially noted
  • Polished aluminum with a colorful trim can look nice
  • I like curved, "swoopy" designs over straight lines
  • Something evocative of California would be nice: a sky blue or golden yellow of the state flower
  • Consider something asymmetrical
  • Nothing too complicated, it would be too expensive to do
  • Not too many colors, same reason
These drawings are the result. The students gave me permission to post them here along with their names. If you would like to use a design for inspiration, feel free, and mention the student's name somewhere. If you'd like to contact a student to work more with them, send me a PM, I might be able to do it. The students mostly used pens with a limited color choice, so use your imagination there.

Finally I want to mention the Model Airplane Color Design program. The developer graciously said he would loan copies for free to the students to help their work. As it turned out, most just did their artwork freehand, while one used Photoshop. But MACD is a fine program to help with your own design.

Here are the drawings, in no particular order. Photos were taken with an iPhone and some are a bit out of focus--my bad.

Mara Gervais

Melissa Jurado


Sophia Lu


Christina Messick


(Continued next post)
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High School Design Project (continued)

Earl Breedon




Michelle Higuera


Anna Gong

Sibel Alpdemir

Mandy Zheng

Claire Evans

(continued next post)
High School Design Project (continued)

Christina Puente


Shariki Ratliff


Sean Lee



Grant Rose



(continued next post)
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High School Design Project (continued)

Kim Zhu

Mark Unger

Josh Liu
Raven: Black/White or Black/Polished

Manraj Gill
Mathematical Curve
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Brilliant, Ralph. What a great way to get even more kids involved with aviation. Between ideas like this, Eagles Nest, Young Eagles, Civil Air Patrol, and many similar efforts, this community is busting out with active evangelism improving awareness and acceptance of GA for a whole new generation. I particularly like your creativity in involving students who may never have any other contact with GA, but who will nevertheless remember this project throughout their lives any time they see a small airplane. Kudos to them and to you!


p.s. your story was also nostalgic for me as I did my PP-ASEL ground school at night in a Davis High School classroom in about 1981 or so. I was the same age then as the kids you involved in this project. Good times! (but too long ago!)
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When I thought I had a favorite...

Just when I thought I had a favorite, I would scroll down and see another design that I liked. Although I think Claire Evans design would be the most interesting with the white sections polished aluminum.

This is a great idea. I had several kids ask me what they can do that is aviation related if they don't want to be a pilot, mechanic, or ATC. Painting and paint scheme design hasn't popped in my mind until now.
I grew up in Cameron Park and we used to play Davis HS in football. They were GOOD! What a great idea getting them involved. Like others have said, I too never considered an asymmetrical design, but I am surprised at how good they look.

As a former teacher, I bet the teacher you contacted appreciated the chance to give the students a "real world" design project. It looks like they took it serious and you got some good designs.

Nice work and great idea. I think all of us should consider it with our local high schools. Maybe throw them a pizza party when you go see the results!

* I wish I had one of those Nut Tree cookies I remember from when I was a kid!
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I had mentioned to the kids that they consider asymmetrical designs, and they did pretty good with them. Like you guys are saying, I too was surprised at how well they turned out. I'll probably use one when that time comes.

I had intended to award a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes. But up to an hour before returning to the class to hand back their work I couldn't decide on just 3 "winners". So I gave the teacher some money, and asked her to involve the class to decide what to get for themselves. They decided to get custom class T-shirts with, of course, their own class design ;)

Brief story: I talked with each student for a minute about their design, and offered a plane ride if they wanted using the EAA Young Eagles form. One girl was very interested in airplanes but was surprised that you could just fly planes for fun and hobby...she thought you had to be a professional pilot or nothing. Just goes to show that what we take for granted is not obvious at all to others.

Out of about 20-25 kids in the class, 19 were interested in this and turned in designs. I never thought that many art students would be interested! Once again my preconceptions were wrong.

Not only were the asymmetrical concepts great, but so many of the students have a solid feel for how the design translated onto a three dimensional object. Pretty phenomenal when you consider they are working with just line drawings!

Great concept on so many fronts! Kudos.
Its interesting to have students that may not know what an airplane's paint job should look like do these concepts. I like Sophia Lu's design. Its a little wild, but cool.
Fantastic idea, well done in the follow up as well with the class. Enjoyed reading the write up and I think it's really great that you and the teacher provided some education and fun.
High School Design Project (continued)

Christina Puente



Awesome job by class.
I like Christina's best. Partial to polish and paint, but remember that some pieces are fiberglass.
But as I did you can make them aluminum.

Great job to all. I know stark is watching for new design.:D

A few years ago I had the local Arts College do the same thing for a surplus Ferret( British wheeled tank) that I was buying. They came up with some great ideas, including a pink lady tank, elephant and rhinoceros. Money and creativity can accomplish wonderous things.

Jim Berry
I'm learning to use the paint.net program and relearning the MACD program, checkout Grant Rose's design:

