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Taildragger RV training in South Carolina?


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I do not own an RV yet but I?m planning in a couple of years to be at the point to start searching the market for one.
Meanwhile a good friend offered me the opportunity to fly with him in his RV7 and log PIC, but in order to do that I need Complex (for CS prop) and taildragger endorsement.
Do anybody know if there is a CFI with own airplane that can help me gain those endorsements near Charleston South Carolina?

I do not own an RV yet but I?m planning in a couple of years to be at the point to start searching the market for one.
Meanwhile a good friend offered me the opportunity to fly with him in his RV7 and log PIC, but in order to do that I need Complex (for CS prop) and taildragger endorsement.
Do anybody know if there is a CFI with own airplane that can help me gain those endorsements near Charleston South Carolina?


A tailwheel endorsement or previous logged PIC time in tailwheel aircraft before April 15, 1991 would be required for Solo and maybe Insurance coverage. The Complex endorsement is only required for retractable gear, flaps, and constant speed prop if PIC time not logged prior to August 4, 1997. This is per FAR 61.31.

It is highly recommend to get "Transition Training" when transitioning into a new aircraft. There are a few RV transition pilots on the Right Coast but unfortunately I do not have contact info.
Although there are variations from one FSDO to another, generally speaking, CFIs may not sign off a tailwheel endorsement in an EAB airplane that they provide, for compensation. Go to an FBO or independent cfi and get checked out, including the tailwheel endorsement, in a non-EAB airplane. Then seek 'transition training' in a -7. OTOH if your friend, and his insurance company, will let you use his airplane, without charge, then any qualified cfi will work. If you need to rent (that is, pay for the use) of the cfi's (or anyone for that matter) RV-7 airplane, then the airplane owner must hold a waiver ("letter of deviation authority") allowing them to charge for the use of an EAB airplane. The waiver will normally be limited to transition training only.
There's funny rules about logging PIC when you dont have all the endorsements - not sure of the details, but there are ways to do it IIRC. And there's s CFI at ridgeland with a Decathlon.
I do not own an RV yet but I?m planning in a couple of years to be at the point to start searching the market for one.
Meanwhile a good friend offered me the opportunity to fly with him in his RV7 and log PIC, but in order to do that I need Complex (for CS prop) and taildragger endorsement.
Do anybody know if there is a CFI with own airplane that can help me gain those endorsements near Charleston South Carolina?


Give Wally Moran a call. Wally lives in Summerville and is also an FAA Designee and an accomplished glider pilot. Wally would know who in the area conducts tailwheel training. I sent you a private message with Wally's contact information.
There's funny rules about logging PIC when you dont have all the endorsements - not sure of the details, but there are ways to do it IIRC. And there's s CFI at ridgeland with a Decathlon.

This is correct. Private pilots may log the time as PIC time if you are the sole manipulator of tbe controls of an aircraft for which you are rated (airplane, single engine land). The tailwheel sign off is an endorsement, not a rating. But without the endorsement you may not act as THE PIC. Your friend (or other qualified pilot) would need to be on-board, and be the final authority as to the operation of the aircraft, the person responsible for the safe and legal operation of the aircraft.
Thanks for all the answers I know Wally Moran He was my FAA examiner for my PPL very pleasant person to fly with! I'll call him.